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My tooth hurts...

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Guest StylesMark
your tooth spontaneously fucking combusts.


I thought that was going to happen to me, once. I swore it was gonna explode like the Death Star.

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Guest Felonies!

That would suck, because you could get like shards of tooth piercing your lips and gums! And THEN how does Mole sing along to "Mr. Brightside"?

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That pain is going to come back in a few days to a few weeks and be worse. I guarantee it.


Also, the money used to buy all that shit in your room could have gone to something useful like travelling. I bet you still live at home, too.

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No, I have my own apartment. I had money saved up, which I don't like to touch because it is my emergency money. I guess this is an emergency so I'll be calling dentists today. I've been up since 8:00 in pain. It was first in the top right of my mouth, then that went way to start hurting in the bottom right of my mouth. I have 3 motrin and 1.5 Vics in my system now, so that should do something.


But I do start my new job in 2 weeks, so yeah.

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Guest StylesMark

Yes, you can Mole. Stuff some of that gauze up near the hole...and don't pull on the cig too hard...just lightly.

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Guest StylesMark

I still smoked pot and cigs when I got my wisdom teeth out. Seriously, I just packed the gauze in the holes tightly. Like I said, pull on your cig or joint, slowly. You'll be fine.

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Guest StylesMark

They just don't want you to get "dry socket", which I hear hurts like hell.


But with Dr Paul's precautions, no such thing will happen to my pal Mole.


You got some Ensure w/protein, Mole? Don't use a straw.

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The worst part is that he gave me darvocet for the pain, which is like getting O'Douls at a bar. The funny part was that when he was telling me what painkiller he gave me, he winks at me, like he is doing me a favor. Of course I get two refills for crap. And when I called up to ask if he can give me something stronger, he told me just to take two. I'm going to call again tomorrow and tell him it isn't working at all and I slept like 2 hours.


But I don't think it is going to work.


These guys seem to have a system down. Give an antibiotic, a mouth wash thing and darvocet. I heard him give the same thing to four different people. This poor lady had all of her front teeth taken out and they gave her darvocet. Who are these guys kidding? You need to have jaw surgery to get anything good there. If I knew this, I would have gone to a different oral surgeon.

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Guest StylesMark

Darvocet is a SHIT painkiller. Cal tomorrow Mole. Because they shouldn't be telling you to take 2 or 3 of those. They should give you Vic's if you call in tomorrow.


Fuck that noise.

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I've had no dental all my life and unfortuanily only been to the dentist a few times and that was because my front teeth had cavities in the top five that was highly visable. I can't afford to go to the dentist and whenever I have a ache, I just try my hardest to ride it out. Normally I use a combo of aspiran and orajel. I take the aspiran first then apply the orajel, whats the orajel wares off, the aspiran kicks in.


I can't wait till Jan., my work benefits kick in and I'm taking care of my dental needs as soon as I can.

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if you stuff wads of gauze in the sockets, they won't get dry from smoking.


If you do it lightly, like SM aleready said.


And Darvocet is what they give my grndma for pain from diabetes. It works for shit like that, but not physical pain like dental stuff, or if you just break something or get cut or whatever. A Dentist prescribing Darvocet is retarded.

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Yeah, well I just called the oral surgeon to give me more pain meds. They are going to give me 4 Vics. Yup, just 4. That is like bringing a girl home and just getting a handjob.


Oh well.

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Guest StylesMark

Mole, 4 vic's while in pain, is at least a BJ.


Then again, your talking about stealing peoples pills in other threads...so maybe your doctor has reason not to give you any more?

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Guest Paul

Well, they're dicking you out of good medication then.


I was given 20-30 pills. I only NEEDED 10.

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Guest DRH 502

Dude pain pills don't do shit for real pain. You just take them until you eventually pass out and sleep it off. Save that shit for when you AREN'T in pain. Also if its that bad i'd call your doctor and tell him those vicodin aren't doing shit for you...also tell him you seem to be itching off them an awful lot and he should switch you to Percocet. As far as the pain goes, suck it up man. Physical pain is a thing of motherfucking beauty, these are the best hours of your life.

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Guest DRH 502

Also, they STILL prescribe DAVROCET? Christ. I thought Tramadol was the default synthetic opiod amongst the doctors nowadays...

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Guest wildpegasus

Just don't smoke for a few days.


I had my tooth taken out just the other week. I had pain for about 7 months after I just closed my mouth one day and felt a cavity shatter. Eventually it got infected so I had to go see the doctor and dentist. That was the 2nd time I went to the dentist in 16 years.

Last time before that was in 2001. Tooth wasn't infected but it was some of the worst pain I have ever experienced in my life. Way more so than my infected toothache a couple of weeks ago. I had had that tootache for years since I dind't want to pay money to go to the dentist but at that end of it I couldn't even sleep so enough was enough. I had to go. Now, I got a "big" hole in my mouth because both teeth that were pulled out were right beside each other.

They never gave me pain pills afterwards and I don't really know why you'd need them. Do you guys feel THAT much pain after getting your teeth out?

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Guest Paul

If he says he's "itching" because of vic's, they're not going to give him percocets.


And yes, he SHOULD take them now, while he's in pain.


WP, gimmicks don't have teeth.

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When I got one of my upper molars removed I had no pain. Just make sure that you aren't getting shit in there like food. Rinse with Listerine after every meal.

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Guest Paul

Well, don't do it at this point, Mole. Removal of the clot is what makes "dry socket" happen. From what I hear, it's way worse than the pain you are in now.

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