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Survivor Series Commercial

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Hello, just seen a Survivor Series commercial for Direct TV on ESPN. Very Surreal as they had some very weird things air. First of all, they advertised Batista vs. Eddie Guerrero (RIP) for the World Heavyweight Championship, Team Raw led by HBK vs Team Smackdown, led by JBL and the return of the Undertaker. I just thought I would pass this along.

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They've been airing this commercial for some time, actually... odds are, they won't change it, so you'll keep seeing Eddie/Batista for the World title promoted until the PPV ends. This is the same company that shot a Goldberg vs. HHH promo for Bad Blood 2003, then aired it fifteen minutes before the PPV aired (the ME was HHH/Nash, HIAC, of course, with Berg/Y2J on the undercard.)

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They've been airing this commercial for some time, actually... odds are, they won't change it, so you'll keep seeing Eddie/Batista for the World title promoted until the PPV ends.  This is the same company that shot a Goldberg vs. HHH promo for Bad Blood 2003, then aired it fifteen minutes before the PPV aired (the ME was HHH/Nash, HIAC, of course, with Berg/Y2J on the undercard.)

Yeah, but no one died for BB2003 card while someone did die here.


They will pull it.

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They just aired that Survivor Series commercial here promoting Batista vs. Eddie on Tuesday night. Someone really needs to get that fixed.

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