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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

New Bret Hart interview

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool



Cena as "The marine"


FIRST the bad news - legendary wrestler Bret Hart says he will never again compete in the squared circle.


Now the good news - if you're a fan of The Hitman you'll be seeing an awful lot of him in the New Year.


Bret will be coming to the UK as part of two huge 1PW shows in Doncaster on January 6 and 7 and popping into Sun Online later that month to answer your questions in an exclusive webchat.


He'll also be releasing a three disc career retrospective DVD that has seen him do the unthinkable and team up with Vince McMahon.


Bret and Vince have barely spoken since the infamous Survivor Series of 1997, when Vince - along with Shawn Michaels and referee Earl Hebner - screwed Hart out of the WWE title for real.


But, speaking to us from his holiday home in Italy, Bret said his legacy was more important to him than any feud with the McMahons.


He told us: "I had no choice but to take this step and work with the WWE again, as it was the only way to make sure that everything I did wasn't forgotten.


"I couldn't have done this by myself - I barely even own a picture of my career, let alone any video footage!


"This thing started when Vince called me up in the middle of August and said they'd almost finished a DVD on my career and wanted me to be a part of it.


"He told me the title was going to be Screwed and it was all going to be about the Survivor Series.


"I told him: 'I can't be part of anything called Screwed. That wasn't what my career was about. If that's what you guys are going to do then you can leave me out.'


"I reminded Vince of the promises he made to me when we met before Owen's funeral and again when he called me after I had my stroke. On both occasions he promised me a fitting tribute to my career.


"Then, right there on the phone, Vince changed his position. He started telling me: 'It doesn't have to be about all of that, we can highlight your career and it can be called Bret Hart: The Best There Is, The Best There Was, The Best There Ever Will Be.'"



THE BEST THERE WAS ... Bret in his prime


After agreeing to the DVD in principle, Bret made sure he laid down some very specific conditions before flying down to WWE headquarters to film it.


"I made it really clear that my career was not just about Survivor Series," he revealed.


"I had a great time in the WWE and it's always frustrated me that all they ever talk about and look at is the last 10 minutes of it.


"I wanted to make sure that wasn't the theme of the DVD. I knew that we would have to discuss it, but I certainly didn't want to exploit it or make it part of the sale.


"For me, Survivor Series was a very hurtful thing and caused a lot of problems - it didn't turn out as rosy for me as it did for them.


"I think we talked about it enough on the DVD that we satisfied people's curiosity though, and I don't think Vince is going to come any closer to an apology than he did on that.


"The other thing I didn't want to focus on was the death of my brother Owen, as again I don't like to make money from things that are upsetting for me.


"And I've always felt that if I'd been treated right then Owen's death would never have happened."


After agreeing to terms with Vince - who Bret says he no longer has any animosity towards - The Hitman spent a week watching tapes of his old matches, personally selecting many of the bouts, clips and footage used on the DVD.


He also got a chance to see the original Screwed piece - a burial job in a similar vein to the WWE's recent Self Destruction Of The Ultimate Warrior release.


"Screwed wasn't very good," Bret blasted. "My fans certainly wouldn't have liked it.


"It had a lot of guys slagging me off and making me out to be unprofessional, a bad businessman and saying they didn't know where my head was at the day of the Survivor Series.


"I was a little hurt by some of them, like Jerry Lawler and Hulk Hogan. It seemed like a lot of guys took their opportunity to bury me as much as they could.


"I don't know what I did to any of those people, like Hogan and Lawler, and they have never walked in my shoes.


"A lot of questions were also posed in a way to get a negative reaction.


"They'd ask things that were so over the top, like: 'Was Bret Hart the greatest wrestler who ever lived?' So the reaction would be: 'Well he was a great wrestler, but…'"




Bret will never return to the ring

Bret's DVD is out in America now and hits British stores on January 23 2006.


The Hitman went on the WWE's Internet show Byte This to promote it and the release has lead to inevitable rumours of an appearance on Raw or Smackdown.


Rumours that Bret says are totally false.


He told us: "When I went to Stamford to make the DVD I saw the photo archive that they have on me, and that touched a lot of good memories.


"So I am now in the midst of talking to the WWE about doing a coffee table book that would include many of those pictures.


"But, while I'd never rule anything out, I don't see myself ever appearing on Raw or Smackdown.


"I don't really have anything more to say and I certainly wouldn't feel comfortable walking out on their show and giving people the impression that everything is OK.


"People always ask me what I thought about when I was in the ring looking out at the crowd at Survivor Series.


"And I remember shaking my head and saying: 'I'll never ever come back.'"


"Now, years later, it's always some little thing like: 'Why don't you come back and just do the Hall Of Fame.'


"But I remember what I said on that night and always turn it down. Maybe that will change though!


One show Bret will be a part of though is 1PW's No Turning Back weekend.


Although he can no longer wrestler, the star says he's looking forward to addressing his British fans and signing autographs.


Sadly, due to the stroke he suffered and concussions from his final WCW match with Goldberg, Bret cannot physically take part in the action.


