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Radiohead Roo DVD

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Thom Yorke was a guest on the Tom Robinson show at BBC 6Music last night. Apart from the interview Thom also played acoustic versions of The Clock and Cymbal Rush. Thom revealed that Radiohead's Bonnaroo perfomance is recorded and that it will come out eventually.


Thom said: "We did this festival called Bonnaroo. We did 2,5 hours. And there's 80,0000 people, admittedly they've been smoking the sticky green all day, probably wouldn't go anywhere anyway. It was just amazing. We played loads of new stuff. We did whole sections of quiet piano songs and it sounds like the most grotesque self-indulgent nonsense but it probably is my favourite gig for years and years and years. It was a really mellow evening. Actually it's all being filmed, but we're sitting on it because there's loads of new stuff on it. Because we're mean like that. It will come out eventually."


from ateaseweb.com


I find this to be very good news.

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Guest Felonies!

Is anyone else starting to get somewhat irritated that it will have taken four years for LP7 to come out? This is going to have to be better than Kid A to justify taking four years to come out, and taking into account the lackluster moments of HTTT, Nigel's departure, and the fact that Jonny spent six months listening exclusively to fucking dub reggae, I don't think they have it in them. So far they've messed up Big Ideas, a song they wrote like ten years ago, and messed up Arpeggi, which was going to be a perfect ethereal watery song in the vein of HTDC and Pyramid Song, by having Phil drum in double-time over it. I just want to know why it's taken so long to get an album out (but I'd hate to be the one who asks Thom that, because he'd just stare at me with his lazy eye for a minute and go "..........dunno").

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The new CD could be Phil Selway farting on a snare drum and Thom Yorke doing some fey, quivering moaning over it and Pitchfork would give it a 9.7.


Either way, I'll buy it and listen to it at least several times. Hopefully it's better than HTTT.

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Just got back from seeing them live in Paris. They were phenomenal.


When they say they'll bring it out eventually, I wouldn't hold your breath. I think they sais something similar about the Amnesiac tour, and all they released was the IMBW EP which, while good, wasn't a DVD.

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