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Marcus Vick gone from Va. Tech

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Marcus would be a decent fifth or sixth round pick, maybe to the Vikings to back-up Brad Johnson if they are really stupid enough to deal Culpepper. Or he could go to the Eagles to back up McNabb. He HAS ability as does his brother, it just is a question of finding someone who can actually bring it out of them.


Both have strong arms with no accuracy but Marcus folds under pressure faster than a card table with a broken leg and he seems like he has a temper that makes Ryan Leaf seem like a choir boy.


Sixth or seventh round. Then they can either turn him into a slash player or just make him a pure back-up. I think a slash player would be GREAT for him.


Nah the Eagles need a veteran Brad Johnson-type as a backup, not another project.

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I'm waiting for Ripper to defend OJ Simpson next


"Tons of people kill their ex-spouse and the ex's lover every year. Just because OJ did something stupid doesn't mean he's a bad person."

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Good riddance to his stupid ass......He needs to have a conversation with Maurice Clarett (Another hopeless stupid fuck that ruined his career with stupidity). Is he gonna transfer to a different university or try to go directly into the NFL?


An announcement on that will be made Saturday, according to Vick's lawyer.

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First, I watched a Tampa Bay Buc take a finger and blatantly jam it into the eye of Allen Rossum(and blatant fingers to the eyes aren't rare). I have watched elbows thrown to kidneys, those illegal chopblocks, I have watched linemen get a sack and use their knee in the chest of the qb to stand up, fingers in the earholes.... Every scuffle in the NFl started with some fucked up shot on one persons part. Vicks was especially stupid because there was no reason behind it, but what I am saying is that a personal foul isn't going to keep anyone out the NFL because of all of the bullshit that goes on week in and week out in the NFL. Its not the clean sportmanship filled league that people pretend it is. Standing on a linemans leg, while deplorable isn't going to make the guy a super villian. Or a murderer like that dumb cunt fridgid implied.


And just to see how this won't affect him, look at Maurice Clarett since people want to bring him up. Lied to the cops, sued the NFL, threw his school under the bus, and the only reason he isn't in the league now is because he came into camp a fat out of shape piece of crap and couldn't perform. A teenaged Vick gave alcohol to other teenagers, and drove with a suspended liscense(which once again really isn't that big of a deal...unless you got in trouble for giving teenagers alcohol the year before...). As long as he steps into combines running a 4.3 and throwing the ball the way that he does, SOMEONE is taking him in round 3 probably. They will be ridiculed for it, and people will point and laugh, but it will happen.


I personally think he is too small to be a slash player. He would be destroyed playing any other position...plus every defensive player in the world will remember him walking on that guys leg and WILL get him back. He would rather be a QB.


And Frigid, seriously, make a point or go on being the fat, pathetic worthless piece of shit that you are, but seriously, the whole "ripper defends black people" thing is getting old.

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I have made a point, and that point is that black athletes or black celebrities can do no wrong in your eyes. I didn't imply that Marcus Vick is a murderer with the OJ comment, just that you're ignorant enough to defend Mr. Simpson and any other african-american that is blatantly guilty of wrong doing.


People neither respect nor care about your opinion. You're extremely one-sided and always rush into any thread where a black celebrity has done something negative, in order to shout out how the media and everybody in the world are crucifixing the person because they're black and they did nothing really wrong at all.


The whole "Ripper defends black people" thing is tired and old, but hey that's what and who you are so perhaps its time to wake-up and take off the "White people are always out to get us" glasses you seem to wear with such pride.

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Guest Leelee

I agree with Ripper, in that an NFL team will take a chance on Mexico Jr... if he shows he has the statistical skills that teams would want. The mistakes he made are mostly "stupid young kid" mistakes that people think they can change.


However, I think there's more things we don't know, because I don't think VT would cut all ties for him over a minor speeding ticket. Even with the prior troubles he had.

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However, I think there's more things we don't know, because I don't think VT would cut all ties for him over a minor speeding ticket. Even with the prior troubles he had.



Now THAT I believe. He probably did something else.


OR, they knew they couldn't really suspend him again because he would bolt to the draft and they certainly couldn't let him off without a major punishment. He embarrassed the school in a Bowl game.