He confessed: "I wish I could walk out and wrestle a match, but I can't.


"I can't take any sort of serious falls or blows to the head and I don't want to play with fire.


"When I first got into a wrestling ring I was pretty good and when I left I was pretty good. I wouldn't want to go out there now, even if I could somewhat pull it off, and ruin that memory.


"It would be hard for me to be that guy again and to walk out in front of a huge crowd would be heartbreaking if I couldn't give them what I wanted to and what they expected.


"But I would dearly love to go in there and have that one last match.


"I think about it all the time."

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Cena as "The marine"

I officially have nothing to say. It's so retarded, it has left me speechless.


Actually, I do have something to say: Vanilla Ice had more honor than this

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If he's shooting Vince McMahon or the members of "Rush" then I approve.

Otherwise, it's Rambo 2...or was that 3? Which one was him fighting rednecks?

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*Cena tries to break the machine gun over his head but ends up knocking himself out*

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Actually the Rambo where he fights rednecks was the original First Blood. In part 2 he fights the Vietnamese and some Russians (WTF?) and in part 3 he's in Afghanistan.

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*reads Bret Hart interview*


Wait a second....


...Bret Hart has a DVD coming out? And his wrestling career's over??


Why have I not heard about this before???

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Actually the Rambo where he fights rednecks was the original First Blood. In part 2 he fights the Vietnamese and some Russians (WTF?) and in part 3 he's in Afghanistan.


So does that mean in Rambo 4 he'll be in Iraq?

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My friend just spent about $50.00 on Cool As Ice purely so we could lagh our asses off at it....then we took turns tossing stacks of $20s into the fire place for no good reason at all.....

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Actually the Rambo where he fights rednecks was the original First Blood. In part 2 he fights the Vietnamese and some Russians (WTF?) and in part 3 he's in Afghanistan.


Oh god dammit!

I need a Rambo box set. I have my plots confused as hell and since he's hellbent on part 4, I might as well prepare myself.

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Paul Walker is going to lose alot of movie roles if the Marine does well at the box office


Cena is showing emotion which makes him unfit for the movies designed for Keanu Reeves. You know, the roles Paul Walker gets.


Vin Diesel however...

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Guest Gary Busey

I don't understand all of the hate for this. It's a photo of Cena shooting a gun. How does that give any impression of the quality of the movie itself, the story, the acting, the effects, etc? It's not like Vince directed it and Steph wrote it. At least give it a chance.

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Guest Gary Busey
Vince produced it. And members of Steph's self-appointed creative team wrote it.


Is Michelle Gallagher, the person credited at IMDB with creating the story and writing the screenplay, on the WWE creative team? A Google search produced nothing. I don't think she is. Dan Madigan, who is on the creative team, wrote See No Evil. Vince producing it doesn't mean squat. It's a title and a paycheck for him just like it was on the Rock's movies.


This movie will probably turn out like No Holds Barred, but I say give it a chance before condemning it for no reason other than it falls loosely under the WWE umbrella.

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For some reason I read that as "Picture of Cena as The Blue Meanie" Which actually would probably be more entertaining.


The wrestler Blue Meanie or the little guys from that animated Beatles movie?

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No matter how hard this movie tries, it will never, ever, EVER, ever, ever, EVER reach the greatness of COMMANDO.


"Remember when I promised I would kill you last?"


"Yeah, Matrix. You did!"


"I lied."


Don't set your standards so high. Of course this won't compare to Commando. Which, by the way, should have a sequel called Commandos. Wouldn't that be great?

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For some reason I read that as "Picture of Cena as The Blue Meanie" Which actually would probably be more entertaining.


The wrestler Blue Meanie or the little guys from that animated Beatles movie?



The wrestler. It would be great if JBL beat the crap out of Cena too.

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No matter how hard this movie tries, it will never, ever, EVER, ever, ever, EVER reach the greatness of COMMANDO.


"Remember when I promised I would kill you last?"


"Yeah, Matrix. You did!"


"I lied."


Don't set your standards so high. Of course this won't compare to Commando. Which, by the way, should have a sequel called Commandos. Wouldn't that be great?


No, cause the sequel would suck. Commando should be left to the awesomeness it was as a solo outing.

Edited by 2GOLD

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Cena's movie probably won't do much business other than wrestling fans going to see it. Kane's, on the other hand, might be a minor hit like the majority of horror flicks that get released. Kane just has to look scary, which he can do. Cena has to act, which I guarantee you, he can't do so Kane's flick has a leg up on Cena.


Now if WWE wants to keep making movies featuring wrestlers then they need to make sure the movie fits the wrestler.

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Now if WWE wants to keep making movies featuring wrestlers then they need to make sure the movie fits the wrestler.


Considering that WWE has had Benoit using sarcastic humor this past summer as if they were trying to make him the new Jericho since Jericho was leaving WWE at the time, I'd say that it won't take long for WWE to put wrestlers in movies that don't fit them.

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