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Zack Malibu

The Valid Concerns From the "Future" Thread

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So I've read the thread and while I've chosen not to reply as to not fuel the fires of NYU or FFMS (who would no doubt flamebait me upon uttering a syllable), I'll throw my two cents in here first and see if it sticks.


Firstly, the Civil War. Contrarty to popular belief, it DID have an end result, which would have been Stone (the leader) getting the better of Malibu for nearly a year before an Originals triumph in War Games, and a potential championship win for me. With the lack of effort and then departure of NYU the plan was to jump to Hoff as the kingpin, and then we all know what happened there. Now I think we've made the most out of everything, but I see why many people feel things get too jumbled/confusing, especially with some of us controlling multiple characters.


So here's my solution to it.


The Upstarts Home Office Invasion segment will air on the New Year's Eve Special. The following HD! (1/5) will see none other than a pissed off ANGLESAULT hit the ring unexpectedly (I'd be controlling him, since he gave me carte blanche over the character when he left) and cut the Patton style speech of how we're all under one roof, and while there will always be tension, he will not take the treason of the Upstarts. After the Home Office Invasion segment, the "investors" have unanimously decided to put the federation on "probation", and if The Upstarts really want to destroy the company, then all they have to do is keep it up...but if the company is destroyed, it means no paychecks, no fulfillment of contracts, no place to work, no food on the table. It basically puts a "Scare" into the Upstarts to grudgingly accept the fact that The Originals will always be there.


As it pertains to Axel and PK, they can still be the "rebel faction power trip" type of duo, saying that they don't need an army to overthrow the company. This can also seperate The Originals to an extent and we can go back to a full roster of feuds without worrying about conflicting with the story.


Keep in mind it's a rough idea at best, but it's part of the solution if the War angle should be ended. I'm not going to feel bad if we do, because I want what's best for the place (a fact seemingly lost on several people), but it should be ended in a logical manner.

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I think the Civil War should logically end at AM V.


I think it will be easier to have Axel and PK align with the Upstarts. They're not technically, but they are. This is selfish on my part, because SJ's storyline kind of now revolves on ramifications from his title loss.


And Zackie baby, don't take this the wrong way, but I don't think we need Malibu the character as Champion for awhile. We've got alot of guys who we should really work towards getting them an initial run. Youre our Sting now.


Or if you like, Angle.


As for your angle...probation doesnt work. The investors are so upset that if this invasion continues theyll just leave and leave the oaoast without any management. No investor would sabotage their own company if they were rational. They'd just take their money to SWF (since it exists in OAOAST land). Make them give an ultimatatum (FINISH THIS, or else). Adds desperation to both sides, sets up the big blowoff as the big blowoff, and that's that.


As for how it should end, the upstarts, can I make a small, selfish suggestion? Since SJ is on the shelf, injured, if War Games decides the War, can the ref get bumped, and SJ come in, unannounced, rip off a ref shirt, and count the 3 on the upstarts so that they lose? I can explain all of that, and it would lend nicely to a feud with axel

Edited by Stephen Joseph

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Oh I don't need the belt at all, but me winning it was also an act of symbolism that the "face" of the company put the final nail in the coffin of the ultra-heels.


It's almost at the point where in order to pacify EVERYONE and get the f'n drama out of some people's systems, that we're approaching WCW Restart levels.

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We don't have to restart. We can keep every little thing as planned until Mania. The bounty. The build. Hell, have Leon go over at AM V to signal a 'new era' for the company, and then drop the Civil War COMPLETELY. Leon can go on to feud with whoever he wants, and everyone can continue their angles. I've got a match for you at Mania, Zack. Just trust me on this one, if we stop it at AngleMania, everything will be fine.

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I need to know what you want to propose though, since at this rate every major and most secondary characters are going to be tied up one way or another.


If it's a "surprise", allow me to just say this. Hoff, OK. NYU, no.

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Great, go away for two friggin' days and now I don't know what the fuck is going on. I don't know why you guys are even listening to the opinions of Drek and FM, because I'd gladly tell the both of them to piss off and shove their opinions up the pooper, but that's just me.


Whatever, I really don't care what direction we go here. I'd still go with Alf being the "monkey wrench" thrown into both sides' plans when he wins the Rumble and then the title, turning the whole story into "Alf vs. the World"

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okay, so PK-Alf at Mania? Thats fine by me. Then Alf can win the belt and we can just go from there.

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