luke-o 0 Report post Posted May 15, 2007 I just posted a thread about this a few hours ago. But its a good find and it was an excellent documentary. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sideburnious 0 Report post Posted May 15, 2007 BBC man explodes at Scientologist who can blame him? Wow yeah, great title for the youtube video, seeing as there is no context as to why he's getting shouted at. Professional journalism to say the least On the whole topic of scientology: As much as I don't care and/or believe about the scientology religion, the more I hear retards going on about how stupid it is and "South Park did it so kewl lol. Showed them for the phonies they are!" the more I feel sympathetic for them. Well, thats not true, I just don't want to be associated with these idiots. Like, there's a girl on my course who has been decided by a group of us that she actually is the dumbest person we've ever met that doesn't have a medical reason to be mentally disabled. She's had to repeat college twice already. All she ever does is throw out these bullshit stories about scientologists, shit she's probably read off napkins and she's acting like it's strong fact. One of the first converstaions she had with a friend of mine was saying how America were responsible for 9/11. Not a conspiracy theory, that it was hard fact. It's this part of the internet (and society) that always wants me to have as little as possible connected with them. Oh, and Tom Cruise kicks ass. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luke-o 0 Report post Posted May 15, 2007 BBC man explodes at Scientologist who can blame him? Wow yeah, great title for the youtube video, seeing as there is no context as to why he's getting shouted at. Professional journalism to say the least He actually had good reason to shout at him. He'd interviewed him for two days about his views on his religion. Then, when the journalist tried to interview apposing people against Scientology, the dude would show up and interfere in the interview. He was following him around, not letting him interview people who disagreed with his "religion". I mean the guy had people following the journalist round. Thats just weird. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Your Paragon of Virtue 0 Report post Posted May 15, 2007 BBC man explodes at Scientologist who can blame him? Wow yeah, great title for the youtube video, seeing as there is no context as to why he's getting shouted at. Professional journalism to say the least You're an idiot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites