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Guest Connzilla

ECW's next PPV 'December To Dismember'

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I wanna know how TNA can pay out all this money without making any......eventually don't you fold when you are paying out more than you are making? If they ever do want to be a real competitor they will have to tour essentially making one of their big selling points not available anymore because guys would have to travel and work more.....


I still think when push comes to shove it's going to be difficult for some of those guys to say "ok I'm leaving" Christian lives 40 minutes from where TNA tapes so I'm sure it's great for him in every way RVD lives in California....

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Look, RVD didn't leave in 2004 because TNA wasn't a real great option. It's that simple. They probably promised him some sort of push if he signed a new deal in WWE. I assumed at the time that RVD probably worked a clause into his contract saying he'd get the world title at some point.


If RVD gets some kind of 6 figure deal from TNA to work less dates, he'd have to be nuts to not jump. Why sign a new WWE deal to work a hell of a lot more and get buried?


Frankly I think Sabu would be better off in TNA as well. His feud with Abyss from last year blows away anything he's done in the new ECW.


RVD would be champion and maineventing right now if his dumbass wouldn't keep weed in the car, or smoke it when he drives.....or speed when he's doing it.....

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Just to ask:


Anyone feel like that if Sabu was legit pulled out of the EC match for "kayfabe" reasons such as "punishment" then it should have been advertised BEFORE THE SHOW went on the air?


I mean I understand shit happens, a worker gets sick, hurt etc...right before the match and it has to be modified, and that is alright, but if the decision to dump Sabu from the match was made before the PPV went on the air, I think it should have been told to the fans, just in case anyone didn't want the show anymore. Would I have still ordered it? Yeah most likely, but who knows what someone else would do!?!

On The LAW, Meltzer said the decision to remove Sabu was made a few days ago.


Honestly, if I knew ahead of time that Sabu wasn't going to be in the match I would not have purchased the PPV. I purposely waited until 3-4 pm today to buy the ppv to make sure there were no shenanigans.

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Meltzer said that if TNA continues their current fortunes, they'll be turning a profit shortly.


Not if they keep paying out big contracts to take WWE talent.....and if I'm a guy like Samoa Joe and I see RVD getting what he makes in WWE then I sure as fuck want some more money.....

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Look, RVD didn't leave in 2004 because TNA wasn't a real great option. It's that simple. They probably promised him some sort of push if he signed a new deal in WWE. I assumed at the time that RVD probably worked a clause into his contract saying he'd get the world title at some point.


If RVD gets some kind of 6 figure deal from TNA to work less dates, he'd have to be nuts to not jump. Why sign a new WWE deal to work a hell of a lot more and get buried?


Frankly I think Sabu would be better off in TNA as well. His feud with Abyss from last year blows away anything he's done in the new ECW.


RVD would be champion and maineventing right now if his dumbass wouldn't keep weed in the car, or smoke it when he drives.....or speed when he's doing it.....

To be fair to RVD, where he got busted was a well-known speed trap where the speed limit dips from 55 to 35. Reports said that a lot of other wrestlers were stopped that night as well.


But yeah, having drugs in the car was pretty stupid and shallow.

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Meltzer said that if TNA continues their current fortunes, they'll be turning a profit shortly.


Not if they keep paying out big contracts to take WWE talent.....and if I'm a guy like Samoa Joe and I see RVD getting what he makes in WWE then I sure as fuck want some more money.....

You have to remember, on some of these big contracts, Spike TV is paying a considerable amount of them.

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i've always liked RVD and generally defended the guy but I will not defend him on that issue. He got his shot he had the WWE and ECW title at the same time and fucked it up worse than anyone could have ever thought.....what reason do they have to put him in a prominent position again? He already showed them he can't be trusted enough to not get arrested.......


Sabu thing doesn't surprise me at all if he had been in the match they'd have jobbed him out first because if his behaviour that's how WWE operates.

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I wanna know how TNA can pay out all this money without making any......eventually don't you fold when you are paying out more than you are making? If they ever do want to be a real competitor they will have to tour essentially making one of their big selling points not available anymore because guys would have to travel and work more.....


I still think when push comes to shove it's going to be difficult for some of those guys to say "ok I'm leaving" Christian lives 40 minutes from where TNA tapes so I'm sure it's great for him in every way RVD lives in California....


TNA is probably the worst federation throughout its first years that I've seen. The only reason it will survive is the hopes of it somehow becoming the NEW WCW and Jeff Jarrett.

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Meltzer said that if TNA continues their current fortunes, they'll be turning a profit shortly.