Either way, they couldn't do anything else except what they did for the good of their program.

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The Falcons should draft him..



If the Falcons are going to run that "let the QB drop back and throw and not use his running game" offense, they should just start Matt Shaub and stay away from all mobile QB's.


Ripper - Still bitterly angry with Greg Knapp, Jim Mora Jr. and Michael Vick for letting the press bitch them out of a offense that was working VERY well.

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I have made a point, and that point is that black athletes or black celebrities can do no wrong in your eyes. I didn't imply that Marcus Vick is a murderer with the OJ comment, just that you're ignorant enough to defend Mr. Simpson and any other african-american that is blatantly guilty of wrong doing.


People neither respect nor care about your opinion. You're extremely one-sided and always rush into any thread where a black celebrity has done something negative, in order to shout out how the media and everybody in the world are crucifixing the person because they're black and they did nothing really wrong at all.


The whole "Ripper defends black people" thing is tired and old, but hey that's what and who you are so perhaps its time to wake-up and take off the "White people are always out to get us" glasses you seem to wear with such pride.

Except I haven't said that anyone is crucifiying anyone because they are black. Feel free to use that little quote feature and show me it happening. Before you started on your whole bullshit accusations, I said, that he should be :


I will say that it is the best thing that Viriginia Tech drop the guy. While I dont think that his stuff is that bad, you can't keep letting a guy stay on the team with discipline infractions. You have to think for the future of your program.


See how that little quote feature works?


My whole point is that nothing here is bad enough that a NFL team won't take him. Which I have made VERY clear. Is he on drugs? Has he committed a felony? Does he not work hard in the offseason? These are the things that will keep you out the league, but instead of reading, you show the dumb ass that you are and start on the whole.."oh ripper defends black people".


Now as much as it disgust me to type this next few sentences.....especially in response to such a worthless human as you...


I only post in the NFL, and the NBA threads. ALL of my post are either calling some black guy crappy or calling some black guy good. Running some black guy down or saying that he isn't that bad. Its the NBA and the NFL. Most of the stories are about black people. Thats just life. Get the fuck over it. Me saying Kobe raped a chick is me giving my opinion on a story. Me saying that Nash should win the MVP is me giving my opinion on a story. You on the other hand see "Oh, ripper is black so he must be in here because of race" or whatever. I am not going to began to try to understand the mind of a person as pathetic as you, but I am assuming that is what you see. I don't give a shit about who or what their race is, its a sports story and I am commenting on it. I can't believe I actually have to sit here and defend myself against such a stupid accusation.

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Not that its really important but did someone get in trouble for giving the underage Vick the alcohol in the first place?

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Iggymcfly = white.


Iggymcfly doesn't give a flying fuck if Marcus Vick got a speeding ticket while driving with a suspended license. Iggymcfly doesn't think stepping on a defensive lineman's leg is a big deal, even if he was pissed off about what he thought was a late hit for a second or two.


I mean honestly, why do we have to hold every athlete to an unrealistic standard. I bet a lot of people on this board have had a joint every now and then, and given drinks to 16 year olds (not fucked them, just given them drinks), and got speeding tickets, and done all the other minor things that Marcus Vick got busted for.


I mean just because he made a couple minor mistakes when he was young doesn't mean he won't be a good football player. I'm sure that three or four years from now, when lil' Vick actually gets to play, the team that drafted him won't be made fun of for drafting such a "hooligan", they'll just be noticed for how much better they're playing than if they drafted somebody like Chris Leak or Reggie McNeal instead.


These off-field isues are such non-issues that no one will believe that anyone ever cared about them five years from now.

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He's going professional.


From the Virginian-Pilot:


Friday night, Vick told The Virginian-Pilot that he would turn professional.


“It’s not a big deal. I’ll just move on to the next level, baby” he said when spotted at a Virginia Beach restaurant.


Asked if that meant he would enter the NFL draft, he said, “Yeah, definitely.”


Vick's attitude seems way too casual under these circumstances.

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Ron Mexico needs to quit coddling him. I wait for the day when he's arrested for throwing a huge party while Michael's not home, killing Michael's dog in the process and robbing the place blind with his goons b/c he decided he needed the money.

