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Patty O'Green

Feedback for the 11/24 HD~

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First off Happy Thanksgiving everyone...yeah I know at the point I'm writing this Thanksgiving is over, but it's the thought the counts.


Now on to the feedback.


First off all the Superstars giving thanks had me rolling. Especially Jumbo's "FO MAH POKA DAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHTSSSSSSSSSS!"


I've never heard a firework go "Kapslat!" before. Nor do I even know what "kapslat" sounds like. I know what "Kasplat" sounds like though.


When I read about the 10 Team Survivor Series Match I thought for sure it would take up half the show. I didn't realize that when one man is eliminated his partner is as well. This was an awesome match. I always loved Survivor Series matches.


Zack is going to be a Daddy!!! Poor kid...I joke I joke.


Man K.I.D. can talk forever can't she. Poor Josh and poor Scotty. I thought for a second there Krista really wanted to join the Upstarts. I hope all these promos where KID runs down the whole OAOAST Roster are leading to something big, because she's stepping on some major toes.


The Josh Matthews/Leon Rodez interview was great. It reminded me of a Rock interview kind of. But the image of Leon wearing the X-Title during sex is too much.


I'll feedback PRL's stuff once it's in.


Good little match between PK and Rodez, but what's up with the looks from GPX to PK??


Hahahahaha Poppycocks! SJ/PRL has been built up quite well. Like I said last week heel/heel feuds are hard to pull of well, but they're doing it and teasing turning PRL face...has he ever been a face?


I hope ya'll liked the Dream Machines implosion segment.


I'll feedback the Otaku promo when it comes in.


The Main Event was awesome. I love how they were ignoring SJ to begin. I also like how it really seemed that either Alf or Zack were going to win it. And finally Sandman is here and I marked out!!!


Great show and I can't wait for the PPV.


EDIT: Oh and was this show in Oakland or Canada? Candie said we were in Canada in her promo, but all the other references said we weren't.

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Great promos.


Jesse Ventura is the ref for PRL/SJ? Cool. Spanish Fly coming out was a bit random, even though he has a history with PRL it still seems odd that he would pick that moment to come out, but it made for a good moment in the PRL/SJ build up as it teased them working together again.


Otaku II's promo was good as well. Man they must have busted him hard for him to bleed through his mask.


Oh and I was sad that there was no women's match or segment this week.

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Oh and was this show in Oakland or Canada? Candie said we were in Canada in her promo, but all the other references said we weren't.


Candie is pregnant and pregnant chicks act funny and say strange things.


Really short feedback:

Nice little holiday show, but I don't think it'll overshadow NR, unless half the roster forgets to send a match. Rodez' owl thing was funny. Owls scare me. Can't they do that Exorcist thing with their heads? The thanksgiving quotes made me laugh, even the ones that weren't supposed to be funny. Also I must be the only one who thought Poppyseeds was a good nickname. Poppyseeds ftw. lol pimpin'. lol.

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Since people might be away with family this weekend, I don't think many people will read the whole show until next week.


My thoughts:


- Alf brings it again with a good 10 team match that kept the momentum swinging back and forth. Team Heyross is becoming an interesting team to read.


- Candie's pregnant! (Organ music) Who is the father? Is it Mr. Garrison? Chef? Chanting "Congratulations" sounds just odd.


- Dang, Krista is violent when she's drunk isn't she? So is she the next Crystal in that she'll mix it up with the guys instead of staying in the women's division? A Crystal/Krista "Who is the dominant female in the fed" feud would be interesting.


- I fucking hate that Pussycat Dolls song. I kinda feel bad after Rodez was so serious in his promo that I had him doing the chicken dance before the match.


- Which version is Know Your Role '99 anyway? Is it the one on WWF The Music Vol. 4? The SJ/PRL confrontation did what it was supposed to do; set the story for the title match.


- I was pleased with how my match turned out.

Why did the GPX applaud, you ask? I....uh.....actually have no clue myself. Really....I don't.


- The Popick promo didn't really need to have him talk about PRL since, well, we just HAD a segment with the two. Still, it put over the main event.


- I don't need no family counseling. Shoulda smacked Eddy Kalm upside his head.


- Triple threat matches seem like a total bitch to write, but Alf got everyone involved and teased both Zack and Alf winning well. It also keeps Popick's "cheap win" streak alive. But what the HELL does the crew need a tub of light tubes under the ring for, anyway?

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Short form: the opening promo was really fun, very nice work...Candie's pregnancy shocked me...Krista's promo was par excellence, but the "I'm the best" schtick needs to go somewhere. Not saying next week, but soon...GPX applauding PK? Hmm....and the ME was fan-tastic, great drama, and a cool ending to the show. Not being familiar with TDA, I'm excited...


Nice work, kids.

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Finally found the time to read the show after finishing up my match for NR.


The Thanksgiving comments were hilarious. Even better were the location descriptions.


The 10-man tag was AWESOME! Reminded me very much of the equally awesome elimination match involving teams like Demolition, the Brain Busters, Rockers, Hart Foundation, British Bulldogs, etc, from Survivor Series 1988. Damn copy-protection! I'd love to put that match on DVD.


Zack should give Black T being for Candie getting pregnant. That piggyback Blackout increased her fertilty. :)


Another crazy ass rant from a member of C.O.D. Funny stuff.


We follow up one great promo with another, this time by Leon Rodez. The line about keeping the X-Title on during sex was hilarious.


I've said it before, but PR is one character I can't see getting any sort of face reaction. His character is one that you just have to dislike. But going up against Popick, "the most hated man in the OAOAST," it's reasonable to believe PR would get the crowd somewhat behind him.


I wasn't sure what to think when I found out Jesse would be used as the referee, I mean, it's basically heel vs. heel, but PR wrote a darn good segment. I always love it when the guys put over the OAOAST Championship as the title to have. Something you rarely seen in the real life major promotions.


Rodez dancing before the match was funny. Good match that saw the fued between the Usual Suspects and the GPX advance.


Popick's promo reminded of old school promos where two guys involved in an upcoming match would have some interaction earlier in the show and come back later and talk about said match without acknowledging the run-in they had earlier. Other than that, fine job.


Good segment involving PK & Parka.


Solid Otaku promo. Very old school in delivery.


Wild main event. The dueling chops spot at the start was fun. Loved the finish with the men the competing wrestlers are feuding getting involved, and SJ getting the sneaky pin. The Sandman's return was handled brilliantly.


Match of the Night: 10-Man tag match


Line of the Night: "You're a mother, you're supposed to be against drunk driving!" -- Scotty Static


Very good show.

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