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ECW One Night Stand II

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by Mike Johnson @ 10:15:00 AM on 2/4/2006


As we reported last week on the PWInsider.com Elite section, there are already plans in motion for the second ECW One Night Stand PPV on 6/10. There have been discussions about holding the show again at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City or moving it to a location in Philadelphia, PA. I don't believe the ECW Arena is an option, especially since it looks nothing like the Arena since they've renovated the place.


WWE's John Laurinaitis has already contacted Terry Funk about working the show, but hasn't struck a deal yet. Funk has been canceling indy appearances since he sold the Double Cross Ranch, because at 61, if he doesn't need the money, he's really going to pick when and where he works.


The word going around is that WWE is interested in signing outside talents working the ECW PPV to a stronger deal this year, in order to prevent another round of Hardcore Homecoming shows from piggybacking on the ECW concept.


Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko have pitched the idea of working against each other on the PPV in a tribute bout to Eddie Guerrero. Malenko was unable to work last year's show because his wife was scheduled to give birth the day of the show.


Yoshihiro Tajiri is expected to come in from Japan to work the PPV.


It will be interesting to see what WWE comes up with since a lot of the names on last year's PPV including The Dudley Boyz, Rhino, Jim Mitchell, and Sabu are now out of their reach due to TNA contracts. I also doubt Blue Meanie will be back given the circumstance of his run with WWE last year, but I guess one never knows. WWE Talents who didn't work last year but are available are Rob Van Dam (injured last year), Roadkill, Johnny Swinger and Al Snow, who weren't used in matches on the first PPV.


Saying the ECW Arena "doesn't look the same" is a load of crap since, among other things, the facilities have been improved to the point where a PPV would be easier to pull off now than 10 years ago. Heyman originally said that on ECW Byte This, but I don't think he's actually been there since the promotion folded.


I think they should make this Funk's retirement show and give him a million dollars so he doesn't have to worry about Indy bookings anymore.

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Guest Coffey

Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Al Snow, Rey Mysterio, Psicosis, Super Crazy, Kid Kash, Little Guido, Tommy Dreamer, Lance Storm, Rob Van Dam, Taz, Paul Heyman, Joey Styles, etc. are all still in WWE. I'm sure they could get some people like Francine, Awesome, Tanaka, Tajiri, & Don Callis to come in. It could be successful. Especially if they don't try to run the WWE Vs. ECW crap angle again. The worst part about the last ECW One Night Stand was all the WWE guys sitting up in the box shitting on everything. Like we need a JBL promo on an ECW show?


They gotta try new stuff this time though. For example, Stevie Richards was in the bWo last time, so make him the lackey this time.

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Guest whizzo

RVD winning money and the bank at mania and going for the title on "home turf" sounds like a winner to me especially if the champ is another ecw alumini however unlikely. I suppose rey is the most likely

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Is Jerry Lynn under contract with TNA?


Lynn-RVD is one match that could headline.


They could also do something with Storm/Credible.


Yes, Jerry is under contract with TNA and currently involved in a minor angle searching for guys to beat Joe I guess is the best way to put it. Lynn is out.


Bring back Hack Myers if he's still alive. And find Scorpio.

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Is Jerry Lynn under contract with TNA?


Lynn-RVD is one match that could headline.


They could also do something with Storm/Credible.


If he is, he should just quit for a couple months. And then go back to TNA when ONS2 is finished. :)

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seeing they give one shot, one night contracts and he was only "fired from RAW", I think there may be a possibility of seeing Jericho on this card. One night wouldn't really ruin his touring and such, unless it is booked a night where he is already committed.

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Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Al Snow, Rey Mysterio, Psicosis, Super Crazy, Kid Kash, Little Guido, Tommy Dreamer, Lance Storm, Rob Van Dam, Taz, Paul Heyman, Joey Styles, etc. are all still in WWE. I'm sure they could get some people like Francine, Awesome, Tanaka, Tajiri, & Don Callis to come in. It could be successful. Especially if they don't try to run the WWE Vs. ECW crap angle again. The worst part about the last ECW One Night Stand was all the WWE guys sitting up in the box shitting on everything. Like we need a JBL promo on an ECW show?


They gotta try new stuff this time though. For example, Stevie Richards was in the bWo last time, so make him the lackey this time.


Lance Storm isn't with the company, in any form right now. Although he could be brought in for a ONO shot, if he feels that he still has gas in the tank after the Danielson match in Chicago for ROH.


