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Guest hasbeen

TNA arena crowd

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That kind of head dropping is usually done by wrestlers who don't know how to build moves, so they become wasteful because after they are done and after that pop, they go on wrestling the match like it never happened and so the heat goes with it. They do have their place if one uses them well. If the crowd is dead and you want to light a fire under them, it's a spark.


I don't mind fans applauding the physical work done in matches. If I see a move, even if it's as simple as a nice punch, that I liked being done I will give a lil applause. This is not really a gut reaction, though. It's not a "jump out of your seat" kinda stuff. There's no emotion behind it. There is a reason why I was applauding a nice punch and that's a bad sign on the part of the guys in the match - it means they were doing a bad enough job in working me, that I was so disconnected from their work, that I was noticing shit like nice punches rather than the anger behind the punches and cheering for the guy who landed it. Of course, this is the ideal and cannot be expected from everyone in every match, I do however think that not enough wrestlers are trying to live up to this ideal and would rather get those "respectful" applauses because, quite frankly, they are easier to get.


The vast majority of Duelling Chants I hate with a passion. Because it's the fans taking over the match. The ones that I have heard are done when there isn't really anything being done in the ring to warrant one. They are done at random and when a particular person or group feels like doing it. And you can tell when one will get started because that person or group will say "LET'S GO DRAGON..." and are expecting someone to say "LET'S GO MDOGG!" in return. What is this, a fucking class debate where you take turns presenting your case? The wrestlers need to take control of the crowd and if they have a scenario where the fans are chanting whatever the fans want, then they aren't doing their jobs. The wrestlers should be able to get the fans to chant what the wrestlers want. That's the art of working.

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Guest cacheton
At least TNA does not have that one rouge female fan yelling out the name of her favorite wrestler.


Actually I think every wrestling show in history has a mandatory red headed groupie.

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Whats wrong with the TNA dueling chants is:


* that it seems like the same guy roots for both people.


This is what it sounds like to me too. Every TNA duel chant seems to have the same tone of voice for both sides and it just kills the product for me. I hope that I'm just hearing things and no one is actually retarded enough to chant for both guys at the same time.

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At least TNA does not have that one rouge female fan yelling out the name of her favorite wrestler.


Actually I think every wrestling show in history has a mandatory red headed groupie.


In Japan there is the one lady who yells out TIGER!......in Florida the carrot top lady leads chants of HOYT! HOYT! HOYT!

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Guest hasbeen

or applauded politely (too much watching Japanese tapes I suppose).

Off topic, but I really hate comments like these. Has this guy actually seen a puro match not involving juniors? 'Cause that's the only time I ever hear polite applause.



Too often, at least to me, it doesn't seem sincere. It seems like the trendy thing to do, because it was done first by those more "knowledgeable."

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