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I'd like for him to use, at least for a short time, one of the themes he shared with Eddie, like the LWO theme or Lie, Cheat, and Steal

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Re: accent

Eddie was wrestling for over a decade in Mexico before breaking big in the States, so he spent most of his time going between El Paso, TX and Mexico. Mexican family, Mexico's his primary workplace...he's going to have a thicker Mexican accent. Chavo, I do believe, only worked a few years in Mexico despite being of the same family (IIRC, he was only wrestling for 3 or 4 years, if even, when he broke into WCW in 1998), so it makes sense for Chavo to have less of an accent than Eddie did.


Actually, Eddie pretty much had no accent at all... he just used one in WWE for his "gimmick". He was worried about not getting over in Mexico because his Spanish didn't have a Mexican accent.

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Thank god they did the right thing here with Chavo.


Now push him to the moon. And have him use the old version of the Los Guerrero theme with both of them in it.


"Yo, it's Chavo. It's Eddie. Are you ready? Go!"

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Guest Chrisly_2005
Well what's gonna happen to Nick Nemeth now?


He will probably go back to OVW. At least when he comes back he will have a much better chance to get a gimmick that may work for him.

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6th Man?


I didn't know RRR got all his ideas from horrible wayans movies.

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It will be interesting to see what they do with him now. He's going to be getting sympathy pops for a while but what happens after they end?


I'd love for him to get the WELL DESERVED push to at least US title status, I really hope he does, but I get the feeling the majority of fans would view it as just that... a sympathy push, and not view him as a credible challenger.


Also, I don't think they should give him the Lie, Cheat, Steal gimmick. It may be a nice tribute to Eddie but there's no way he or anyone else could ever pull it off nearly as well as Eddie did.

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A push to the US/IC title level is fine with me. The way some people here sound, it's like they're calling for Chavo to be the next undisputed champion, with Eddie's gimmick to boot.

Well Chavo is better than Cena and Orton in almost every possible aspect of sports entertainment........but without the middle school girl fanbase.

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I'm not the one who said that, he's obviously not main event material right now. Now months from now, or a couple of years, I can't said and neither can anyone else here. I've seen people go from "not being main event material" to all of a sudden having a career surge, either set off by the powers that be or a personal change in their own life, and they did make it to the top.


He's not there now, he wont be next week, he wont be next month, but it wouldn't surprise me to see him there way down the road. He's a great wrestler when he wants to be and when people let him actually work, I've always thought he as entertaining on the mic, and he's had a cool look to him since WCW.


If nothing else, he could be a hell of an IC champion. All he needs is a few gimmick changes, personality changes, and overall character changes. The fans will be behind him, he just needs an actual push.

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Now if he was built up nicely for as long as you say, DH, then yes I can see Chavo being a main event material player. As far as now is concerned, which is what most people in this thread is talking about, no. The most he should go at this point is the IC/US title level. If he has a good run with that belt, to the point people can buy his ascension to the next level, then so be it.

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All he's got to do is go out there and cut a promo how he regrets being Kerwin White and he's Chavo Guerrero, through and through and that he's going to live on with Eddie's legacy for the rest of his career as well as the Guerrero family. And Flair with the IC title is just waiting to get someone a big push by beating him, (and he'll obviously job clean because he's Ric Flair...he lost to RICO clean) so Chavo would be perfect. And he's already got the crowd way behind him. And the majority of the fans know he's worthy of being an upper midcarder anyways. Have him use the Three Amigos, the Lie/Cheat/Steal motto, the Frog Splash as a finisher (and obviously still use the Gory special). Have him use Eddie and his old Los Guerreros theme, too.


They can make it not a sympathy push, but rather a tribute and to Chavo who deserves it. Could Chavo eventually develop into a main eventer? There's no way of telling that. He might not, but there's no reason to think it's not possible. But he's definately worth of beating Ric Flair for the Intercontential Title and getting a babyface push on RAW and getting involved in some programs instead of jerking around on Sunday Night Heat.


I don't think they should do this over a few days, but I think they should build it up for a few weeks and maybe wait til a RAW in early December, or at least after Survivor Series, to do it.


I don't see Chavo Guerrero as World Champion next week. That would be a sympathy push. I definately see him wrestling in a bigger position on RAW and becoming IC champion. That's not a sympathy push, but something he deserves. And that's something people said even before Eddie died.


And even though I never was able to meet Mr. Guerrero or know him as a person and what his true beliefs and feelings were, but I'm going to make an assumption and say that if he wanted anyone to benefit in the wrestling business from his death, it would probably be Chavo.

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Now if he was built up nicely for as long as you say, DH, then yes I can see Chavo being a main event material player. As far as now is concerned, which is what most people in this thread is talking about, no. The most he should go at this point is the IC/US title level. If he has a good run with that belt, to the point people can buy his ascension to the next level, then so be it.


Then on that point we agree. Even I can sit here and say that I think that anyone who says he should be a main eventer, RIGHT NOW, is indeed just jumping the gun just because of Eddie's death. The fans will be on his side at the very start of the push, so they don't need to worry about that (of course, to a point fans have always seemed to enjoy Chavo). He will not need to worry about being over, especially right now. Then all they need to do is get him on TV, have him win a few matches with no feud involved really starting out with the lower carded guys, and have the only story be just that he's now dedicating his career to his uncle, and he's on a mission to prove the Guerrero name is still very much alive and well.


After a few weeks or a month or so, then have him slowly slide into a few actual feuds. By this poing Ric Flair will not be the IC champion anymore, I don't think, and he can either start a program with the IC champion at the time, or maybe not even go that far yet. Maybe around the Royal Rumble time he gets in a feud with a couple of guys over the #1 contendership for the IC title, then his first major victor can come at Wrestlemania, where he actually wins the IC title.


Have him carry that belt for an extended period of time, all the while continuting to build his character and everything, and then just go from there. It wont be too long after that point that we know if he really has what it takes to go to that next level.


The point, is that it isn't now, it wont be next week, and it wont be in six months from now. A year from now? Well, maybe if they really actually push the guy the way it should be done and as long as he doesn't get hurt. He has what it takes, he just needs to be developed as a character. He already has one hell of a storyline to work with, so it's up to the writers, and himself, now.


All he's got to do is go out there and cut a promo how he regrets being Kerwin White and he's Chavo Guerrero...


No, no, no, no, no! I don't think they should ever, ever, mention "Kerwin White" ever again.

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