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Emo/Punk/Pop Rock stuff...

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Man, I used to love Quicksand back in the day ... primarily due to loving Gorilla Biscuits first, but they were still an awesome show way back when.


Personally, I'd call Quicksand a hardcore band, even though they were more a punkish sounding hardcore band rather than a straight up hardcore band like Agnostic Front or Warzone.


NYHC used to rule, before it went all metal

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Well any band that can't be bothered to think up a hook is now called punk.


I guess it was sort of inevitable. I mean the Ramones are technically sort of indistinguishable from a lot of shit bands. How does one technically distinguish beween 'Lust for Life' and that horrid Jet song, except to say one is really good, and one's an abomination?


Also, the best punk bands, bands like The Clash, Fugazi, Sleater-Kinney, usually record their best stuff while branching out from the formula of plugging away at chords.


Happens to every form of popular music, though. All through the 80's and 90's the airwaves were saturated with derivative shite. Only after sifting the turds out of the kitty litter, are we left with, for example, the few good grunge bands, when there were dozens of imitators.


From what I hear it was exactly the same in the 60's. Tons of terrible pop acts, cashing in on the sound of all the great bands of the time.

Edited by Special K

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Also, the best punk bands, bands like The Clash, Fugazi, Sleater-Kinney, usually record their best stuff while branching out from the formula of plugging away at chords.


I don't remember the exact quote, or even who said it, so my post is going to lose some of it's oomph ...


But I read a pretty good book about the history of American Hardcore music, and someone (I'll say either Greg Ginn or Dave Smalley) made a point about how that whole genre started because there were people that didn't like the carbon-copy sound that was so prevalent at that time. But then when these bands grew up/evolved and started playing a different, less hardcore style, they were shit on by the same fans that loved the fact that these bands had created a new & different sound.


Basically, it was "push the envelope and sound different from other genres, but don't push it so far that you sound different than you did 3 years ago."

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I didn't think you were calling me out......


Anyway listen to the Lagwagon song "Know It All" it makes fun of some of these people that are like "you sold out!"


I got the "Give Em The Boot" DVD by Tim Armstrong for christmas. Well on the back it says it has live music from Rancid, Dropkick Murphys, F-Minus, Horrorpops, Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros, Lars and the Bastards, Nekromantix(i forgot to mention them. i really like them, The Nerve Agents, Roger Miret and the Disasters(another band i like), The Slackers, Tiger Army(i also like them), Transplants(ugh), and the US Bombs.

Well it does have all those bands but it should actually say "10 Rancid songs and then all these other bands" because that's basically what it is.

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Nekromantix are very good. Horror-based psychobilly. Very reminiscent of some Cramps stuff.

Why the "ugh" after Transplants? I dig 'em because they're kinda different from Rancid (who I can't stand), but too much. Catchy-as-hell, and they have a rapper guest on quite a few songs (or maybe he's actually in the band, I dunno too much about 'em), so it's fun to hear punk and rap. And yes, "Diamonds and Guns" is my favorite song by them. WOO-WOO!


Also, if you haven't already heard it, check out the Dead Kennedys song "Chickenshit Conformist." It takes the "you sold out" punk elitist fuckers and rips them a new one. Some lines from the song that stand out and I've committed to heart:

"Punk's not dead, it just deserves to die" (opening line)

"Harder core than thou until it's time to get a job" or "Harder core than thou until you're 25" (I forget which one, but it's just as great a line either way)

Edited by Corey_Lazarus

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As cliche as it is, my favore DK's song for calling people out is still Nazi Punks (Fuck Off), just because it was so appropriate for the jocks that I went to HS with that decided that wearing camo pants & shaving their heads made them 'hardcore' even though their idea of a good time was still jocko-jock, 110%.

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I really like Dead Kennedys, but amd sort of ashamed to admit that their cover of "Viva Las Vegas" is probably my favorite song of theirs. If it comes on the radio, unconsciously I start accellerating.


