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Who gave without taking the most? A combination of youtube clips featuring McMahon's arrogance, Austin leaving, and Foley/Dreamer promos got me thinking on this:


Flair? Foley? Dreamer? Who gave the most to the business and asked for the least in return?

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Of all the top names in recent years, The Rock was far and away the most professional.


I VIVIDLY remember telling a buddy of mine in 1999(at the near-height of our markdom), that while Stone Cold often was the man standing at the end of the smoke clearing, the Rock seemed to fall a lot. That makes even more sense nine years later that we're both smart.

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Flair being on a list of selfless professionals is pretty funny but The Rock is probably the hands down choice as far as main event level names go. Players like Steamboat, Dibiase, Jericho and many others along that plateau deserve to be noticed but being a top shelf star and be selfless is a tremendous quality and The Rock emphasized that far greater then others.


The Rock was always willing to put someone over, even low mid-card acts like Hurricane and especially his efforts with Jericho. He had every reason to pull a Hogan and demand certain things but he put people on his way out both times. Some people will make the idiotic "he left the business! he only cares about himself" arguement but those people are very much wrong. HBK marks will cry about Rock refusing to work HBK but it's warranted and every top flight star has generally refused to work with someone.



Foley is a mixed bag because while he's always willing to put someone over (Orton, Joe, Punk, HHH etc, etc) he still has selfish agendas such as he crusade against Flair and putting himself over.

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In his ROH shoot he talked about Dreamer telling people that Heyman was just sitting at home instead of trying to get TV deals, telling Corino he'd never be as big a babyface as Dreamer, booking Corino to lose to Francine on all the house shows, and an incident where Dreamer basically lied that Corino screwed him out of $3,000. Pretty much just making Dreamer sound like a huge asshole.

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Besides the Michaels feud, I don't believe Bret ever refused to job, treated fans with a lot of respect, and never shot on people in the ring. Not that he's the most professional by any means.

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The business misses the Rock.



How was Randy Savage in regards to putting other people over?

I dont know, but he did a hell of a job with D.D.P.

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Chris Benoit comes off very professional. Sting in the later half of his career after he lost his arrogance. The Rock is definately one of the most professional. Tazz comes off rather professional from what I can tell.

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Chris Jericho. Can't recall ever hearing of him refusing to do a job (although maybe he should have at times), and alwasy supposed to be nice to the fans.

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Chris Benoit comes off very professional. Sting in the later half of his career after he lost his arrogance. The Rock is definately one of the most professional. Tazz comes off rather professional from what I can tell.


I heard Tazz was quite the asshole in his ECW days.

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How was Randy Savage in regards to putting other people over?

He can bitch and moan like crazy if he feels like it. He was very upset about having to lose to Ric Flair at the Bash in 1995, even though Flair was using a cane to KO Savage. He was fine when it was going to be through interference, but when it was changed to Flair winning through use of the cane, Savage threw a fit.


Most wrestlers of that 80's WWE era, when they went elsewhere, usually had a major problem when it came to doing jobs on TV. Jacques Rougeau walked out of WCW in 2000 over his refusal to do a job on TV. Honkytonk Man is notorious for walking out of WCW the afternoon of Starrcade in 1994 because he refused to do a job on TV, which in his mind was the same as PPV. I forget his reasoning exactly, but he was always up front about not wanting to lose on TV.

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The first guy that came to my mind was Chris Benoit. Never hear about him complaining or refusing to put anyone over. Always looks like he's giving 100% even if his match is completely meaningless. He's been grossly misused for most of his career, but he never phones it in or makes excuses. He just goes out there and does his best entertain the fans, and it has earned him much well-deserved praise.


The Rock is another good answer. Never heard about him causing any problems and he always looked like he was giving 100% no matter what he was doing. He also actively campaigned for Jericho's push during a time when Jericho wasn't very popular among the elites.


Maybe too early to call, but Cena seems like he has a really good attitude too.

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How was Randy Savage in regards to putting other people over?

He can bitch and moan like crazy if he feels like it. He was very upset about having to lose to Ric Flair at the Bash in 1995, even though Flair was using a cane to KO Savage. He was fine when it was going to be through interference, but when it was changed to Flair winning through use of the cane, Savage threw a fit.

I still find Savage was a lot better at the whole jobbing thing than most other big names. Sting was good at it too.


The Rock is hands down the winner here, though.

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Kane deserves props for putting up with a lot of nonsense over his career and not kicking up a fuss...Isaac Yankem? Fake Diesel? The Christmas Creature? Katie Vick? Kane vs. Kane? The guy probably deserves a 'Thank You' title run for putting up with that.


And yeah, Rocky appears to be a paragon of professionalism - remember him putting Rhyno over during the Invasion angle, kinda out of nowhere?

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Chris Benoit comes off very professional. Sting in the later half of his career after he lost his arrogance. The Rock is definately one of the most professional. Tazz comes off rather professional from what I can tell.


I heard Tazz was quite the asshole in his ECW days.


Really? Most of the stuff I heard made him come across more as a hardass.

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Most of what I read, he bought into his own gimmick way too much.


I remember a story from when he first came to WWE where he was pised if anyone wore any orange (because it was 'his color') and walking around with his towel over his head like a goof.


BY all accounts he's really chilled out.

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I'm amazed nobody has mentioned Terry Funk. Guy jobbed to CM Punk and Johnny Webb. He's the first person who came to mind.


I also nominate:


1. Al Snow. There's a reason not one person has had one thing bad to say about him.

2. Owen Hart. See Al Snow.

3. Dory Funk. Jr. Often viewed in the shadow of his brother Terry, but has helped develop the careers of so many great wrestlers.


Here's some wildcards, but...


4. Chris Candido. He's had his demons, but he was all for the betterment of the business.

5. Sabu. See Candido. He is controversial and his motives have been questioned but he is one of the last few links remaining to to the TRUE kayfabe era of the biz (before it got commercialized and self-centered). He has been extremely respectful to the artform and to the history.


As far as Dreamer, everybody has their critics (Corino in this case) and from firsthand experience I can say that Dreamer in one instance was slightly unprofessional with me but other than that he was extremely and the utmost professional even in a particular situation where he didn't really have to be. He's a good guy in my opinion.

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Chris Daniels is an absolute gentleman. As far as just being a nice guy, there's nobody that beats him. I don't really think he's a veteran enough yet to be judging if he has given as much to the biz as he's taken...that comes with time, and give it a few years and I think he'll be in the same class as the guys who have been mentioned so far as far as unselfishness goes.

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The Undertaker and Christopher Daniels are said to be very professional workers.


I had thought the Undertaker at first....but wasn't there a time he "just wasn't feeling it?"

LOL....yeah I remember when Taker "just wasn't feeling it", very unprofessional. but when he did put Brock over it was huge.

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