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The OAO '2006 Hall of Fame ceremony' thread.

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Ugh, they cut it short:


- During Bret Hart's induction speech, he told a lot of Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart stories. There were no references towards Shawn Michaels, except for Bret telling a story about how he once disciplined his son, so his son went to his room and came out with a Shawn Michaels shirt and glove on and said he was "in the kliq". Bret said while WWE took a lot from him, they gave him a lot too. Bret finished his speech about 15 minutes after 11pm (that's Eastern time, not Chicago time).

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Ugh, they cut it short:


- During Bret Hart's induction speech, he told a lot of Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart stories. There were no references towards Shawn Michaels, except for Bret telling a story about how he once disciplined his son, so his son went to his room and came out with a Shawn Michaels shirt and glove on and said he was "in the kliq". Bret said while WWE took a lot from him, they gave him a lot too. Bret finished his speech about 15 minutes after 11pm (that's Eastern time, not Chicago time).



That BETTER be on the damn DVD.

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Exactly why did they even have to edit anything? Was it really going to take away from USANETWORK airing nothing but SVU reruns all night?

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Guest NYankees

They should have put Mean Gene during the last 20 minutes on wwe.com.

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You know, after waiting for that "Bret moment" for almost ten years, that was far too short and didn't live up to any expectations at all.


At least he, as far as I know, decided not to act like a douche tonight.

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The Hogan/Austin chant was pretty awesome.


Austin saying he had a can of whoop ass with Hogan's name on it was even better.

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Exactly why did they even have to edit anything? Was it really going to take away from USANETWORK airing nothing but SVU reruns all night?


So they could have the "Complete 4 hour ceremony with never before seen footage" on DVD.


And Gene being on the actual broadcast was more for Hogan than anything else.

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How sad is it that they are pushing WM23's main event already when they waited until 6 weeks ago to get the ball rolling on this years Mania...and on the eve of Mania, still has zero clue what to do.

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Yeah, Bret's speech tonight was vanilla. I mean, it was nice to see him there, but it definitely lacked a sense of closure for his WWE career. To do that, he would really need to participate in a storyline with Vince and Shawn, so I guess it's never going to happen.

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Guest Princess Leena

That Bret speech was really disappointing... WWE edits the heck out of it, Austin's speech was nothing but to put over a possible match between two dinosaurs. Lame.

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Austin/Hogan should be at SummerSlam, not WrestleMania. I'm sick and tired of everyone wanting these "dream matches" between two washed up 40-60 year olds. And knowing how Vince likes to hurry things up when they are hot (see Hogan's face turn in 2002), we'll probably see Austin-Hogan sometime THIS year.

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This is from a poster on DVDRMB who was there and saw the parts that were edited out:


"I'll try and give the best roundup of the stories as I can... His Neidhart story was about the boys (Hogan included) drinking and partying in a strip club and Vince showed up. LOD claimed they were going to nail Vince with the Doomsday Device. They ended up picking Vince up to do it, and hit him with the move with a weak clothesline and Brutus and some other wrestlers caught Vince so he had an easy landing. Neidhart said "The Hart Foundation would have done it right" (or something to that effect) and got up and hit Vince with the Hart Attack, right there.

There was a story about a little black kid waking Earthquake up on a flight for an autograph, Quake getting pissed of and bitching the kid out and the kid slapping Quake in the face.

They kept the Owen pizza story on TV and the other Owen story is on the Bret Hart DVD (the gag about Owen calling Stu).

BTW, they gave out a nice program and a cool little medalion (I think someone said they gave the same thing away last year)."

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Exactly why did they even have to edit anything? Was it really going to take away from USANETWORK airing nothing but SVU reruns all night?

they could have shown the whole show if they wanted, dumbasses



anyhow it was kinda wrong for bret to have to go after eddie. I know he was the draw of the show but it was...odd




surreal to see bret come out to that music and the wwe logo there. Bret actually looks pretty good for having survived a stroke.


so bret left his wife in italy with the dog?



I guess brets ex still has the kids huh? though by now blade has to be in his early 20s



no references to the austin-hart submission match? weird seeing as they are in chicago once again.



Cena on camera gets booed WOW it seems though as if the fans are going out of their way to boo him, like they dont even really mean it



Reys referee striped suit=Awful it looked like something Danny Davis would wear to the ring back in the day, and 2 sizes too big


Poor chavo gets relegated to jobber status again here and rey gets to intro Vickie,


Notice how they just completely ignored his wcw days in the video packagage? plus anything prior to 03 actually



its weird to hear his music again though. I almost expected him to walk out. its like having a part of him alive again when that song plays.



Mean Gene rules, he should be the backstage interview guy on raw instead of Toad.


the austin-hogan chants have to make vince cringe what could have been eh?

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Fuckin Stupid Asshole Hypocritical Christian Shawn. God, why the fuck did he have to put all the attention on himself and ruin Bret's big moment?

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Man, I can't believe Shawn ran up there and superkicked Bret. And I REALLY can't believe Benoit put him in the crossface while Vince pissed all over his HOF plaque.


Amazing. I am SO ordering WrestleMania tomorrow.


Wait a minute......is it April 2nd yet? B-)

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I was there. Eddie's induction was awesome, and Bret's stories had the place rolling. Even the usher lady in my section, who seemed annoyed at all the wrestling fan presence in the theatre, was laughing pretty visibly by Bret's stories and jokes.


By the way, Cena's response was nothing short of amazing. He was booed every time anything resembling him came up. It just shows that the fans that go to these things are mostly smarks, but not really deep smarks, since they find HHH to be amazing and cheered him uncontrollably.


I'd say about 75% of the crowd had at least a nice shirt on, with about 30-40% in a tie or even more dressed up (I had a tie on). There were some people who simply should not be allowed to procreate making completely inappropriate and loud comments during the inductions.

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Guest heyimbro

I have to wait until Monday to see the last hour, but it doesn't sound overly appealing.


Also, you know what's awesome? This thread is longer than last week's RAW thread.

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Fuckin Stupid Asshole Hypocritical Christian Shawn. God, why the fuck did he have to put all the attention on himself and ruin Bret's big moment?


Nice shot. And I guess now we'll never be able to believe a word Bret says because he lied about leaving if Shawn was there.

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