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Paul Stanley

WCW Wrestler Emory Hale passes away

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Former WCW wrestler Emory Hale passed away earlier this evening. He had been suffering from health problems in the last few years of his life. He needed a kidney transplant in 2003. Soon after getting the kidney transplant, he developed pneumonia from it and was hospitalized again. Also, he had been hospitalized as of late, although, the reasons haven't been revealed yet as to why he was in the hospital this time around.


He was best known for having a mini-push on WCW Saturday Night in 2000 with Jimmy Hart as his manager. After he defeated his opponent, a "Hail Warning" graphic would scroll across the screen. He also wrestled one match under a mask as "The Machine" on WCW Thunder in February of 2000 and was defeated by Diamond Dallas Page. He was a big 6'6", 300 pound wrestler who was broken into the business by the brother of the late "Mad Dog" Buzz Sawyer, Brett Sawyer.


source - PWInsider.com


He wasnt well known, but with the three days XWF toured west texas in 2002 he was one of the nicest guys ive ever traveled with.

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He was my friend's most hated wrestler...for no real reason. I barely remember him.

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I remember "The Machine" match on Thunder. I thought he had a cool (if slightly generic) look, and thought it was weird they'd job a new guy, seemingly a monster heel, in his first match. My guess is they wanted to protect Hale and just gave him the match to get some experience working on TV, I guess.

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I remember "The Machine" match on Thunder. I thought he had a cool (if slightly generic) look, and thought it was weird they'd job a new guy, seemingly a monster heel, in his first match. My guess is they wanted to protect Hale and just gave him the match to get some experience working on TV, I guess.


And then he blew a spot big, vanished for a bit, and was forgotten by Russo except for that stupid Mancow/Hart match he had to have on the PPV.

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Damn, he was my favorite wrestler. Growing up, I had dreams of one day being just like Emerson Haele. Now, I don't know what's left to live for. Things like this really make you think. Thankfully I still have princess cameron, the little slut.

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Guest hasbeen
Damn, he was my favorite wrestler. Growing up, I had dreams of one day being just like Emerson Haele. Now, I don't no what's left to live for. Things like this really make you think. Thankfully I still have princess cameron, the little slut.



You're a jerk.

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Damn, he was my favorite wrestler. Growing up, I had dreams of one day being just like Emerson Haele. Now, I don't no what's left to live for. Things like this really make you think. Thankfully I still have princess cameron, the little slut.


Nice try. ;)

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