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My ex-girlfriend e-mailed me a poem.

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Wake up half dead and fully dressed

The song of an old lover

Is the echo in your head.

The clock is wrong

And you're late for work again.

Pieces of loves false prophecy

Surround you

Scattered and bitter

Always able to find you.

Just believe that this pain

Could be no mistake

Because you've never felt more real

You've never felt more sane

When you know what it's like

To lose everything.

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Tell her she's an ex for a reason and as such to keep her emo bullshit to herself, if she ain't fucking you you ain't got no reason to tolerate anything. Explain that it's unfortunate she is so bitter she has to send you these things, but your very flattered you take up her so much of her time and creativity even though you're no longer together and that while it's cute, you'd prefer if she kept these in her journal rather than sent them to your inbox since you need to keep space for more important things, like junkmail.


Feel free to use these.


Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

It's funny you bother me

Because I'm over you.


Tulips are yellow,

Cherry Blossom is pink,

I hate to break it to you

But your so called "poems" stink.


Lilys are white,

Orchids are black,

Please move on with your life

And don't send a poem back.

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Fools are the ladies that kiss him goodnight

(Are you sure where his mouth has been this time?)

These barbed wire skies to remember him by,

this piece of work so macabre with our lies

Beauty visible only to our eyes.


Unable to share moments of silence.

I have bled the ink of a million pens

Writing these letters I will never send

Still licking these wounds I may never mend.

Stare down horizons I will never bend.


Ironies that I unconciously make,

A happiness that only melancholy creates.

I rule.

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I had no idea Amnesia Glasscock is 15; look at me up there responding to him like his opinion means something.


You laugh at me because I am younger, I laugh at you because you are older and still respond.

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I had no idea Amnesia Glasscock is 15; look at me up there responding to him like his opinion means something.


You laugh at me because I am younger, I laugh at you because you are older and still respond.


You win.

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Guest Detective

I’m not quite sure what her purpose is, if she is trying to get a message across, the only thing I’m seeing is “I’m messed up because of you”



Where is that line again between communication and obsession?

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At least she's not calling you at random hours, usually in tears, begging you to get back together with her or saying that she started cutting herself in order to deal with the pain of being without you, or writing disturbing livejournal entries castigating you for being a cold, cruel bastard, an ignominious psychological abuser with the blackest of black hearts, which causes her unparalleled misery and fluctuating weight—all of which, even though you know most everyone who would read those entries knows both sides of the story, you still wonder what kind of asshole you must seem to those who don't, in addition to the huge distaste you have for everyone knowing your personal business through something as awful as livejournal—or that, hey, she didn't call your mom asking her why you won't talk to her (that last "her" being the ex-girlfriend).


The occasional poem via e-mail isn't so bad.

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I dont hear jack from my ex, she came round mine at like 4 in the morning drunk wanting sex but thats it.


Id be lucky to get a fuckin text. Crazy bitch.

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But Inc... did she blab to anyone about the pee-pee play?

She later threw it back in my face (um, not literally) as part of a list of all the terrible things she did just to please me. It was like a scene out of a Philip Roth novel.

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The one I'm talking about was the only real nutty one, fortunately. She was fairly normal while we dated, too (if a little moody); in fact, she was fine for about a month after she broke up with me. It got bad after I turned her down when she said she wanted to get back together.

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