Here's something I wonder, last year Heyman focused on pushing the nostalgia of ECW but what if Heyman this time booked the show to be more along the lines of an actual ECW show. A couple big matches, a few brawls and alot of angles and skits.


I would be curious to see if Heyman tries to use some of his OVW stars on this show. If Heyman gets complete control again with Dreamer as he did last year, I would love to see him take advantage and use this show to debut CM Punk to a wide audience. CM Punk completely fits the mold of ECW in terms of character, charisma and he actually has talent inside the ring.

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No matter who is signed with TNA, WWE has plenty of former ECW talent on the roster plus there are so many other former ecw guys floating around probably looking for a pay day.

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I don't see the point of doing another one of these.


Yeah, ECW was cool, and the last show was nice. A fitting tribute. Do we really need to see it a second time, though, probably with even less real ECW guys?

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I wish they'd do Benoit vs. Snow.


It really wasn't that good the first time around and considering that Al Snow hasn't stepped into the ring in awhile wouldn't be the best opportunity for Benoit, who for this show would be the #4 star (behind RVD, Funk, Rey).


I would like to see Rey/Dean and Tanaka/Benoit but I have a feeling they will do Benoit/Rey instead and let Melenko work a tag match instead.


I really do think they would be wise to use people who werent connected to ECW but to use talented available outside workers that would have fit the mold for ECW, today had it survived.


It could be Heyman's way of saying "This is what ECW would have been today, had we survived".

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Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko have pitched the idea of working against each other on the PPV in a tribute bout to Eddie Guerrero. Malenko was unable to work last year's show because his wife was scheduled to give birth the day of the show.


I'd buy the ppv just for Beniot vs Malenko. I've always been a fan of Malenko in the ring. Awesome vs Tanaka rematch should happen again but give them more time, than they had last time and don't show JBL every 5 seconds making fun of the match. I don't care what anyone says, the match was one of the best matches on the card last year and a rematch would be a draw.

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Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko have pitched the idea of working against each other on the PPV in a tribute bout to Eddie Guerrero. Malenko was unable to work last year's show because his wife was scheduled to give birth the day of the show.


I'd buy the ppv just for Beniot vs Malenko. I've always been a fan of Malenko in the ring. Awesome vs Tanaka rematch should happen again but give them more time, than they had last time and don't show JBL every 5 seconds making fun of the match. I don't care what anyone says, the match was one of the best matches on the card last year and a rematch would be a draw.


If you do bring Awesome in for the show, Tanaka is the only thing you can do with Awesome. The man just doesn't mesh with anyone else that WWE would entertain bringing into the show. I'd rather Tanaka doing something different, such as Benoit then see the 200th version of Tanaka/Awesome.

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You know, I can't really think of anyone for RVD to work with for ONS2. Everyone he had a significant feud with is either in TNA(Sabu, Lynn, Rhino) or fell off the face of the earth (Bam Bam, Anton) and I don't want to see RVD/Balls again.


I doubt WWE will want to connect RVD with Kid Kash as well.

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Guest Dr Stupid

If only they could get Rhino (it will never happen, i'm just dreaming), i would get RVD v Rhino, using the history that the two have over the TV Title (correct me if i'm wrong)

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WWE really fucked themselves over on this, that's what they get for pissing off ex-ECW stars.

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You know, I can't really think of anyone for RVD to work with for ONS2. Everyone he had a significant feud with is either in TNA(Sabu, Lynn, Rhino) or fell off the face of the earth (Bam Bam, Anton) and I don't want to see RVD/Balls again.


I was just thinking earlier about how Bam Bam could run out to face RVD and the chant he would get.


"Where have YOU been? *clap clap, clap clap clap*"

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Guest Timmer

I would just assume to not see another ECW PPV...


It's been too many years and I'll say the same thing when they put the 1st one out. You bring everybody back or you don't do it at all...


I didn't think the 1st one was that good at all, pretty dissapointing actually.

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I just don't see how they can do it at this point.


They can have a good show with a great atmosphere...but an ECW show without:


The Dudleys



Jerry Lynn

Shane Douglas

And Raven???


That's their best Tag Team, biggest attraction and 4 main eventers.

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I just don't see how they can do it at this point.


They can have a good show with a great atmosphere...but an ECW show without:


The Dudleys



Jerry Lynn

Shane Douglas

And Raven???


That's their best Tag Team, biggest attraction and 4 main eventers.


I don't think I've seen Sabu in TNA lately. Is he signed with the company or not?

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I didn't think the 1st one was that good at all, pretty dissapointing actually.



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