Not if they keep paying out big contracts to take WWE talent.....and if I'm a guy like Samoa Joe and I see RVD getting what he makes in WWE then I sure as fuck want some more money.....

You have to remember, on some of these big contracts, Spike TV is paying a considerable amount of them.


Yet tons of people still have no idea what TNA is.......Kurt Angle didn't even jump their ratings.......they have alot more problems than just the wrestlers on their show.

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RVD really fucked up royally. Vince was just starting to trust the guy, and was actually liking his matches this year. This was the first time he became a fan of the guy, and sees this as probably the most disrespectful thing to him and his company. Hey, maybe Triple H was right to not put the guy over...

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The guys at PWInsider are saying that RVD being eliminated so early is more than likely because he's continuing to refuse to go to Iraq.


Ok that makes sense.....now I'll defend him for this one. I don't think you should have to go to Iraq if you don't want to. Think that has something to do with why Lashley won? What looks better on your tour of Iraq....former Military officer Bobby Lashley or weed smoker RVD who refuses to go.....hrm

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Seems like it's a recurring theme these days. "WWE says you can _____ but if you do, you pay for it in other ways." Victoria wanting time off, Van Dam getting jobbed out early...


I reiterate the statements I've made before: The wrestling fanbase is WIDE OPEN for the taking. First promotion to step up and consistently give the fanbase the segments they want to see wins. So far WWECW's getting slaughtered, RAW's a rehash of last week's episode more often than not, TNA's a clusterfuck and Smackdown's...just sort of there.

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This is more of a sign that RVD wants out in my view. And what the hell, I'll even defend him on the whole weed arrest/speeding deal. It's the guy's gimmick and they are punishing him to this degree? Sure, he might have fucked up, but in reality this was a goofy dumbshit incident that resulted in a 250.00 fine. It was worth fining RVD and jobbing the WWE title off of him the way they did, but why bother jobbing the ECW belt off him? All it did was wreck ECW from the start to punish him as severely as it did. Speeding and getting caught with a token amount of weed isn't THAT egregious of a crime, not to have the guy's career wrecked. WWE completely overreacted to a situation that nobody in the media even cared about aside from a minor mention of it in a few outlets.


Now, Sabu. You know who Sabu is? He's that old buddy that you like a lot but constantly fucks up and you end up getting involved in his stupid shit and getting in trouble. It's certainly no coincidence that RVD didn't have any incidents like this, and the whole weed thing happened right when Sabu was back on the road with him.

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Seems like it's a recurring theme these days. "WWE says you can _____ but if you do, you pay for it in other ways." Victoria wanting time off, Van Dam getting jobbed out early...


I reiterate the statements I've made before: The wrestling fanbase is WIDE OPEN for the taking. First promotion to step up and consistently give the fanbase the segments they want to see wins. So far WWECW's getting slaughtered, RAW's a rehash of last week's episode more often than not, TNA's a clusterfuck and Smackdown's...just sort of there.


It's going to be hard most everyone watching WWE right now is a loyal WWE fan that is not going to give another product a chance.....


And there are always "unwritten rules" like that, like it's some sort of test. Like someone tells you it's ok to do something but if you do it they'll look down on you for it......

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This is more of a sign that RVD wants out in my view. And what the hell, I'll even defend him on the whole weed arrest/speeding deal. It's the guy's gimmick and they are punishing him to this degree? Sure, he might have fucked up, but in reality this was a goofy dumbshit incident that resulted in a 250.00 fine. It was worth fining RVD and jobbing the WWE title off of him the way they did, but why bother jobbing the ECW belt off him? All it did was wreck ECW from the start to punish him as severely as it did. Speeding and getting caught with a token amount of weed isn't THAT egregious of a crime, not to have the guy's career wrecked. WWE completely overreacted to a situation that nobody in the media even cared about aside from a minor mention of it in a few outlets.


Now, Sabu. You know who Sabu is? He's that old buddy that you like a lot but constantly fucks up and you end up getting involved in his stupid shit and getting in trouble. It's certainly no coincidence that RVD didn't have any incidents like this, and the whole weed thing happened right when Sabu was back on the road with him.


Say what you will but what he did gave Vince and everyone that was ever against him all the ammo they needed now Vince has no trust in him. Gimmick or not he picked the absolute worst time he could to get arrested.......

