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Hawk 34


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For only the second time in ROH history, they will present a No Rope Barbed Wire match. Dayton, OH is famous for the heat generated from the building and the fans and that won't be any different for this show which includes more then just a brutal main event offering.


Here is the card


No Rope Barbed Wire

BJ Whitmer Vs Necro Butcher


Jack Evans and Roderick Strong Vs The Briscoes


Four Corner Survival


Homicide Vs Delirious Vs Austin Aries Vs Bryan Danielson


Matt Sydal Vs Christopher Daniels


ROH Pure Title Match

Nigel McGuinness Vs Colt Cabana


The Embassy Vs Jerrelle Clark and Davey Richards


ROHVideos.com Match

Trik Davis Vs Jimmy Jacobs


Also on the card: Irish Airborne



I'll be attending this show and will most likely give a semi-detailed account


McGuinness Vs Danielson II-Cleveland, OH


Last april, McGuiness and Danielson battled in what many have called a MOTYC and has been praised from many top minds. This time, the match won't take place under pure rules, taking away Nigel's 'home field' advantage.


That's not the only big match of the night as Christian Cage makes his second ROH appearence against a fellow TNA star in Christopher Daniels. The stable known as GENERATION NEXT will have it's swan song in Cleveland as it will be the final match under the Gen Next banner for those four as they take on four talents considered the "new breed".


The card


ROH World Title Match

Nigel McGuiness Vs Bryan Danielson


Christopher Daniels Vs Christian Cage


Dragon Gate Rules

Generation Next (Aries, Strong, Evans and Sydal) Vs Irish Airborne, Jerrelle Clark and Davey Richards


Homicide Vs Mark Briscoe


Jay Briscoe Vs Jimmy Jacobs


The Embassy Vs Second City Saints


Delirious Vs Claudio Castagnoli


BJ Whitmer Vs Chris Cage


I'll attend this show as well, and have a review late sunday night

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Guest SoZe

I think the Strong & Evans vs Briscoes and GN sendoff tag vs Richards, Clark and I.A. are going to be show-stealing matches. Danielson-Nigel might have some chicanery involved, since they are signed to a third match in the U.K. next month, but should be fantastic all the same. I almost had a shot at making it to these shows with a few friends, but was not able to reschedule my vacation to accomodate. Look's to be a really fun weekend of wrestling, have fun Hawk!

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Chris Cage from OVW is gonna be working here now?


He was cut from OVW and since Cornette and Al Snow are involved with ROH, they probably put in a good wood for Cage. Just bad timing to debut the same night during a rare Christian Cage appearence.

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Chris Cage from OVW is gonna be working here now?


He was cut from OVW and since Cornette and Al Snow are involved with ROH, they probably put in a good wood for Cage. Just bad timing to debut the same night during a rare Christian Cage appearence.

I know he was cut and everything, just thought it was an odd place for him to pop up. He's definitely a solid worker, so best of luck to him.

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From my eyes


1. Jimmy Jacobs D. Trik Davis via Cannonball Senton


-Basic opening match but Jacobs was effective at putting himself over and Lacey is a great heel even if you can tell she wasn't in a good mood.


2. Davey Richards and Jerrelle Clark D. The Embassy after Rave submits to Stretch Muffler

-Sal is an excellent heel and he really plays off with Jimmy Rave very well. Rave is just about the best chickenshit heel in the business. Davey Richards is a machine. While Sal and Rave were doing comedy based stuff, Richards was like the Terminator just laying waste to each men.


3. Nigel McGuiness D. Colt Cabana via countout

-These two are always comedic gold against each other and tonight was no exception. Great comedy spots were woven into actual wrestling with loads of athletic awe. Nigel's headstand is a thing of beauty (and his reaction to realizing his hair was no longer spiky was fantastic). Nigel, did his usual heel chicanry and tricked Colt into a countout victory.


4. Matt Sydal D. Christopher Daniels via Implant type finish

-Sydal is a brilliant bump taker. I look at Sydal as the modern Ricky Steamboat in that he plays the babyface identity to perfection. The match was very solid but it finished with a hot sequence.


Intermission #1


The venue is considered the hottest venue on the ROH circuit and it was living up to that reputation tonight.


Irish Airborne D. Students


-Popcorn match. The Crists, are huge in Dayton as it is their hometown.


Austin Aries D. Bryan Danielson, Delirious, Homicide Via 450 splash on Danielson (earning a future title shot)


-Bryan Danielson is without question the #1 heel in all of professional wrestling. He is pure heelness but with that classic Regal twist to it. Bryan Danielson is a time traveler sent from the 1970's to our era. This was just a fantastic performence from all four men, especially Delirious and Homicide.


Delirious is godly over in Dayton and the interplay between him and Danielson, Aries and 'Cide was great. This match brought three elements to play (action, comedy and suspense), the finish was built perfectly thanks to the stipulations in place.


