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Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Show Your Bones

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I really love "Cheated Hearts" but the rest is ok. I like it as a solid listen-through but nothing (except the song I mentioned earlier) really stands out. I probably need to give it another listen or three to make a final opinion - but that's my first impression.

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That's probably because she wasn't fucking drenched in beer, which is her standard state. I never thought she was that hot at all, but her voice IS sexy.


The album's pretty good. I liked Fever to Tell more. The last few ballads are sort of crappy. Trying to hard to recreate 'Maps' when strutting rock is really more their strength, I think 'Maps' was something of an abberation. 'Cheated Hearts' was great, though. They hit the right note on that one.


I still have high hopes for the band. They were quite good live, with a notable exception. The drums and guitar were more than solid, however:


Karen O sounded pretty good when I could HEAR her. Someone needs to tell the girl when you go from pretty much talking to screeching, you need to alter the distance between your mic and your mouth. It went from a muted mumble to being so loud it clipped. Kristin Hersh and Kazu Makino can do it, babe, and they're ten times the singer in range and volume that Karen O ever will be.


Does Karen O sound like Siouxsie to anyone else? It's probably just me.

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also, what the HELL was up with the Y-Control video? Children of the Corn wishes it were half as creepy as that video was...*shudder*

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