I really like the Cramps, strangely enough, so does my Dad.

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The only album of theirs I acutally own is Smell of Female, an it's pretty swell.


Aren't they from Portland, Oregon?

Edited by Special K

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The only album of theirs I acutally own is Smell of Female, an it's pretty swell.


Aren't they from Portland, Oregon?

I thought that they were from NYC, but they might have originated in Portland and moved to NY to expedite making it big.

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Hmm, according to Wikipedia, Lux and Poison Ivy met in Sacramento, moved to Akron, then moved to NY later. So I was way off. Some reason I thought they were a Pacific NW band.

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My ugh after the Transplants was because I just can't get into them. I don't really like any of their songs.


I do like songs by punk bands telling off the "by the book" punks that feel that everything has to be a certain way because it's "punk rock!".

I had a friend that used to walk around and to everything he'd be like "that's not punk rock!" We were at a Dropkick Murphys show and he goes "look at all these nice cars in the parking lot! that's not punk rock!!"

It's funny b/c the ones that are being told off by these songs are the ones that listen to it and declare said band one of their favorites.

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It segues away from the punk rock conversation and back towards the hippie conversation from a few days ago ... but it fits in well with the direction that this thread has gone.


Even after I became a touring Phish fan, I still dressed the same way I did as a punk & skinhead. When I first got into the scene, it wasn't an issue. But once Phish got big and all the superficial fans jumped in, you'd have been amazed at how much shit I took for having a shaved head and wearing punk pants or an Exploited shirt. It was especially annoying because it was all these fucking noobs giving me shit, even though I'd been seeing shows since they were in like elementary school.


"Punk Rock Girl" is my favorite version of this.
As little as I like the Dead Milkmen, that song rocks.

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I had a friend that used to walk around and to everything he'd be like "that's not punk rock!" We were at a Dropkick Murphys show and he goes "look at all these nice cars in the parking lot! that's not punk rock!!"


I do this, facetiously. It's as obnoxious as you'd expect.


"doin it for the conference" is not punk rock

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"Exactly my point, Vyce. Emo bands, at one time, were actually punk and hardcore bands, they were just more emotional in their music and lyrics than their punk/hardcore brethren. Now? It's not even punk or hardcore, it's just emo. "



Somebody finally says it.


Actually I still reserve the term emo for Sunny Day Real Estate and Mineral. Which always struck me as a raw post punk influenced prog rock sound for lack of better description.


The stuff their calling emo now reminds me of some sort of bastard evolution of Under the Rader era Grade and their clones with more of a contemporary hardcore influence.

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I had a friend that used to walk around and to everything he'd be like "that's not punk rock!" We were at a Dropkick Murphys show and he goes "look at all these nice cars in the parking lot! that's not punk rock!!"


I do this, facetiously. It's as obnoxious as you'd expect.


"doin it for the conference" is not punk rock


EDIT: Okay, there's a six-hour double post.

Edited by The Czech Republic

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It segues away from the punk rock conversation and back towards the hippie conversation from a few days ago ... but it fits in well with the direction that this thread has gone.


Even after I became a touring Phish fan, I still dressed the same way I did as a punk & skinhead. When I first got into the scene, it wasn't an issue. But once Phish got big and all the superficial fans jumped in, you'd have been amazed at how much shit I took for having a shaved head and wearing punk pants or an Exploited shirt. It was especially annoying because it was all these fucking noobs giving me shit, even though I'd been seeing shows since they were in like elementary school.


"Punk Rock Girl" is my favorite version of this.
As little as I like the Dead Milkmen, that song rocks.



I agree about the hippie scene after Phish got big. The annoying thing was half of my friends were the same way (ie get dressed down for a show). I think that I took less crap than you probably because I was usually in a large group of "hippies" who looked the role, so I just looked like their tag-along friend. No one really gave me shit.



And re: the Dead Milkmen, you had to go and say as little as you like them. Just when I thought you were okay too. :(

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Ummmm, how about this for digging out of a hole, C Dub ... they're too smart & intellectual for me? I prefer my music dumb and easy to comprehend.


