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Guest ThaRegul8r

Move Suggestions

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Go with the infallible route of yelling "Hey ref, LOOK!", boot the guy in the nards and then apply the move.


Psychology? Urr?

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It doesn't even have to be a kick to the nads. If WWE has taught us anything, a solid kick to the gut before applying any finisher works wonders.


Otherwise, when in doubt, do it off the top rope.

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I thought I'd post this here since none of the other places seem appropriate. I'm a technician, using a full nelson camel clutch as a finisher. And it's been built as a deadly, inescapable finisher, and the thing about it is that I have many different ways of transitioning into it:


While facing opponent:

  • Short Arm Full Nelson Facebuster into Full Nelson Camel Clutch — Grab opponent by the wrist and pull towards you. As you pull opponent in, step behind opponent, slip your arms under his arms and apply a full nelson. Hook leg around opponent's near leg and fall forward, slamming opponent face-first into the mat with a full nelson facebuster. After impact, maintain nelson, straddle opponent's back, sit down, plant feet and lean back, pulling opponent back and up into the full nelson camel clutch.
  • Wakigatame Armbar Takedown into Full Nelson Camel Clutch — Take opponent down in a wakigatame armbar takedown a la Chris Benoit with the Crippler Crossface. As you're taking opponent down, slide near arm under opponent's near arm, then hop on opponent's back, slide far arm under opponent's far arm, hook fingers together behind opponent's neck, plant feet, pull opponent up and back into full nelson camel clutch.
  • Double Underhook DDT into Full Nelson Camel Clutch — Underhook opponent's right arm with your left, and grab his left arm with your left hand so you're underhooking both your opponent's arms in a double underhook (in I guess a single-armed double underhook). Apply front facelock and DDT. After impact, spin to left onto opponent, while simultaneously sliding your left arm which was holding the opponent's left arm under your opponent's arm in a half nelson. Slide right arm under opponent's right, hook fingers together behind opponent's neck, plant feet, pull opponent up and back into full nelson camel clutch.
While behind opponent:
  • Full Nelson Facebuster into Full Nelson Camel Clutch — As above, only without short arm, starting behind opponent.
  • Dragon Suplex Rollover into Full Nelson Camel Clutch — Dragon suplex opponent, maintain full nelson on impact, rollover onto opponent's back, pull up and back into full nelson camel clutch.
  • Full Nelson Lung Blower into Full Nelson Camel Clutch — Execute a full nelson lung blower, maintain full nelson, then turn opponent onto stomach, straddle opponent's back, pull up and back into full nelson camel clutch.
I have three questions:


1) Are there any more ways that could be used to transition into it? A full nelson is being sold as something opponents try to avoid at all costs since the full nelson camel clutch involves a full nelson. They desperately try to avoid being put into a full nelson, so I try to use other ways of transitioning into it. The psychology is that opponents are trying to avoid it, while I'm trying to come up with new ways to put it on. Maybe some match-ending spots as well.


2) I'm trying to come up with new moves to set it up. Since people try to avoid being put in a full nelson at all costs, it's necessary to sufficiently wear opponents down to the point were they can no longer avoid the nelson. Something that affects the neck, back, or upper shoulders, which the move affects. As the match goes on, I try to apply the full nelson camel clutch, but the opponent blocks it, so I have to do more to wear them down enough. Something that can also directly precede the full nelson camel clutch.


3) There may arise in some matches that my opponent has the move so well scouted that he successfully manages to stymie my attempts to apply the full nelson camel clutch. I'm beginning to show frustration. Then I attempt it one final time and it's blocked, but this time I go into something completely different that's totally unexpected because everything was focused on avoiding the full nelson camel clutch, and thus win the match because it's the final straw on top of the previous damage done. I'm looking for suggestions on what this move could be. Ideally it would be another submission that also affects one of the areas I'm working on to set up the full nelson camel clutch (neck, back, shoulders). So the preparatory work has already been done since it affects the very same areas I already work on to build toward the full nelson camel clutch. Or it could be a pinfall finisher. Something sufficiently devastating enough that on top of the previous back/neck/shoulder work, it puts my opponent away. It would also show adaptability, and would throw doubt into opponents' minds as the full nelson camel clutch could merely be a tease towards this other move and not what I'm even intending to do.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and I thank those who chose to reply in advance.


And then what?

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If you are trying to get the nelson on someone and they are successfully defending it from being locked in:


Release your left arm from their left arm and use your hooked right arm to swing them around into stunner/crusher-like move.

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For people too heavy for a Dragon suplex you could always use Bubba Ray's full-nelson bomb to transition in. A decent use for a shite move.

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And then what?

Get as much steroids you can so you can strike fear in the eyes of the nonbelievers with the superficial bodybuilder look and do alot of grunting while using the full nelson. When your opponent passes out do to the sheer strength of the move pour a bottle of BBQ sauce him!

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Guest ThaRegul8r
If you are trying to get the nelson on someone and they are successfully defending it from being locked in:


Release your left arm from their left arm and use your hooked right arm to swing them around into stunner/crusher-like move.


Can't use this one, because there are already too many people who are using a stunner/crusher, and I'm currently feuding with someone who has the stunner as a finisher.

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Then switch the proposed stunner with a snapmare and follow up with a stiff kick on the spine or a low dropkick.

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