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Derek fucking Frazier

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This guy's 2005 was every bit as good as Mike Quackenbush who everyone seems to say had the best year of any CZW junior heavyweight. Frazier's moves are fluid, crisp, and totally original. Fluid is the best way I can think to describe his high-flying. All his flips are executed so beautifully. While I thought the TLC match they had at COD7 was a letdown (no selling/pacing/and worst of all no transitioning...JC vs. Nate from Violent By Design was much better), their other matches in 2005 have produced one of the most overlooked feud of the year candidates. A feud between him and Sonjay would be tremendous.


I will go on record right now as saying that by mid-2007, Derek Frazier will be one of the top 5 most high-profile junior heavyweights on the indy circuit (as in, what AJ Styles, Chris Sabin, Jack Evans, Red, Petey Williams, etc. are now). He will be in TNA and he will have been to Japan.


I have a new favorite wrestler going into 2006. Give this guy a chance, people. I'm not the only one who thinks this guy deserves a lot more credit than he gets, am I?

Edited by LucharesuFan619

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See, Frazier's good and all...but, he does nothing for me really. I don't see anything in the guy, charisma wise, that'll make him stand out from anyone else with his sort of in-ring talent. He just looks way too indy promotion, if that makes any sense. And, even worse than saying he's bad on the mic, I've seen him do CZW Xposed promos and I honest to god can't remember a single one of them. He just lacks something.

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Guest DeadBoy1

I'm gonna have to add my voice to the "He's sorta meh." chorus. He's never really stood out for me at all, and none of the CZW matches of his I've seen this year really changed my mind. He's not offensive, but I wouldn't go out of my way at all to watch one of his matches.


I do like the idea of him feuding with Sonjay, as it could be a chance for him to really step up and establish a character and a spot in CZW.

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