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Hawk 34

Ring of Honor 6.3.06 DESTINY results

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It's said that Stevie Richards was spotted inside the building, likely there to watch. The show started a little late to allow more fans to get in the door. Crowd estimate at around 500.




1) Bobby Dempsey d. Alex Payne in about 2 min with a Death Valley Driver.


2) Handsome Johnny d. Kelly Primo when Kelly came off the top rope, but Johnny countered with a spin kick and got the pin.


3) Lacey d. Allison Danger for ROHvideos.com with an Implant DDT in about 6 min. After the match, fans were offering Lacey money, which she took and promptly shredded.




1) Davey Richards d. Jimmy Rave in 18 min with a side-Jay Driller. Crowd was absolutely hot for this. Davey was extremely over, inciting "Let's Go New Guy" chants.


2) Top of the Class Trophy Match: Shane Hagadorn d. Derrick Dempsey via tapout with what looked like a headlock/crossface combination. Crowd excreted on the match, and started a "Students Suck!" chant afterwards. Rest of students came out afterwards to shake hands with one another, except Shane brushed them off to celebrate with his trophy.


3) Sara Del Ray d. Daizee Haze in 12 min when Sara had a Butterfly Submission on which she turned into a butterfly suplex and got the win. Danielson is on his way out to the ring with Sara remaining inside. He put over Sara as the best womens wrestler out there, then said he hated coming to CT and hopes ROH never returns.


4) Four Corner Survival For A World Title Shot: Colt Cabana d. Jason Blade, Adam Pearce, & Delirious when Colt had Blade in an octopus stretch for a tapout. Completely out of nowhere as Delirious was climbing the ropes at the time.


5) Christopher Daniels d. BJ Whitmer in 16 minutes after Angels' Wings followed by Best Moonsault Ever. Good match, Daniels cut a promo afterwards(which I heard perfectly over the phone thanks to the tremendously awesome sound system-kudos again Cary!), inwhich he offered a rematch to BJ any time he wanted, then put BJ over for going all out in the fight against CZW. Said if BJ ever needed a partner, to just give him a call. Allison got on the mic, apologized to BJ for her actions against him in the past, hands were shaken, Prophecy sign was done. No actual announcement of a Prophecy reborn though. Quite a few WWE fans there, as they had BJ confused for Snitsky. Allison Danger is NOT wearing the nun outfit, but instead a complete schoolgirl outfit with plaid skirt and lollipop.


6) Shingo Takagi d. Ricky Reyes in 6 min with a Torture Rack turned into a Sitout F5. Shingo got out of the Dragon Sleeper by going into the corner. Basically a squash for Shingo.


7) ROH World Title Match: Bryan Danielson d. Homicide in 26 min when Danielson reverses the Cop Killer and hits 'Cide with USB elbows to the head. Sinclair stopped the match right there. Pearce came out, and everyone pushed for more time. Cornette was called on the phone for a decision, and he stood with the ref's ruling. Homicide got pissed off, said "F this company" and left through the crowd, ECW chant starts up. Before the match Samoa Joe came out to the ring in street clothes. He got on the mic, saying he was there in support of Homicide. He offered Homicide a handshake when Danielson took the mic away and went on a rant. Phone reception was cutting in and out every couple of seconds so it was hard to hear what was being said. Joe said he was the guest ring announcer for the match, and introduced 'Cide and then "Your temporary Ring of Honor world champion..." Brian Danielson.


8) ROH Tag Team Title Match: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong d. Jay & Mark Briscoe in 18 minutes. A brawl for the first few minutes of the match before settling down, and was a good match as it was building up when Strong had Mark up for a powerbomb then Aries hit a missile dropkick to Mark as Roderick dropped for the powerbomb and got the pinfall to retain. After the match, Austin got on the mic to say that when Generation Next formed it was about taking all the top spots in ROH. Now with Jack and Sydal in Japan, and Roderick with himself having the tag titles, there is no need for Generation Next anymore

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10.2.04 was a really good match that got left in the shadows of Joe Vs Punk II (which occured 2 weeks later).


I think Joe/Danielson will finally happen @ DBDIV on 7.15

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If Homicide were to be signed by ECW, it would be a pretty big loss for RoH. What has been the best Danielson/Joe match thus far? I have their First Anniversary match.

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Danielson/Joe from Midnight Express Reunion is easily their best together so far. Their 30 minute match from PWG's "The Musical" is probably their second best.

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If Homicide were to be signed by ECW, it would be a pretty big loss for RoH.


I don't think ROH would miss him that much. He must have had five or six title shots now, and he's had a couple of "huge" grudge feuds against Danielson and Cabana. There's plenty of people to step into those kind of spots.

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People always assume that losing someone hurts ROH. It hasn't yet.


They improved when London and Spanky left, they improved when Daniels and Styles left, they improved when Punk and Gibson left.


Gabe is a Heyman disciple, he knows how to make someone a star for the promotion.

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