Briscoes D. Jack Evans and Roderick Strong via Spike J Driller on Strong.


-It's true. Working in Japan will always make you a better worker and that was completely the case for Jack Evans. Jack Evans is so crisp and precise in the ring now, it's like someone blended his own natural blood with Liger. Evans, is at another level and it's not easy to keep up with him. Strong took a backseat because this was the Jack Evans Show. It's amazing how he has come for spot monkey in 2003 to being a nearly complete and round worker in 2006 without compromising what got him to the show to begin with. His charisma is almost untouched and the energy he brings to a match is insane.



Intermission #2


It was a lengthy delay setting up the barbed wire but they got it up. Claudio Castagnoli and Nate Webb came out during the set up to trash ROH but SCS came out and they brawled through the crowd. Necro Butcher and BJ Whitmer emerged and entered the ring with no intros or anything and just went at it.


BJ Whitmer D. Necro Butcher via Exploder onto tacks.


-AMAZING. Yes, this wasn't wrestling. This was a war. This was Tully Blanchard/Magnum PA but cranked up about 100 decibals. The crowd never stopped going during this match. No dueling chants but just 100% passion and push for BJ Whitmer.


This match was actually brilliant in minimalizing the spots to make them mean more. Necro Butcher, made Flair's blade job 2 weeks ago look like the Rock's blade jobs.


The passion from Whitmer here was nothing short of mesmerizing. It's funny how a guy that so many people considered bland just 7 months ago could captivate a crowd like that. That is a testament to the talent of Gabe Sapolsky and his masterpiece with the CZW/ROH war that made BJ Whitmer a mega-star.


Fantastic and brutal main event to cap off a good show. The first half is skippable for casual viewers but if you want to see GREAT heels doing great heel work, you need to witness Danielson and if you thought Foley/Edge was crazy...BJ/Necro made that match look like a popcorn match.

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So it's safe to say BJ is a main eventer in ROH?


No question. The CZW war cemented his status as a main eventer and his ability with promos have skyrocketed lately. A good wrestler who has gained charisma and is becoming a full fledged star in the company.


Remember what I said about BJ/Necro being like Blanchard/Magnum





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Guest DRH 502

DUDE!!!!!! I NEVER EVER EVER EVVVVVVVVEEEEERRRRRRRRRRR thought I would WANT to see a BJ Whitmer match. Then again, as cliche as it sounds, i'd watch Necro wrestle a broomstick and probably be entertained. Did Necro get in alot of offense or was it the usual, Necro gets his ass kicked Foley style squash??

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Guest DRH 502

I'd also like to share a very cool story. I live in a small town in Kentucky, and I grew up with JC Bailey. I've been around wrestling/wrestled ever since I was about 14...anyway I remember the first time I ever met/saw Necro Butcher. JC came and picked me up and we went and got an eigth of the chronic from the local fellers and went back to his crib. Guess who was passed out on his couch??? NECRO BUTCHER!! This was back in say 2003...anyway Necro wakes up as me and JC are in the living room smoking a bowl out of a make shift pipe, made with foil and an empty inhaler. We are watching my best of Kobashi comp that I had just gotten. I never knew how pronounce Akira Taue's last name... Well, Necro wakes up and he looks at the TV (squinting cause he wasn't wearing his glasses) and asks "Is that Kawada and Taue vs. Kobashi and Misawa??"


It blew my fucking mind. Turns out dude owns an extensive tape collection, and was telling me about how he'd been recently digging alot of the Kevin Sullivan devil worshipping Florida stuff he had on a comp he got from some fan. Anyway that day I learned how to pronounce "Taue" from Necro Butcher of all people. After talking with him for 4 hours or so I realised that this dude was without a doubt one of the most intelligent people i'd ever met in my life. Really really cool dude, and back then I didn't really know much about him (I just wrote him off as a shitty death match worker back then) but I was a fan from then on out. Talking to him I really got the impression that he understood and loved the buisness, and had a great mind for it. Despite being Necro Butcher, he was still Dylan the fan at heart. He rode with JC to take my back to my crib (I live in the middle of the woods) and Necro is amused by my hickish surroundings. Good times.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
Ring of Honor - July/29th/2006 - Cleveland, Ohio.


Pre Show:

Rick Titus, Alex Pain & Bobby Dempsey defeated Trik Davis, Pelle Primeau & ??? in 4:31. Either Titus or Pain pinned Primeau with the perfect plex. It wasn't very good.


Shane Hagadorn defeated Egotistico Fantastico in 5:53 with a version of the crossface after Shane hit him with a foreign object. Slightly better than the 6 man.


Main Show:

Delirious defeated Claudio Castagnoli. I expected this to go the full 15 minute time limit. Very good match with some good chain wrestling added with some typical Delirious comedy. Delirious won a with a version of the victory roll at 11:42. ***1/4.


