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Favorite Four Horsemen Variation

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My favorite had to be the one from the mid-90's, and I'm talking about the popular 1996 variation with Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Brian Pillman, & Chris Benoit. To me, that line-up was the best Horsemen combination since the variations of the 80's. It was just too bad that it didn't last too long, especially when Hogan decided to castrate those guys on the 1/1/96 episode of Nitro. I mean, that Horsemen variation had potential.

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My favorite Horsemen team is the one that never really gets love and it's the Flair, Anderson, Windam, Sid one from the early 90s.


I mean this was when I was really high on WCW. Sting getting injuried, Luger going after Flair and then Sting finally beating Flair for the belt was when this team was around. And this was the team (more or less) that was in my favorite War Games besides the one with the DA in it.


But, at a very close second in the one with Benoit and Pillman like JN talked about.

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Flair, Anderson, Benoit, Pillman.


Flair's all crazy - Trying to hold the WCW Title, keep Giant as a friend but not an opponent, driving Savage nuts, finding someway to (kayfabe) bang BOTH Woman & Elizabeth.



From the 15th Nitro, 12-11-95


Orndorff easily pins Disco Inferno.




"Pillman dominates a 4 Horseman interview, accusing Hogan, The American Males, and the Dungeon of Doom of all being

jealous of the Horsemen.


He then bad mouths Paul Orndorff for losing his edge and " ... talking to Gary Spivey and Dionne Warwick of the 'Psychic

Friends Network' for $4.99 a minute!" Of course Orndorff comes out. Calls Pillman the Horsemen's "driver" and "baggage handler". A fight breaks out. At first Arn and Flair only try to pull Orndorff off, but then join in the pummeling. Arn spike piledrives Orndorff on the concrete with Flair's help. Bobby Hennan goes nuts, and talks about football players

he's known who recieved neck injuries.


Orndorff is strapped into a neck brace and backboard as Hennan stands nearby, showing concern for one of his former Heenan Family members."


And this was cool. Heels? Hell, Pillman started fights with THEM more than babyfaces!


Hogan is looking for a shot at Savage's title. So he beats U.S. Champ One Man Gang on Nitro easily. HORSEMAN AND DUNGEON OF DOOM ATTACK.


But Jimmy Hart calls off the troops. They regroup outside the ring. The plan is "Wait until tomorrow at the Clash!"


But Pillman is all "NO, ATTACK THEM (Hulk and Savage) NOW!! NOW!!! WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR GOD DAMN IT?!?!?!?!"


Anderson gives him a look of "Shut the fuck up."


Benoit was just doing his thing, getting into the groove and being a silent great wrestler.

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There's really no wrong answer here. Hell, even Steve McMichael popped the crowd HUGE and turned into a half decent worker (he outwrestled Jarrett frequently), and seemed like an 80's era "LETS FIGHT!" over-excited wrestler. I marked out big-time for his U.S. Title win and you could tell he genuinely wanted to get better and respected the Horsemen tradition.

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Flair, Arn, Tully and Ole. The first (sort of) and the best incarnation. Tully and Ole, but more Ole, get overlooked by a lot of people. Tully gets overlooked as far as his promo ability goes because if Arn Anderson being in there, but Tully was just as good as Arn on the mic. Ole Anderson falls into the same trap; a lot of people just do not realise how great Ole is on the mic. It's understandable with Flair and Arn there, but it still sucks that Ole never seems to get the recognition he deserves. Of course, both Tully and Ole were very good in the ring as well.


Mongo was the drizzling shits and was the worst 'Horsemen' ever, with Paul Roma coming a close second. Roma was a million times the worker Mongo was, though that isn't saying much, but he had less than zero credibility, and his inclusion sullied the Horseman name almost as much as Mongo's inclusion did.

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The first(Arn, Ric, Tully, and Ole) and the Third (Arn, Ric, Tully, and Barry) were the best because they were doing things promo and intro wise than the nWo, DX, and every twobit stable afterwords were doing: 4 Horsemen, 4 titles to the "Show up in the limo at the show 20 mins into it". Plus some of the best fueds and matches came out of this group. The only bright spot with the Sid and Luger eras was the Wargames match. Which is more that match than those groups.

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Growing up, I would say the version with Flair, Arn, Benoit and Malenko. They had a killer entrance theme and it's probably my top theme ever. I barely watched WCW at the time, because I only had access to WWF. I didn't know all the history behind Ric Flair, but when he made his return to Nitro, I knew this was something special.


Of course, I got older and had access old footage, so I appreciate more the versions with Flair, Tully, the Andersons or Windham. What ever happened to the Horsemen DVD ? Has it been cancelled or it's sitting there with the Austin, Rock and Flair vol. 2 DVD ?

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Flair, Anderson, Benoit, Pillman.


Hogan is looking for a shot at Savage's title. So he beats U.S. Champ One Man Gang on Nitro easily. HORSEMAN AND DUNGEON OF DOOM ATTACK.


But Jimmy Hart calls off the troops. They regroup outside the ring. The plan is "Wait until tomorrow at the Clash!"


But Pillman is all "NO, ATTACK THEM (Hulk and Savage) NOW!! NOW!!! WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR GOD DAMN IT?!?!?!?!"


Anderson gives him a look of "Shut the fuck up."


OK, that sounds incredibly hillarious and awesome. Anyone have a clip of that?


I wish more heels would act like that nowadays.

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*takes a bow*





You're the fuckin man, dawg.


Dou you have all the Horsemen themes? And Arn Anderson's too?


I know that's alot to ask for, but maybe we can swap it out.


Name something.

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The Horsemen that Hennig was a member of shortly was great. Of course, Hennig turning heel, joining the nWo by bashing Flair's head in the cage door, that shit made it worth his short stay as a member.

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*takes a bow*





You're the fuckin man, dawg.


Do you have all the Horsemen themes? And Arn Anderson's too?


I know that's alot to ask for, but maybe we can swap it out.


Name something.




I have ALL the Four Horsemen themes. If you want all the themes, I can send you them. Just hit me up on MSN Messenger at PaulTadd@msn.com, bro.

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Flair, Anderson, Benoit, Pillman.


Hogan is looking for a shot at Savage's title. So he beats U.S. Champ One Man Gang on Nitro easily. HORSEMAN AND DUNGEON OF DOOM ATTACK.


But Jimmy Hart calls off the troops. They regroup outside the ring. The plan is "Wait until tomorrow at the Clash!"


But Pillman is all "NO, ATTACK THEM (Hulk and Savage) NOW!! NOW!!! WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR GOD DAMN IT?!?!?!?!"


Anderson gives him a look of "Shut the fuck up."


OK, that sounds incredibly hillarious and awesome. Anyone have a clip of that?


I wish more heels would act like that nowadays.

then remember when Arn had enough and just slapped Pillman hard? crazy stuff

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Check this out...............










"the big, bruising, yet only moderately skilled giant"? lmao way to take a shot at a guy cuz hes in the WWF at the time


anyhow thanks for the cool scans

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Guest DRH 502

You are the FUCKING MAN for that. I had that magazine forever because I was such a Pillman mark. He was my favorite wrestler, I fucking tripped out the morning I found out he died. I still have an article from a South Carolina newspaper with a pic of him talking about his wreck. Definately the Pillman/Benoit/Arn/Flair combo all the way...

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