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NFL Week 16

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If they move the new fans wouldn't know that the team sucks

Yes. Because there's no television in Los Angeles, and football fans in LA, most of whom are still Raider fans, are WHOLLY UNAWARE OF HOW BAD THE RAIDERS ARE. God, you're one dumb fucker. I wish somebody would hit you in the back of the head with a blunt object, but how would we know if he got a good hit in?

There is always the expectation of the winning season then reality sets in and everybody gets injured or the star player decides to half ass it for a month but the fans as dumb as they are will pay for anything and moving to the big city means more dumb asses and more money. I thought you guys had spys following me everywhere I go and I would counter that attack with the classic Mr. International spinning backfist.

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I just wanted to say that Cris Collinsworth is far and away the best color commentator in the NFL. With the Sunday and Monday games, I flip over for a little bit and end up either getting bored and falling asleep or flipping away again, because the announcers are so dry and boring (day games) or are crazy and retarded (Madden and Michaels definitely, MNF guys to a lesser extent).


Yet, ever since NFL network started up these Thursday games, I've found myself consistently watching large parts of, if not the entire game, even when I didn't really plan on watching. Tonight, I was watching the Las Vegas Bowl, flipped to Vikings/Packers at halftime, and ended up staying to the end, because I liked the presentation and it sucked me into the game.


He's actually a perfect pairing with Gumbel, because Gumbel's a toolbox and can be counted on to say something stupid every ten minutes or so, but instead of protecting him, (like he'd have to with crazy old Madden), Collinsworth calls him out on it every time. He can also be counted on to say something funny with regards to the game every now and then, and really analyzes the game well too. I love when he breaks down replays and points out blocking schemes or where the assignment was missed that blew up the play.


Perhaps my very favorite part of the NFL network broadcasts is that they don't have 100 different guest speakers in the booth. When I'm watching football, I want to hear people talk about the football game. Not about some stupid asshole's movie or about horse races or about coaching basketball or a thousand other random topics. So, yeah, I heart.gif Cris Collinsworth.

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Another fine NFL Network game, this one is. I'm thinking that there are going to be massive changes to their scheduling and presentation next season.

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I can't believe the NFL screwed themselves with the scheduling so badly. There was no reason to believe that any of these crappy games would be any good, except probably KC/Denver. Dallas/Atlanta was the only other game that projected to be very good, and it was.


Oakland has the worst offence I have EVER seen.

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

The NFL Network should just stop carrying games. Man, that Vikings-Packers game was a bomb. Favre needs to play another year just so that wasn't his final appearance at Lambeau.

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Guest Princess Leena

I agree about Cris Collinsworth. I think he's found his place as the color man with a marginal PBP like B. Gumbal.


Why couldn't the NFL Network keep these games on Saturday afternoon? Saturdays suck so much now.

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If they move the new fans wouldn't know that the team sucks

Yes. Because there's no television in Los Angeles, and football fans in LA, most of whom are still Raider fans, are WHOLLY UNAWARE OF HOW BAD THE RAIDERS ARE. God, you're one dumb fucker. I wish somebody would hit you in the back of the head with a blunt object, but how would we know if he got a good hit in?


Also, it's not like the NBA or MLB where the celebs or egos can be see right by the action unless they are on the sidelines. That's part of the entire appeal of LA sports, to be seen.


You guys don't know anything about LA or its sports.

First, it's at least a four hour drive from LA to San Diego.

Second, when ever the NFL comes to LA, the city tells them to put the team in the Colisseum or the Rose Bowl. Both stadiums are as old as dirt. Plus, LA had a $800 million plan to renovate the Colisseum.

Third, I can see the NFL coming to Anaheim when the Angels leave. Artie's lease at Angels' Stadium expires in 2011 and since he sues the city every year or so, I can't see the city doing anything to keep him. Plus, he wants to be in Los Angeles, so let him get his wish.

Fourth, people in Anaheim wouldn't go to Raiders games. Raiders fans scare most middle and upper class folks. Plus Anaheim only supports winners, ie bandwagoners.

Fifth, we don't go to games to spot celebrities.

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Thanks for pointing all that stuff out so I didn't have to. I've been to one Charger game. I would not like to repeat that drive again. Considering parking and all that, I didn't get home until almost 5 hours after the game. That's ridiculous.


Also, this city loves the Raiders. Fans love the team regardless of how bad they are. They would be more than welcome if there was an agreement put in place for them to make LA their permanent home. Hell, I'd probably be a *gulp* Raider fan again.

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Well, coming down from the San Fernando Valley after staying the night at my grandfather's so that he could go probably compounded that problem. Taking the 5 all the way down through the middle of LA and Orange County was fucking hell.

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I always have trouble on the 5 Freeway.


Anyway, I am not a Giants fan but I'm upset Tiki Barber is retiring after this season. unless he'll unretire ater a few seasons. He's satisfied that he made it to Super Bowl. Come on. Increase you stats and make a run to the HOF or at least get your jersey retired.

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Guest Vitamin X

I always took I-5 down from Santa Clarita down to San Diego, and the longest it ever took me was 2 1/2 hours. My ex lived in Anaheim, and with little to no traffic (that interchange where I-10, I-5, and I-90 towards Pomona meet is ALWAYS bottlenecked) it always took somewhere between 45-60 minutes.


And Anaheim is ghetto, I don't know what the hell Undertaker is talking about there. There's a reason they nickname it Anaslime or Anacrime. Up in the hills it's different I know, but god, the only part of Orange County worth a damn is along the coast. And even then..


That's part of the reason I hate for teams to be in Anaheim and associate themselves with Los Angeles. It's an hour away and a totally different feel, different county. And I always saw more Niner fans than Raider fans, but yeah there were a lot of everything. I just liked having everyone having their own team that they like. It's just nicer that way sometimes.

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"
First, it's at least a four hour drive from LA to San Diego.


What? You must suck at driving or have a slow car. Generally for me it's 1 and half hour drive, two tops.

The Last Samurai cuts through pesky freeway traffic. You cut your teeth on the Illinois tollway system; you ever do the old pass-on-the-right-shoulder-of-the-road move? That's gotta be #1 or #1A on the list of dangerous and highly illegal asshole-driving maneuvers. I bet I'll see that a few times this week.

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

My dad did it once up around Alpine Valley when it was ridiculously backed up trying to get into a Jimmy Buffett concert, which we were certainly not headed to. We were stuck, and there was really no other option. These people had Parrothead stickers on their rear windshields. They deserved to be illegally passed.


EDIT: Aw shit, inconsequential Bears game in ten minutes!

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The NFL Network should just stop carrying games. Man, that Vikings-Packers game was a bomb. Favre needs to play another year just so that wasn't his final appearance at Lambeau.



No fucking way. I'd hate to have to see him have another year like this year AND last year. It's painful enough to watch as is. I don't think he could deal with another year.

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My prayers might be answered..


Colts are losing to the TEXANS! 14-0!


2nd SEED for the Ravens..come on!


McNair to Clayton! TD! whoohoo!

If you paid any attention to the Houston Texans season you would know that they choke in the 2nd half I predict another 4 TD game from Marvin Harrison.

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