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Guest sebbeh65

The FIVE best minutes in wrestling?

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The last five minutes of the Wrestlemania XX main event, hands-down. Benoit making HHH tap when NOBODY really expected it, at the end of a fucking awesome match, at the end of an excellent show. Unparalleled in modern wrestling history.


Maybe it's because I was there at MSG for this, but I thought I was about to pass out or something from jumping and screaming at the top of my lungs for Triple H to tap out. Truly the most mark-out moment I've experienced, surpassing my live experience at WMX-7 (we all knew Austin was winning at the Main) because, even though most signs pointed to Benoit winning, you weren't really sure they'd pull the trigger until it did happen. This is my choice.


If you wanna go to actual 5 minutes-or-so matches, then you can't go wrong with the Owen vs Kid match from KOTR, as many here have pointed out. Outstanding for the allowed time.

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The last five minutes of the Wrestlemania XX main event, hands-down. Benoit making HHH tap when NOBODY really expected it, at the end of a fucking awesome match, at the end of an excellent show. Unparalleled in modern wrestling history.


Maybe it's because I was there at MSG for this, but I thought I was about to pass out or something from jumping and screaming at the top of my lungs for Triple H to tap out. Truly the most mark-out moment I've experienced, surpassing my live experience at WMX-7 (we all knew Austin was winning at the Main) because, even though most signs pointed to Benoit winning, you weren't really sure they'd pull the trigger until it did happen. This is my choice.


Thats how I felt about it as well except for the part that I wasnt there live. Everything pointed to a Benoit would win but I almost didnt wanna hope to much since he was in there with both HBK and HHH.

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I thought the Benoit match was dull. I thought it was pretty transparent ahead of time that Benoit was winning, although I wasn't being optimistic, I was being pessimistic. I was hoping that HBK would win followed by HHH. I've never really liked Benoit as a face.


As for the best 5 minutes of a match, I'd go with the end of the HBK/HHH match at Summerslam 2002. For an angle, it would have to be the ECW reunion. And finally, if you were a horny 15 year old at the time, the segment where Vince had Trish strip down and bark like a dog was good too.

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The one thing I didn't liked in the Hogan turn was the "Whose side is he on ?!" / "What do you mean whose side is he on ?" from Heenan and Schiavone. Other than that it was perfect.


I'm going also with the WM XX finale. Seeing Benoit in the ring with Eddie was a genuinely great moment. I'm a mark too for the reaction Ric Flair gets after Arn Anderson reform the Horsemen in 1998.



The reason I've never minded the "Who's side is he on?" is because The Brain fucking hated Hogan his entire career, no matter if it was in WWF or WCW, as a face or as a heel. Heenan was always Hogan's number one detractor.



But yeah, The Hogan turn/nWo formation and the end of WM XX are my two favorites as well.

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The last five minutes of the Wrestlemania XX main event, hands-down. Benoit making HHH tap when NOBODY really expected it, at the end of a fucking awesome match, at the end of an excellent show. Unparalleled in modern wrestling history.


Nothing more to say. :headbang:


EDIT: oh, and I don't even remember when or WHY this happened, but it was when Ric Flair first came to the WWE (for the second time that is) when WCW closed, and someone was threatening him in the ring, and Arn Anderson came out of nowhere, half-crippled and spinebustered the living SHIT out of the guy. I think it was the first time in 10 years WWE fans got to see a real spinebuster, not the crappy ones the Rock and HHH do.

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The last five minutes of the Wrestlemania XX main event, hands-down. Benoit making HHH tap when NOBODY really expected it, at the end of a fucking awesome match, at the end of an excellent show. Unparalleled in modern wrestling history.


Nothing more to say. :headbang:


EDIT: oh, and I don't even remember when or WHY this happened, but it was when Ric Flair first came to the WWE (for the second time that is) when WCW closed, and someone was threatening him in the ring, and Arn Anderson came out of nowhere, half-crippled and spinebustered the living SHIT out of the guy. I think it was the first time in 10 years WWE fans got to see a real spinebuster, not the crappy ones the Rock and HHH do.

The only time I remember that was at WrestleMania X8 during Flair's match with The Undertaker.

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Hmm, coulda sworn it was on RAW...

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You're thinking of Mania 18. I think the only other times Arn Anderson has been on tv are:


1. As an announcer during that horrible Raw is WCW main event

2. As part of a security contingent to break up random brawls

3. Getting peed on by Steve Austin

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3. Getting peed on by Steve Austin



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Guest BarnacleBill

Any 5 minute period in the Blood Generation/Do Fixer match from roh's 3/31/06 show.