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I still say the VKM gimmick in TNA would have worked 1000x better had they put Kurt Angle in it. Seriously, have Angle outside an arena handing out Impact/Genesis flyers, then have Joe come up behind him and choke him out. You advertise your PPV/TV show to the fanbase you wouldn't mind stealing from the "competition" with a highly regarded worker they will instantly recognize, as well as putting over his feud with your top home-grown star and legitimizing him in their eyes ("Holy shit, that guy just choked out Kurt Angle!")


EDIT: cabbageboy, the wellness policy "mandates" a 30-day suspension. RVD had to drop both belts.

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I still say the VKM gimmick in TNA would have worked 1000x better had they put Kurt Angle in it. Seriously, have Angle outside an arena handing out Impact/Genesis flyers, then have Joe come up behind him and choke him out. You advertise your PPV/TV show to the fanbase you wouldn't mind stealing from the "competition" with a highly regarded worker they will instantly recognize, as well as putting over his feud with your top home-grown star and legitimizing him in their eyes ("Holy shit, that guy just choked out Kurt Angle!")


EDIT: cabbageboy, the wellness policy "mandates" a 30-day suspension. RVD had to drop both belts.


They actually changed that now.....now you just don't get paid for 30 days but still work.....you don't get suspended till a 2nd violation, but at the time a suspension was mandatory.

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Guest combat_rock

Seriously though, what's with punishing RVD and Sabu at the expense of the fans. Sabu is popular and I'm sure taking him out of the match bummed alot of people out, as did RVD's early exit (plus it probably hurt the overall quality of the match). I'm all for doling out some discipline when neccesarry, but can't you just dock their pay or suspend them after the show?

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The rule was changed after Great American Bash got so fucked up. Under the new rule, you are only allowed to work televised events and don't get paid for 30 days.

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Seriously though, what's with punishing RVD and Sabu at the expense of the fans. Sabu is popular and I'm sure taking him out of the match bummed alot of people out, as did RVD's early exit (plus it probably hurt the overall quality of the match). I'm all for doling out some discipline when neccesarry, but can't you just dock their pay or suspend them after the show?


They tried to punish Sabu by jobbing him to Umaga on Raw and he proceded to fuck up again right after it........he's probably on the verge of being fired.


RVD wasn't taken out of this match early for discipline reasons, he didn't win for that reason but it isn't the reason he went out early. He and Punk both had to be gone when Lashley came in so the fans wouldn't shit on Lashley in the match. The show was about Lashley being the man. They still shit on him to an extent but if RVD and Punk had been in the match it would have been much worse.

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Meltzer said they want to keep Sabu until at least WrestleMania because they want him to induct The Sheik (his uncle) into the Hall of Fame in 2007.

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Meltzer said they want to keep Sabu until at least WrestleMania because they want him to induct The Sheik (his uncle) into the Hall of Fame in 2007.


I have a question......since this is such a shitty HOF year why don't they induct Randy Savage? Do they have like some vendetta against him....

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Guest combat_rock

Meltzer said they want to keep Sabu until at least WrestleMania because they want him to induct The Sheik (his uncle) into the Hall of Fame in 2007.


I have a question......since this is such a shitty HOF year why don't they induct Randy Savage? Do they have like some vendetta against him....


I know I heard somewhere that they do, but for the life of me I can't remember why.

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Meltzer said they want to keep Sabu until at least WrestleMania because they want him to induct The Sheik (his uncle) into the Hall of Fame in 2007.


I have a question......since this is such a shitty HOF year why don't they induct Randy Savage? Do they have like some vendetta against him....


Yeah pretty much, the rumor flying around is that Savage is the one that took Steph's virginity.

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It's probably something stupid like since they work with Hogan they don't work with Savage since they hate each other....


And I want a Savage DVD god damn it.

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Meltzer said they want to keep Sabu until at least WrestleMania because they want him to induct The Sheik (his uncle) into the Hall of Fame in 2007.


I have a question......since this is such a shitty HOF year why don't they induct Randy Savage? Do they have like some vendetta against him....


Yeah pretty much, the rumor flying around is that Savage is the one that took Steph's virginity.


That was in that DVR sleaze thread.....I don't know if I really believe that though.

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Meltzer said they want to keep Sabu until at least WrestleMania because they want him to induct The Sheik (his uncle) into the Hall of Fame in 2007.


I have a question......since this is such a shitty HOF year why don't they induct Randy Savage? Do they have like some vendetta against him....


Yeah pretty much, the rumor flying around is that Savage is the one that took Steph's virginity.


That was in that DVR sleaze thread.....I don't know if I really believe that though.


I do remember one time Meltzer was questioned about it though, and he didn't write it off completely, he just stated that there could very well be something to that story.

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