And I truthfully haven't really heard enough of them to really have a good opinion. I only dislike them because there was a leech (as in a friend that wasn't really a friend but sucked onto my group of friends and couldn't be shaken) that preached about them as if they were the greatest thing in the world. I disliked them just to antagonize & disagree with him.


Hopefully my admissions will get me back on your good side.

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Well, I gotta say that that is the first time I've ever heard anyone say the Milkmen were smart & intellectual, so your back.


I'm not going to say they're the greatest thing in the world or anything, but they really did have a run of fun albums. Big Lizard in My Backyard was probably my favorite along with Beezlebubba. "Taking Retards to the Zoo" never fails to amuse me as a song.

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My local venue that has punk rock shows is closing down. It kind of sucks b/c even though they were going towards the trendy emo kids they still had a lot of local bands and were where all the punk bands usually came to play. Now I don't know what's going to happen.

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My 17 year old brother loves The Dead Milkmen. In spite of this, he doesn't like The Butthole Surfers, no matter how harder I try to convince him of their 80's awesomeness.

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So my local venue was throwing this New Year's Eve show and I thought that it was going to be a bunch of local punk bands. Turned out that it was one local punk band and a bunch of hardcore bands.

Those hardcore kids annoy the shit out of me because they'll dance and swing their fists and act tough but if you touch them then they freak out and get all pissy. Not so tough.

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So my local venue was throwing this New Year's Eve show and I thought that it was going to be a bunch of local punk bands. Turned out that it was one local punk band and a bunch of hardcore bands.

Those hardcore kids annoy the shit out of me because they'll dance and swing their fists and act tough but if you touch them then they freak out and get all pissy. Not so tough.


I totally know what your talking about. Where I live in central NJ, they are everywhere. I purposely go out of my way to go to shows in Philly or NYC just to avoid them. They totally ruin the show with their "tougher than thou" attitude.

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Yeah but one of the bands said "Let's get a huge circle pit going!" So me and my friends jump in and they do their hardcore dance in a circle. What the fuck is that anyway? Their legs flail about while they windmill their arms. So anyway in a circle pit it's normally everyone running into each other. Well we tried to shove and run into each other and one grabbed me and was like "don't run into people when they dance man!" and then another one tried to kick me because I ran into him. Of course they were all like half my size and getting attacked by them would be like being swarmed by chihuhuas but the point is that I thought they were tough but instead they act like pussies and whine when you make the smallest contact with them. Damn. I feel I was duped into the hardcore show b/c I was promised punk rock. So hopefully in the future I'll be smart enough to actually read the band list and find out about them before taking off down their.

Oh and what's up with the holes in the ears? Do they really want to walk around with big holes in their ears when they're 40?

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A circle pit is usually people running in a circle. Sometimes people skank during it, which is pretty funny, and people just general get bashed into one another.


Also, Dama, at least those tougher-than-thou Hardcore fucks weren't the Ninja Kids. The fucking Ninja Kids piss me off the most. When my band played at the Palladium in Worcester, we had a bunch of Ninja Kids doing their bullshit in the pit, and then the real moshpit would break out and they'd RUN THE FUCK AWAY. So our pals Incendium take the stage about an hour and a half after us, and third song the singer, Scott, goes "hey, can we get a real pit going instead these gay-ass Ninja Kids?" So the Ninja Kids make fun of Scott and Incendium and the way people actually mosh by holding their arms, running like girls, and bumping into each other and mock-crying.

Then a real pit breaks out. They RUN THE FUCK AWAY. Well, some of them did, but a couple got knocked on their asses. A fight broke out between a few Ninja Kids and some of the real moshers, and the Ninja Kids got thrown out (though it was the ones in the ACTUAL pits that started the fight).


But yeah. Tougher-than-thou hardcore fucks aren't nearly as annoying as Ninja Kids.

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