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Sadly Vick will get drafted bu so time willing to take a chance on the guy. Remember the QB from FSU (Peterson I believe), he had maturity issues and someone took a chance on him.


However, if I was a GM I would let him rot and get a job developing Photos for Kodak, since that is the only devloping that he should be doing from now on.

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Sadly Vick will get drafted bu so time willing to take a chance on the guy. Remember the QB from FSU (Peterson I believe), he had maturity issues and someone took a chance on him.


However, if I was a GM I would let him rot and get a job developing Photos for Kodak, since that is the only devloping that he should be doing from now on.


Adrian McPherson went to the Arena league for a year and proved himself before getting drafted. If he just declared himself after being cut from FSU, McPherson wouldn't have seen the draft board.


So he showed he could be a player and that all of that was a mistake. Marcus is acting like, "whatever man", which doesn't sit well with many GMs. I'm sure someone will take a chance, Arizona is even a possiblity since Denny will take chances, but after this I don't know.

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How would Marcus Vick do in the Arena League?


McPherson completed 209 of 352 passes (59.4 percent) for 2,965 yards, 56 touchdowns and only five interceptions in 14 games. He also scored 18 times on 59 carries for 257 yards (4.4 avg.).


However, McPherson was always an accurate QB. It would be a great place for him to go to improve his accuracy and prove himself ready for the NFL. But Marcus won't lower himself to something like this. Marcus would struggle because of lack of accuracy for awhile and his arm strength would hurt him since you have to throw bullets. Lobs don't work very well in that league at ALL.

Edited by 2GOLD

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Sadly Vick will get drafted bu so time willing to take a chance on the guy. Remember the QB from FSU (Peterson I believe), he had maturity issues and someone took a chance on him.


However, if I was a GM I would let him rot and get a job developing Photos for Kodak, since that is the only devloping that he should be doing from now on.


Adrian McPherson went to the Arena league for a year and proved himself before getting drafted. If he just declared himself after being cut from FSU, McPherson wouldn't have seen the draft board.


So he showed he could be a player and that all of that was a mistake. Marcus is acting like, "whatever man", which doesn't sit well with many GMs. I'm sure someone will take a chance, Arizona is even a possiblity since Denny will take chances, but after this I don't know.


Dude, 4.3 with a arm like a cannon. That is what will sit well with GM's.


This is like Randy Moss all over again. This isn't your ordinary guy with some questions about character. He is a freak of nature athletically just like Randy was. Of course randy is a better reciever than Vick is a QB at this point, but its the same thing. Guys like Moss, Vick, Matt Jones, they are freaks of nature that even if people don't see where they will fit in (Jones) or if they have questions about their character(Vick and Moss) the fact that they are so incredibly gifted will always shine through.


Besides, no GM wants to be the guy the passed up the Next Mike Vick. Once all the very good QB's are gone off the draft board, the first team that needs a backup QB is going to grab him.

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How would Marcus Vick do in the Arena League?


McPherson completed 209 of 352 passes (59.4 percent) for 2,965 yards, 56 touchdowns and only five interceptions in 14 games. He also scored 18 times on 59 carries for 257 yards (4.4 avg.).


However, McPherson was always an accurate QB. It would be a great place for him to go to improve his accuracy and prove himself ready for the NFL. But Marcus won't lower himself to something like this. Marcus would struggle because of lack of accuracy for awhile and his arm strength would hurt him since you have to throw bullets. Lobs don't work very well in that league at ALL.



Marcus has no problem with accuracy. He has a good touch and good accuracy, just the arm strength isn't there. And yes, he would be eaten alive in the Arena League.

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I didn't think you had to have as strong of an arm in the arena league as you did in the NFL b/c the field was so much smaller.

The difference with the Arena League is that you have to be able to get the ball to the recievers really fast, and right on the mark so that the reciever doesn't fly over those board things.

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I didn't think you had to have as strong of an arm in the arena league as you did in the NFL b/c the field was so much smaller.

The difference with the Arena League is that you have to be able to get the ball to the recievers really fast, and right on the mark so that the reciever doesn't fly over those board things.


Ah. I never watch Arena League football. It doesn't seem as entertaining. Are they as good of football players as they are in the NFL? I hear they're all smaller.

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