The Embassy (Jimmy Rave & Sal Rinauro) defeated Colt Cabana & Ace Steel. No Prince Nana. Daizee Haze was with The Embassy. Tons of toilet paper. Sal kept trying to protect Rave. Cabana started throwing the toilet paper at The Embassy. Daizee tried to jump him but Sal kept stopping her. Great stuff. Colt started throwing them at just Daizee including hitting her in the crotch. Cabana is someone everyone has to see in person cause he will have you in tears. Very good tag match too. Saints worked Rave's arm and kept baiting Rinauro in and everyone was running around the ring and kept stepping on Rave. Anyways, Cabana took the hot tag and cleaned house. Steel nailed Rave with the cowbell and busted him open hardway. Rinauro dropkicked Cabana from the top and Rave ended up rolling up Colt and pinning him at 14:53. ***.


Jay Briscoe defeated Jimmy Jacobs with the Jaydriller at 12:19. Another good match. Lacey came out on her own and couldn't find Jimmy. Jimmy sang "Match of the Year" from the balcony. Onto the match, Jacobs got in alot of offense. Both guys looked good. Another ***1/4. Jay & Mark talked trash on Gen Next and then challenged Homicide, (which was scheduled anyways), which led too...


Homicide defeated Mark Briscoe with the lariat at 9:20. Good match. Would've been better with more time. The Briscoes beat down Homicide after the match. ***.


Irish Airborne, Jerelle Clark, & Davey Richards defeated Generation Next. This was the final time Gen Next would be teaming. Everyone expected this to go 30-40 minutes and it didn't hit 20. A very good match with frequent flyer mileage from all over the place. Everyone was doing crazy stuff. Most of it looked good. Richards ended up pinning Evans with his finisher. It was the first time I saw Davey so I didn't know the name of it. I apologize. 18:05, ***1/2. Gen Next then took a bow and Aries cut a short promo on how they are the wrestling stars of today. Gen Next left. Jay & Mark came through the crowd (right near me) and did another promo on Aries & Strong. Gen Next & Homicide both ran off the Briscoes.




BJ Whitmer defeated Chris Cage (he had a different last name, but I couldn't understand the announcer). It was brief since BJ was banged up from Dayton. He won with a tombstone in 5:28. *.


Christopher Daniels defeated Christian with the angels wings at 13:36. Great comedy in the pre-match promos by both (mostly Christian). They ended up doing a 5 second pose with Christian playing the role of AJ so he called it the Phenominal Angels. Hiliarious. There was other stuff but my memory isn't great. Good match that could've gone longer. Another ***.


ROH World Heavyweight Title: Bryan Danielson defeated Nigel McGuinness. It would've been on par with their April/29th match but it ended abruptly. Great technical stuff from both. The ending came when Bryan was out of the ring, snuck underneat the apron and came out, ran in and gave Nigel a small package and that was it. 24:25, ***3/4. The ring announcer called Danielson, "Mr. Small Package" Bryan Danielson, which was pretty funny.


Another good show by ROH. About 7/10.


Return date is Friday, October/6th/2006 which is Survival of the Fittest 2006.

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DUDE!!!!!! I NEVER EVER EVER EVVVVVVVVEEEEERRRRRRRRRRR thought I would WANT to see a BJ Whitmer match. Then again, as cliche as it sounds, i'd watch Necro wrestle a broomstick and probably be entertained. Did Necro get in alot of offense or was it the usual, Necro gets his ass kicked Foley style squash??


They traded between each other, establishing a flow to each climatic bump. Necro bled more but BJ took more punishment(such as the powerbomb onto the wired table) but at the end it was BJ murdering Necro with multiple exploders, splash off ladder(while Necro was covered by the wire board) and then irish whipped Necro on the thumbtacks and finished him with a super-exploder onto the tacks for the win.


As for Cleveland, it was probably a better show from top to bottom. Rave, took a huge shot from Ace and had to be legit taken to the hospital. Jacobs's performence to Lacey had the crowd rolling.


The DG Rules match was interesting as Richards, Clark and IA appeared to be more in touch with the DG rules as opposed to Gen Next, whom were actual DG workers. The double duel 630/SSP spot was fantastic and executed perfectly. I mentioned in the Dayton update that it's impossible for other workers to keep up with Evans and that remained the case as Evans moves so fast that the others can't react quick enough which makes it looks like a botch but it wasn't.


Cage delivered a great pre-match promo and the Cleveland crowd gave him a proper response.


Danielson/McGuinness II, was heading to classic terriortory before the abrupt finish. The 3rd installment in London should be incredible.




BJ/Necro, was easily the most memorable match of the weekend but I felt Dragon/Nigel and the DG 8 man were tied for MOTWC.

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