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Well, Season 8 is off to a great start, though if you didn't like the Initiative in the series you may be a bit put off. Still, a solid first issue, worth picking up.

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I'm not high on the INitiative,


But It's Whedon. And hell, while I'm not super-high on s4, it has Restless, pretty much the best thing ever put on a TV screen.

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What is the storyline so far?







We see Buffy and her commando team of Slayers running around in Scotland, investigating some kind of mysterious cult, or something. She refers to Xander as her "watcher"; now he's basically this "central command" type who issues orders to the squads of Slayers around the world. Also, Dawn has inexplicably been turned into a giant. Meanwhile, back at the hole that used to be Sunnydale, the U.S. military considers Buffy to be a terrorist leader with an army of soldiers. They also capture someone who's been hiding in the Sunnydale rubble (hint: she's been around since the 3rd episode).


Eh, it wasn't terrible, but I'm not crazy about continuing the Buffy story. I'm perfectly happy leaving the series as it was. Plus, having Buffy and her strike team globe-trotting, jumping out of helicopters & shooting laser guns isn't really what I liked about the TV show in the first place. I'll keep reading out of (mild) curiosity, though.


Have there been other books in the Buffyverse worth picking up?

Peter David's Spike vs. Dracula series for IDW was pretty good.

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Well, I see banners of Whedon writing Buffy 'season 8' on various sites. Have there been other books in the Buffyverse worth picking up?


I suggest Fray, the trade collecting the story about the future slayer that Joss wrote. It's not a typical Buffy story at all.

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(hint: she's been around since the 3rd episode).

I can't think of who what-so-ever.


I haven't been readint the comics, but isn't that when

the rat formally known as Amy

shows up?

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