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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

OAO Smackdown Thread - September/29th/2006.

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SD has been building to No Mercy since 2 weeks before Unforgiven when Kennedy threatened to go to Raw and Teddy Long put him in a match against Undertaker. That's close to twice the typical length with WWE's current PPV schedule.


As far as gimmick matches go, the Angle/Orton/Mysterio stuff earlier in the year was gimmicked up with title shots on the line, Undertaker and Khali had a Last Man Standing match, and Big Show filled in for the Punjabi Prison match. Raw has definately tended to overbook PPVs in comparison to SD this year though.

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Raw's big matches have frequently involved Vince and Shane, so a ton of overbooking is necessary to keep those matches watchable. Raw's other big names like Cena, Edge, DX, and Foley, while infinitely more diverse than the McMahons, still excel in gimmicky matches.


SD builds feuds around guys than can straight up wrestle, so no gimmicking is necessary. Still, SD has been consistently better than Raw pretty much all year.

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