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Eminent domain is striking

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So Delaware has decided they are finally going to use their eminent domain rights by basically announcing a plan to kick a good number of us out of our homes for a road. This is a some maffia crap they are doing to achieve it as well.


They froze property values because they don't want the value of our homes going up. Which is really nice since they already announced the whole state as beach front property about a year ago to up property values around us but those with homes saw no increase. We asked why and they just said it was an oversight. Yeah, looks like it was. And even after they take the homes and destroy them, they won't have the money to pay us for the value they set (which will be a low ball ass rape I'm sure) until sometime in 2013 or later because the road they are building will put the state in DEBT. All home loans are froze, well except for the fact we have to keep paying them but they don't really register since the state will offset the cost of the home they plan to take with the loan value.


So say you have a 40,000 dollar loan right now and you have been paying it for about two years, you still officially owe 40,000 dollars because it's officially frozen. Loans for improvements will need to be continued to be paid, but you don't get the money. The road they are planning does nothing, literally does nothing but cost the state 300 million dollars (not counting the payment for the land they must buy and the homes they must take) and go in a circle to create a new traffic jam.


We are having a meeting, but it doesn't matter because we are already dead in the water. Del Dot has never listened to the people of this county and they aren't about to start now. My parents are going to lose the home they built with their bare hands, the house where I got engaged by a beautiful creek and everything important happened at. My uncle is going to lose the home where we spent the final days with one of my other uncles and just basically our family will be divided completely now. I'M losing MY land because it just barely touches the edge of their stupid plan as well. We won't be able to buy land or a home in Delaware because of the property value increases (homes here now cost in the upper 300,000 range not counting land) and we won't even be given money to BUY anything anyway.


This sucks.

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I definitely think in a case like this, violence is warranted. Put up a notice that you will use force to protect your land. Buy a gun and know how to use it.


This is government sanctioned theft, and nothing more. It's been slowly going on in other parts of the country, and it makes me sick. Get some petitions going, call the networks, raise as much hell as you can. Hell, put up barbed wire and bear traps around your house. What do you have to lose at this point?

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My mother was given a crisp brand new $1 bill for her land to build a new bridge (smaller for local traffic) on. I think they took like .10 of an acre total off the front of the land which is a lot considering most of the property isn't developaable due to it being wetlands or something.


I think Id rather get nothing than a $1.

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$1? That's terrible, but also fucking hilarious.


I do believe that they told her in the beginning she could opt to get a lawyer to fight it and get what she thought the land was worth, however it would probably end up with her oweing the lawyer and still only getting $1.

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Guns and shells wouldn't be a problem, my dad has plenty of those. He's well armed. And he already said a long time ago he'd burn the house to the ground before he let an illegal get their hands on it but burning it just feels like he'd be doing the work for them.


Right now, who the hell knows. Just the thought of losing everything and getting nothing for something they can't even really afford to start to build for a decade sucks.

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