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OAO 1/14 Impact Thread

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Well it's Saturday and there's no primetime special this week, which means we should probably have a OAO Impact thread. This is the last bit of hype for the Final Resolution PPV, which seems to have enjoyed a better build than most TNA shows (maybe I'm just remembering the three weeks between BFG and Genesis). Anyway, here's what TNA's got lined-up for us tonight, from their site of course!


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The night before Sunday's "Final Resolution" Pay-Per-View



There's a war in TNA Wrestling as the roster prepares for the arrival of Sting at "Final Resolution" - and another shot will be fired Saturday night on "iMPACT!" in the main event as Christian Cage and Rhino team up to battle Jarrett army enforcers and tag team kingpins America's Most Wanted!



Last month, fans across the internet voted in the annual TNA Year-End Awards - and the winners will all be announced Saturday night on "iMPACT!" on SpikeTV! In addition, the coveted 2005 MR. TNA MVP AWARD will be presented by Mike Tenay to the winner in the ring!



Jackie's recent claims that she has dirt on Jeff Jarrett has apparently intrigued TNA management officials, as they will allow the TNA Knockout to speak on the matter on Saturday's "iMPACT!". Thus far, Jarrett hasn't directly answered Jackie's claims - we'll see if he does otherwise after the beauty gets to speak on Saturday night.


Also Saturday night on "iMPACT!" on SpikeTV - less than 24 hours before Sunday's "Final Resolution" Pay-Per-View:


X Division Champion "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe vs. Cassidy Riley

"The Monster" Abyss vs. TNA newcomer Jay Lethal

Team Canada vs. Matt Bentley, Chris Sabin and Sonjay Dutt

An interview with BG James and Kip James concerning Konnan's recent actions

Plus, more matches announced for the 'Final Resolution" Pay-Per-View


Looks like another good line-up from TNA. I wish they'd get away from their two competitive match, two squashes formula though. The show they did with Christian dressed up as Jarrett was a perfect example of a good, squash free Impact. IIRC, even match that week went at least 5 minutes. But I digress...the main event is one of the stronger ones TNA's put out since debuting on Spike. We know the heat will be good, because Christian and Rhino are the most over guys on the roster right now and AMW are probably the only two people besides Jarrett and Konnan drawing legitimate heel heat (and Jarrett's is probably "X-pac go away" heat). This week's six man won't be as good as last week's, but should still be a pretty good match. Lethal's eating a Black Hole Slam and Riley's getting choked out, I'd assume. Anyway, post your before, during and after thought here, and remember to keep it ~SPOILER-FREE~ until show time.

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Eh the show sounds like of weak on paper for sure, things should ideally really be shaken up for the last time to build the ppv on Sunday. I'll be interested to see how they edit the Mr. TNA segment for sure, though.

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Eh the show sounds like of weak on paper for sure, things should ideally really be shaken up for the last time to build the ppv on Sunday. I'll be interested to see how they edit the Mr. TNA segment for sure, though.


I'd forgotten about that segment....that will probably the most interest part of the show. After they made last week's train wreck watchable, I'm pretty sure they can pull the rabbit out of the hat again and make us think that the fans didn't poo-poo AJ's win. But that's if they want to. I get the feeling that eventually they'll just give up and the fans cheer Joe, because short of having him pull a Kurt Angle and bash the country (and we see how well that worked), what else can they do?

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Fucking message board downtime.


I only caught the last half hour.


- Good Raven video.

- Meh main event.

- The announcers didn't really sell that Sting wasn't in the arena, so it looked pretty stupid for Christian to get attacked and THEN his music plays.

- That sentimental music that played over the BG James/Killings vs. Konnan stuff was... Odd.

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That was a great go-home show... good main event that got about 12 min. Lots of great promo packages and interviews. Best pre-PPV Impact TNA has done.


Seriously, they outdid themselves in cramming stuff into this show.

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Guest Coffey

Eh, the show came off lackluster to me. I thought the Raven video package was the best part of the show. It certainly didn't sell the PPV to me but I was going to watch it anyway.

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I was surprised by that. I thought for sure something like Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles was going to win.


I liked the show last night...really wish they'd get two hours (and I realize this topic has been re-hashed to death already), just because the show is almost too fast paced. They have to run angles simultaneous with matches, just to get everything in (Shannon Moore and AJ Styles running through the ring during Joe/Riley).


- Abyss squash was entertaining. I liked his big moves. Kind of weird they brought in Jay Lethal just to be a jobber, since I was under the impression he's a pretty big deal in ROH and stuff.


- Joe vs Riley was entertaining, but it is getting a little old seeing Joe do basically the same squash match week after week (Joe no sells opponents strikes, does a bunch of kicks, hits a senton, leaping knee in the corner, muscle buster, kokina clutch tap out, et al).


- I was surprised by the music videos, but they were short and to the point (unlike WWE's which can drag on too long). Music was ok...at least it wasn't all Creed rip-off music. I'm really curious who Raven's opponent tonight will be. Sounds like it's "someone from Raven's past" give Meltzer's notes.


