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House of Carters

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Because my girlfriend likes the Backstreet Boys I have been asked to tape and watch this show with her. And geez is this stuff funny. I honestly can't believe Nick Carter thought dragging his family in front of TV cameras would actually...be good, but seeing him and his acne riddled lil bro get into it with each other is highly funny stuff. And his drunk Kate Hudson look-alike sis who wants to cook is funny too.


Does anyone else here watch any of this show, I know it's trashy and silly, but sometimes those car wrecks are so fun to watch.

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Its nothing but Nick yelling at everybody and it isn't entertaining at all. Having a reality tv show does not necessary mean that it will make the next album go to the top of the charts or go platinium. My guess is that the genius that is Nick's agent suggested that Nick release a sex tape or make the worst family reality tv show.

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