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The OAO Smackdown Thread for 1-27-06

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

Matt Hardy didn't sell Finlay's face smashing this week



Animal said "Ill -eye-noize!" (Illinois)

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

Finlay's going to get over based on having a different moveset from the rest



Those fans chanting boring had best fear their lives!

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Two thoughts about this segment:


1. JBL's facial expressions were hilarious.


2. The camera needs to pan down more. The woman has giant tits, for fuck's sake. Quit focusing on her face.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

Boogeyman won't last past 1-2 Fued's since this stuff will more than likely get old and less creative fast...



Can't WWE get in trouble with Peta for Worm abuse?

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Boogeyman won't last past 1-2 Fued's since this stuff will more than likely get old and less creative fast...



Can't WWE get in trouble with Peta for Worm abuse?



The less cute the animals are, the less chance of them caring.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

I HATE when commentators use that "X has never kicked out of Y before!" line

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That's kind of like saying "better than metastatic bone cancer." What isn't? But Smackdown was really good tonight. Benoit vs. Orton was the best match I've seen from either guy in... forever, and anyone who still doubts that Henry is better than Shawn Michaels is a fool.

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I just wanted to chime in and say that i'm sick of that "heel pulls up protective padding, tries a powerbomb/piledriver, gets backdropped" spot that was used during Orton/Benoit.


If a heel actually pulls it off, or any variation (see: HHH's Concussive Pedigree vs. Angle (and Rock) during SumSlam 00) then it's alright, but the chances of it happening are very rare (as the HHH example was the only one I could really think up quickly)

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This was the first time I've gotten to see Smackdown! in a while since I get UPN at college and don't get it when I'm back at home. I was thoroughly impressed with tonight's show from top to bottom and it beats the hell out of the crap I've had to endure on RAW. I loved the JBL-Jillian segment and what they are doing with the Boogeyman. It may get stale in a few months but it's keeping my interest right now.


Also, the Benoit-Orton match kicked all kinds of ass. It was better than I expected it to be. I especially liked the finish where Benoit used the trash can lid on Orton and immediately locked in the crossface.

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These Benoit/Orton matches are so insanely overrated by you guys. They give them about 25 mins. constantly when they can't even find substance for 10 mins. of a match. Thus we get nothing but Randy's god awful headlocks and sleepers for half the match since he has no fucking clue what to do out there for 20+. I love Benoit to death, but this Orton series needs to end.


Hell, Henry/Rey was a better match. It at least told a "little man vs. fat man" type story.


From tonight I have no idea who to look at for the Rumble. I don't see Orton. This angle with him and Booker is sorta...whatever. Doesn't seem like a Carlito/Masters deal from hell, but more like Booker will just wait his opportunity and toss Orton rather than cash in the favor. Or vice versa. Either way I don't think either guy is making much impact in the Rumble based on this.


Honestly, I have no idea who is going to win the Rumble. Let's have a look at the main guys:


HHH: Because God hates us all. That said, it really doesn't make any sense for him to win, especially if they are hell bent on 1. Keeping the title on Edge and 2. Going through with HHH/Cena at WM.


Rey: Interesting idea but I don't think many people will buy Rey as a world title threat. Just too small. An ultra small guy winning a battle royale is kinda silly. That said he's dedicating it to Eddie so maybe he'll get a feel good win.


Orton: Just went over him, doesn't seem like much more of a contender than Booker based on tonight. Also jobbed to Benoit and has zero momentum or credibility.


RVD: His video package tonight was the best thus far, it really got me stoked for his return. Honestly, if they want the most over guy in the match to win, RVD is it.


I can't think of much of anyone else that's getting the hype for the Rumble. In some cases like Orton it's mostly just rumor anyway. Ask yourself this: Have they really done a decent job conveying to you on TV that Orton has a chance in hell of winning the Rumble?

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Guest wildpegasus

There's nothing wrong with Orton's headlocks in this match.



They were used pretty effectively in this match. Better than any other Orton match I've ever seen.


Benoit put importance on them by doing that immediate espace and his normal great selling jobs along with playing to the crowd to show he was even in more trouble.

The only problem with those spots is that they're not quite considered lethal enough by the fans. What Orton needs are a couple of victorys via sleeper or something. I don't know if that'll be happening with the WWE style though.


If Orton insists on using so many in a match than he may as well use them at better times than he has in the past like he did here. The last one was pretty cool as it was right after a knockout blow where Benoit sold like he was loopier than well loopy. Perfect time after that to slap on a tight hold when Benoit's head is gone. Add that on the accumulative effect that had been taking during the match and you feel even more sympthany for him. It makes a lot of sense but the problem is like I said before is that the crowd doesn't appreciate the move enough because it's never been put over as lethal. If it was the crowd would've been on their feet cheering like there's Astroboy on tv the next day.


The match wasn't perfect and it could've been better but it was still great and is the kind of match that'll stick out of the pack for quite awhile. Everything in the match pretty much made sense. The transistions were pretty cool (Orton's eye rake of the face, Orton's counter of the crossface late in the match), the charactors were easy to understand, the match felt like a No Holds Barred match despite using a trash can, the selling was on and the match gave off a great struggle vibe.

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Really good show. But I am curious- Did anyone else catch Michael Cole's mention of piledrivers being banned in WWE? Heh.


Yet they'll let Finlay use the Kryptonite Crunch (not a piledriver, but still a head-dropper) and Kid Kash use a Brainbuster as their finishers. Weird.

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Really good show. But I am curious- Did anyone else catch Michael Cole's mention of piledrivers being banned in WWE? Heh.


Yet they'll let Finlay use the Kryptonite Crunch (not a piledriver, but still a head-dropper) and Kid Kash use a Brainbuster as their finishers. Weird.


They also allow the tombstone!

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Guest Nathan

Benoit/Orton was even better than match seven I thought, but then again I love violence.


Henry/Mysterio was better than last week too.


I turned the show off after Finlay's match. Had no desire to see JBL get attacked by worms or the best tag team in the promotion get squashed by a guy who can't put over anyone's offense.

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I have a difficult time hating Randy Orton, given his ability to sell like a proverbial bitch and take some painful-looking bumps. He may be average on the stick, and lack the ability to put moves together in an interesting combination, but damn it if he can't sell and bump.

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