- Main event was pretty good. I thought the ending with Sting's voiceover was a little cheesy, but it fits the storyline, and I understand them wanting to save his first appearance for the PPV.


- One last thing...I'm really curious where they're going with this Jeff Jarrett/Jackie Gayda angle. The way they're building it up, it has to be something more than some lame soap opera-ish "they had an affair one time" or something, right?


Overall, a solid show, IMO. TNA manages to milk every minute of their one hour a week, and it's working, given the amount of angles and guys they seem to get on week after week. I just really wish they'd get a two hour timeslot, hopefully on a week night, so I'd have more time to digest what's happened before the next segment.

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Guest flair4thegold

Not to bad of show. Good build up to the PPV, especially having the heels end the show the way they did. Having everyone (main eventers) come out further built up the "war" angle. Sort of anyway.

I like being able to see more X division stars than just the 3 they have pushed. Getting Shelly involved in the outcome of the triple man tag was good. Building heat for those guys.

I wish they would do the same with their forgotten "heavy weights" IE Hoyt, the Naturals. But like was said only having an hour a week they can only do so much. Seems like Abyss is always on in a match, why not give the guy a week off and put in the other talent that doesn't always get on or never gets on.

Still an hour of Impact is way better than the drench of fours hours the WWF puts on.

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TNA went from having Larry Zybrisko making my ears bleed to having my eyes bleed from viewing the uneven breasts of Jackie Gayda. What exactly is the point in the Jackie Gayda/Jarrett angle, there is no need to stretch this storyline out this long just bring in her husband/boyfriend to beatup Jeff.


On a positive note I think Jeff Jarrett should do more of these pretaped interviews and stay far away from the ring since the Orlando mutants will just shit on him before he opens his mouth. Its a miracle what editing can do for his character.

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Show was alright, but not the end-all, be-all, build to the ppv on Sunday. They did a shit-ton better job with this last month with a really good show ending video package highlighting all of the matches. They didnt do that this time.


The thing that caught my eye is this Jarrett/Jackie thing. Probably in the minority but I am interested where this is going, as they have been dropping hints here and there about things what it could be all about. What seems clear is that it is something to do with Canada (D'amore and Jarrett were mentioning Canada last week with her letter to them) and now its something that Jarrett and maybe D'amore were involved with together, some sort of secret. Thinking this HAS to lead to Gayda being Raven's girlfriend and she is bringing up something in Canada, which maybe in the storyline something went down when they did the title switch up there. Thats my best bet at making sense of it for now, but like I said, I'm interested to see where they go with this. Raven can be set up for a title shot next ppv and this whole storyline might open up a lot more real soon.

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Joe vs Riley was entertaining, but it is getting a little old seeing Joe do basically the same squash match week after week (Joe no sells opponents strikes, does a bunch of kicks, hits a senton, leaping knee in the corner, muscle buster, kokina clutch tap out, et al).
Add Samoa Joe fiddling with his trunks and you've got 90% of all his impact matches - only time I've really seen him change that up is for PPVs

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Show was alright, but not the end-all, be-all, build to the ppv on Sunday. They did a shit-ton better job with this last month with a really good show ending video package highlighting all of the matches. They didnt do that this time.


The thing that caught my eye is this Jarrett/Jackie thing. Probably in the minority but I am interested where this is going, as they have been dropping hints here and there about things what it could be all about. What seems clear is that it is something to do with Canada (D'amore and Jarrett were mentioning Canada last week with her letter to them) and now its something that Jarrett and maybe D'amore were involved with together, some sort of secret. Thinking this HAS to lead to Gayda being Raven's girlfriend and she is bringing up something in Canada, which maybe in the storyline something went down when they did the title switch up there. Thats my best bet at making sense of it for now, but like I said, I'm interested to see where they go with this. Raven can be set up for a title shot next ppv and this whole storyline might open up a lot more real soon.


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Only problem is I don't see Raven getting a World Title shot again anytime soon. I think Jarrett has his hands full with Christian Cage and Sting at the moment.

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Guest flair4thegold

I really hope its not Zybisko vs Raven. I'm thinking Saturn. Itd be cool if it was Lance Storm but don't think that will happen either.

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Is Saturn still wrestling? I heard he got really messed up in a fight or something a while back. He was supposed to do Shane Douglas' ECW tribute show, but had to pull out because he wasn't even close to being ring ready, IIRC.

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I think last night's Impact may have been my favorite thus far. Good in ring action with the six man tag (good to see Sonjay again) and a good albeit predictable main event. The running storyline with AJ and Shannon Moore seemed a little silly at first but it actually got a laugh outta me, particulalry when Shannon shows up during the Jackie segment...and I dug the way they wove it into Joe's match. And I think they did a pretty good job of selling the PPV too with the video packages and everything, since this is the first time they've actually managed to get me interested in the undercard matches not involving Joe, Daniels or AJ.

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