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Corino to Scherer:

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From Corino's Livejournal:


Over the years I have been called alot of things and 99.9% of the time it never bothers me. I have been called hard to work with, ego driven, fat (that one is true), slow (Guilty), etc.


But call it a bad mood today but I have to scream bullshit because this guy actually tries to make you fans pay for his "inside news".


DAVE SCHERER of PWInsider reported, and I use that term very loosly, that I have been telling people that I will be at the ECW Pay Per View. First of all, Dickhead, there is NO ECW PPV. ECW is gone. As much as we don't want to admit, its gone. Its a WWE PPV so they can sell more DVDs. And I have NEVER told anyone that I am going to do such a thing as go there. Since I have been known to "Guild The Lillies" as he would like to tell you, which means I have been known to lie, he laughed and made light of it. Ok Peckerface, who are these "people" I have told? Considering it has been no one, who is lying now?


As I put in my Blog and Live Journal the only talks I have had with the WWE had to do with guys from ZERO1-MAX and that is because ITS MY JOB. Never has my name come up from either them or me. In fact you if you look I am scheduled to be at my OWN show on June 11. So how am I telling "these people" that Dave Scherer wants you to pay him and believe? Well its because I am not. And you would think that he would ask his co-worker Mike Johnson, who is good friend of mine, if it was true. But that would take a real journalist getting to the bottom of the story. You should learn from Mike. Whenever he hears something, good or bad, he comes to me and asks.


And maybe the thing that pissed me off the worst is that he said "Corino seems to have lost his way.' What the piss is that? Lost my way? Why, because I wasn't going to cry over spilled milk when ECW closed? Because I followed my dream and went to Japan and stayed there? Because I like it there? But I "lost my way" right Dave? Who the shit are you to tell me what way I am? I love Z1MAX. Its my home. Sorry if it wasn't all right with you to become a heavyweight but eating and not sticking a needle up my ass. And with my body I would have had to but I chose, with the support of my bosses, to gain 40 pounds naturally. I guess I lost my way huh?


If I would have heard about this from a website that doesn't charge you or make you sit through a million pop-ups that screw up your computer for "inside news" then I wouldn't have been pissed at all. But this guy flat out made this shit up to take a personal shot. If you want to take a personal shot, don't ask people to pay for it asshole. I am taking personal shots at you now you freaking nerd but I am not asking anyone to pay for it. At least guys that bury me don't ask people who are going to read it to pay for it. Those people I respect.


It takes a lot of balls to sit behind your computer and make lies up about people Dave Scherer. Maybe you can come to a show and face the wrestlers you lie about? Oh wait, that would mean you would have to get off your ass and put your Internet muscles away.


Hey Dave, go fuck yourself.


Does this mean he's not going to be at the ECW PPV? ;)

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Sigh, I always find it funny when wrestlers challenge journalists to fight them as if the journalists ever claimed that they were tougher then the wrestlers.

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Perhaps Corino should just start making up lies about Scherer instead but who'd really care anyways. If anyone ever takes Scherer seriously, they deserve to be ripped off.

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Sigh, I always find it funny when wrestlers challenge journalists to fight them as if the journalists ever claimed that they were tougher then the wrestlers.


I don't think that's the route he's trying to go here. He's just trying to illustrate that these guys would never show up to back their facts up in person.

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Ditto, but I guess Jeff and Jeremy over at TNA have a hard time living up to promises and responding to emails to make it happen.

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I hate "internet feuds" between wrestlers and journalists....this is so 1998.


You've got a wrestler who most mainstream wrestling fans know nothing or care nothing about, and a "journalist" for a internet news site, fighting like children. What a joke.

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Ditto, but I guess Jeff and Jeremy over at TNA have a hard time living up to promises and responding to emails to make it happen.


It's a shame too, as a former NWA World Champion, he'd easily debut in the ME, though I wouldn't want him in the title scene instantly.

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Ditto, but I guess Jeff and Jeremy over at TNA have a hard time living up to promises and responding to emails to make it happen.


It's a shame too, as a former NWA World Champion, he'd easily debut in the ME, though I wouldn't want him in the title scene instantly.


Ever think it's possible that Corino doesn't want to wrestle for anyone other than Z1MAX?

Sounds like the guy is pretty happy where he is in life.

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Hard to work with?! The guy's a teddy bear.


Ego driven? Not in my experience.


Fat? Well, he DID ask if there was a Burger King around...


Slow? Well, the flight WAS rough...

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Ditto, but I guess Jeff and Jeremy over at TNA have a hard time living up to promises and responding to emails to make it happen.


It's a shame too, as a former NWA World Champion, he'd easily debut in the ME, though I wouldn't want him in the title scene instantly.


Ever think it's possible that Corino doesn't want to wrestle for anyone other than Z1MAX?

Sounds like the guy is pretty happy where he is in life.


He still works indies in America, mainly ROH for the occasional stint.

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It's a shame too, as a former NWA World Champion, he'd easily debut in the ME, though I wouldn't want him in the title scene instantly.


TNA cares exactly nothing about the history of the NWA title. How many times have former NWA world champs Dan Severn, Gary Steel, Shinya Hashimoto (rip), or Mike Rapada been booked at TNA?

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Who exactly is Scherer? I have to admit I'd never heard of him. How respected is he?


From what I've seen here, Meltz is the only respected one. The reason I bring this up is that I'm a journalism grad, and my mother once suggested getting into wrestling writing, but the only guys I I really know are Meltzer. Foley wrote in his book that he expected Meltz to be in hiding a la Salman Rushdie.


There's also, of course, Scott Keith, who seems awfully beloved around here. :P

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It's a shame too, as a former NWA World Champion, he'd easily debut in the ME, though I wouldn't want him in the title scene instantly.


TNA cares exactly nothing about the history of the NWA title. How many times have former NWA world champs Dan Severn, Gary Steel, Shinya Hashimoto (rip), or Mike Rapada been booked at TNA?

Steve Corino was on one of the first TNA shows in June 2002 in a battle royal, and I don't believe they mentioned him as a former NWA champ. They did mention he was a former ECW champ though. But yeah, you're right and they didn't make a big deal about him then either.

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Who exactly is Scherer? I have to admit I'd never heard of him. How respected is he?

Scherer put out a sheet called The Wrestling Lariat, though it was often referred to as 'ECW Weekly' due to it's heavy focus on ECW. He's not very credible, and used to be part of the spyware-fest that was 1Wrestling.com before starting up his own spyware ridden website.

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I'll never forget back in 1999 when the Flying Scotsman started his campaign to see what websites and newsboardz would post ridiculously fake wrestling news as actual truth or credible rumor. Well, someone sent in an obituary of an indy wrestler who supposedly died during a match along with a picture of said wrestler. The website being oblivious to it, the picture that was sent in was of Dave Scherer. Scherer was PISSED because he was getting all sorts of calls from people he knew looking for him.


I thought it was unbelievably hilarious. That whole campaign was gold. I wish I had everything archived.

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Steve Corino sure has a funny way of using expletives.


"What the piss?"


"Who the shit?"


Sounds like a guy I work with.


Me: Hey James the computer is messed up.


*Looks at the computer* What the SHIT.

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I went to school in Pitssburgh with a dude who cussed all fucked up like that.



"What the Shit?"


Classic. thanks for reminding me of that crazy fuck.

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