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Notable Arn run-in: Back when Flair wrestled Vince for total ownership of both shows (Austin had just walked out), Brock ran in to destroy Flair. Arn ran in for the save, but doubled back to sell being afraid of Lesnar. Which looked cool.

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Ya, maybe it was on Taker. Old man's still got it, I mean it was fuckin VIOLENT. And all with his one non-crippled arm.

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Yeah, I marked the fuck out for it. He came from nowhere, and Taker took it like a fucking man.


It reminded me how bad HHH's version of the spinebuster is.


I mean, HHH's version is awesome at times, but nobody beats AA's.

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I'll go with the Hulk Hogan heel turn and NWO formation.


Savage and Sting are laid out in the ring, while Hall and Nash are recovering from the face comeback. Then, Hogan comes out.


Tony S: L-Look!

Dusty: It's Hulkamania!!

Tony: You're damn right it is!!!


Then Hogan enters the ring, Hall and Nash duck out while Hogan stares them down. Then, Hogan turns, and drops the big leg on a prone Randy Savage.


Tony: Wait... What?

Dusty: Is he the thrid man? Is he the third man?

Bobby: He's the third man!

Tony: Oh my god.


The Outsieders then come back in the ring and high five Hogan who leg drops Savage again. Referee Randy Anderson looks like his heart has been crushed as he watches it transpire, then Hogan grabs him by the hair and throws him out of the ring before delivering a third leg drop to Savage.


Dusty: You just sold your soul to the devil. I hope you like it... You'll have to look yourself in the mirror.


Then the ring fills with garbage as the Outsiders and Hogan pose and celebrate their victory. Gene comes out amidst the garbage to get an interview, and Hogan proceeds to rip the WWF, WCW, and the fans while declaring that this was the "New World Order" of professional wrestling.


And Tony Ends with the great line: "Hulk Hogan... You can go to hell. Straight to hell."



I wish I could see what a "OAO Bash at the Beach 1996: The Hostile Takeover" thread would have looked like as this went down.

Did you watch it live?


As an 8 year old boy, I didn't know what to think when I saw that.

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How hard did you take it, Brad? I would think someone who watched him all throughout the 80s would take it harder than someone that really only experienced his lame WCW face run. When I saw it (I was 21 at the time), it was a total Holy Shit moment...completely surreal.

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Did you watch it live?


As an 8 year old boy, I didn't know what to think when I saw that.


Unfortunately not. Hence my curiosity about what the live reactions would be.

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I was shocked. I didn't watch the PPV, but Hulk Hogan was the last person I thought would be the partner. And that was probably a time where I was most intrigued by wrestling (Nash and Hall announcing a potential third member). I knew it was going to be someone from the WWF (and I think a former champion), but I was like "Yokozuna?"...

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How hard did you take it, Brad? I would think someone who watched him all throughout the 80s would take it harder than someone that really only experienced his lame WCW face run. When I saw it (I was 21 at the time), it was a total Holy Shit moment...completely surreal.

I shit myself. Not literally, but I was stunned. My parents used to take me to the local video store, and I would rent old Coliseum Videos. Hogan was easily my favorite, and WCW wasn't the only exposure I had to him.


I didn't want to watch wrestling for two weeks. That's the time where my parents had to tell me it was fake.

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Guest lo0p

Last 5 minutes of rock vs austin WM X7

First 5 minutes of Hart Foundation vs Team USA Canadian Stampede including the intros.

last 5 minutes Angle vs benoit RR 03

Last 5 minutes RR 92

Bret Hart on RAW when he tells American fans from coast to coast to kiss his ass.

Shawn Michaels on RAW last year in Montreal with the crowd telling him to shut the fuck up

Austin/Rock promo video for their WM X7 match

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I was shocked. I didn't watch the PPV, but Hulk Hogan was the last person I thought would be the partner. And that was probably a time where I was most intrigued by wrestling (Nash and Hall announcing a potential third member). I knew it was going to be someone from the WWF (and I think a former champion), but I was like "Yokozuna?"...

I was convinced it was Sid, since he had recently dissapeared from the WWF (of course he would return like a week after BATB when Warrior got canned). I couldnt see the ppv, so I was so on edge waiitng for nitro to come on at 5 oclock (I was in cali at the time and TNT still aired it live on the west at the time), and right before I was looking at my PWI almanac (the first ever one btw) and saw a pic of hogan and I htought quickly "Imagine if it was him?" but didnt think much of it till the show came on,


needless to say I was pissed, even though I was about to go to high school at the time so not so little

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