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Great Interview With Paul Heyman About ECW

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For what it's worth on the vampire front, I personally think a character of group of characters could work if handled correctly. As in, not rising out of the stage like Gangrel drinking blood with fake fangs, because that's just corny. As in, get two or three guys or girls who are a bit... odd. And then slowly make it clear that the reason they act a bit odd is not because they're pretending to be vampires or that they are vampires, but that they think they are vampires.


Because pretending to be is stupid. Having them actually as vampires is stupider. But portraying them as disturbed people who genuinely think they are vampires could be really creepy and unnerving, if done in the right way.


I know someone like that in real life, and yeah, it's pretty weird. I wouldn't be bothered if they tried something like this in ECW.

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Guest Human Highlight Reel

ECW won't be on Sci-Fi in England, because it's a different channel from the American Sci-Fi. It'll be shown on Sky Sports, I imagine.

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Is it? I thought the schedules were the same. Still, as long as it gets shown I'll be happy.

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might do the same as either SD & raw, either 1AM same as raw or 10PM as smackdown on sky sports, but as you said, as long as we get it, im not bothered

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They're going to be ECW branded stars, not WWE retreads bitching and moaning about the fact that Vince McMahon didn't give them the opportunity that they felt they deserved.''


Wasn't this basically the storyline reason Big Show joined ECW from the WWE?


Must try harder.


Actually, I got the impression that he went to ECW because he did all he could do on Raw/SD and "wasn't hungry enough" on Raw

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I like how Heyman says it's lame that TNA constantly derides WWE, then we hear that on TNA recently they had guys talking about how they turned down WWE contracts.


TNA just makes themselves look like the snot-nosed kid brother when they do stuff like that.

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