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Weekend Show Feedback

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The show is up in Home Entertainment. Only had a chance to skim portions of the show, but plently of newsworthy events to come out of it. Big thanks to those who were involved with the writing. A special thanks to Papacita for the graphics. If you experience problems with the SO Control Center graphic, you aren't the only one. I'm using AOL and the pic got chopped up, but on Firefox its fine.


Ed gets a special writing credit for turning his stuff in on time. His segment will be used for HD instead.


Again, thanks for your time and effort. Appreciate it.

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Shiiiiiiit, that certainly was a pretty shocking ending. Overall, a great show put together by Tony (though having Triple C suddenly pop in there in some matches when Tony and Jesse are the announce team at the start was kind of odd). A good mix of solid matches, a bit of recapping, and a PPV quality main event with said shocking ending. This certainly should be a great SNME-style show for us that we can pull out once a month or every few months or so. Well done.

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Heh, I obviously didn't skim the show close enough. It was late and I was putting the show together after a heartbreaking 104-103 Spurs loss to the Mavs, so I didn't catch the error.


The magic of TV. Must've been taped at a different arena. :)


Feedback to come later.


EDIT: I added some lines after PFL's match to explain the appearance of Triple C.

Edited by Tony149

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Heh, I obviously didn't skim the show close enough. It was late and I was putting the show together after a heartbreaking 104-103 Spurs loss to the Mavs, so I didn't catch the error.


The magic of TV. Must've been taped at a different arena. :)


Feedback to come later.


EDIT: I added some lines after PFL's match to explain the appearance of Triple C.

Syndicated TV always implied to me taped, so that's the excuse that came to my mind

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Cool return to start out the show, and with a better tag name too! I kinda like how a lot of the tag teams are over the top characters/gimmicks, yet it doesn't seem overtly corny. Good job tag writers.


Fun tag match between the Blonds and NRG...though I was really surprised with the finish. A Thesz Press? That's a bit of a meh finish.


Tee hee hee...Dama. Oh geez. Some jokes never die.


Good recap of the Knight/Alfdogg feud, as I haven't been up to date with my OAOAST readings, and we all know everyone writes for me :)


Whoa, someone had some fun writing that Shago/Predator match. MUCH different pace than the other matches. I really love how the writers of an E-Fed get the concept of variety, but actual wrestling companies just don't.


More later.

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Fun tag match between the Blonds and NRG...though I was really surprised with the finish. A Thesz Press? That's a bit of a meh finish.


For whatever reason, I thought Simon countering Flex's finisher with a headscissors takedown and then having Flex get caught off-guard with a Thesz Press for the 1-2-3 made for a good visual. Then again, I have a bad habit of writing finishes on the fly.


Anyway, onto the feedback.


After two years of thinking about doing a weekend show I finally got it done. Oddly enough, the show that was supposed to be a homage to the syndicated wrestling programs of old ended up a hybrid of that and SNME/Clash of the Champions. I never recall a major angle such as the one done in the ME taking place on a sydicated show, maybe the Hogan/Andre confrontation on Piper's Pit being the closest. That said, a SNME-type show would be fun to do if we could find a spot for it. As it turns out, my plans were for a weekend show or a OAOAST version of SNME called the "Saturday Night Spectacular, " but since the latter never really caught on when brought up I went with this instead.


I can't say enough how cool the graphics were. Papacita may be the most underrated person in the OAOAST.


The show was originally going to open with promos from those in the main event a la SNME (I got the idea after viewing an old Bill Watts Universal Wrestling Federation video on YouTube, honest), but with the tension between Hoff and Drek Stone in recent weeks it's probably a good thing nobody knew/remembered my plans.


Adam did an admirable job coming up with a reasonable and rather humourous explanation as to why his match wouldn't take place.


For you old school marks, Hot Newz was a throwback to the WWF Update segments. It's probably a waste of space since it's nothing more than a feud recap (I wrote that comment last night. Nice to know it wasn't a waste after all), but it's a quick way to get up to speed on the Alf-PK feud and adds to the presentation of the show.


The OAOVW segment wasn't the most well-thought-out idea. Having spent most of my time writing the opening match I wasn't left with much time to go forward with my original plans, but PFL, the wrestling encyclopedia, stepped in and delivered. I've always enjoyed his matches for the different style they bring. I don't know what half the moves are sometimes, but his work is always fun to read. With his knowledge I wonder how he'd do with a team like Los Diablos de Feugo, a team I shy away from because of their lucha style of wrestling.


I really got into the tag title match. My favorite parts included the spot where Logan cleans house with double-axehandles (Ever since I saw a Randy Savage match, pre-cowboy look when he still wore the oversized goggles and trunks, a while back and saw how awesome he looked running around hitting everybody that moved I decided to give it to Logan), the finish and Bo's face turn which was perfectly handled. It also looks like KC gave the Heavenly Rockers a hand signal for Percussion in the "twirling finger of DEATH~!"


Sure enough, just when I start thinking if HBK used a heart-shaped bed for his old Heartbreak Hotel talk show my question was answered. Fun edition of The Love Shack. The Blonds and Mackie came off looking good. I liked the joke about keeping the viewers from switching over to other programming and whatnot. Ned's comment about Fox News will probably land him on The Factor's "Most Ridiculous Item" segment. I know it might sound stupid, but the format felt fresher since it was done in front of a live crowd, so to speak. It just felt different than previous editions. Crystal returning and winning the 24/7 title was quite a shock. And who could possibly forget D*LUX are HI-YAH tag champs? Certainly not me. No, sir. :)


The School's Out Control Center graphic, if it wasn't messed up on your screen, has got to be one of the best graphics Papacita's ever done.

Very slick.


Whew. What a main event! Excellent job, Adam. There's one spot I want to point out, one that may be overlooked, and that's the part where Dan Black and Hoff build the drama by standing toe to toe before exchanging blows. I think the shortness of the match really benefited it because the reader wasn't sure when it would end. I mean, when Black T began making their way to the cage door I thought for sure either Hoff or Drek would get to them first, but it was Axel and straight to the finish. Watts even took a beating, the beating I called for Thursday night. The OAOAST: Giving people want they want.


Thumbs way up!


Hard to choose match of the night/show. Each brought something to the table, so I'm going to take the cheap way out and give it to all 3 under special categories.


Best Match: Christian Wright & Bohemoth vs. The Heavenly Rockers


Best Story: Hoff & Drek Stone vs. Black T


Most Fun: Dark Predator vs. Ultra Shago


Best Dialogue: "I just wanna know one thing, 'Cookie'...how many licks does it take to get to your soft centre, exactly?" -- Ned Blanchard

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You don't say, a division where everyone wants the title. That is totally refreshing. Again, props to the tag team division writers. Good match with subtle references to Christian and Bohemoth tension and the more apparent story of the Heavenly Rockers being hurt and the heels taking full advantage. Whoa, good show for Bohemoth to officially turn face. This should be a really good (and I'm assuming long) feud. Looking forward to it.


Mackenzie is a bitch. That's all I got without commenting on my own stuff.


Poor Heavenly Rockers. Getting their asses kicked left and right. Again, I love how every team is after them. Very cool and refreshing, as said earlier.


I'll comment on the main event later.

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