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This Week in Baseball 7/2 - 7/8

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Not only did the Reds bullpen blow another lead, but so far there have been two separate tries to lay down a sac bunt, and both were failures to execute. It's hard being a Reds fan. Pray for pitching for me.


What's strange is that Weathers is pretty much the lone guy in that 'pen you could trust with a two run lead in the 9th with two outs.


Edit: I'll miss Hatteberg.



I don't even trust Weathers. I think Marcus McBeth will develop into a good reliever and possibly a closer. Right now, though, the entire bullpen is shaky. Weathers looks good most of the time, but he still allows baserunners too often. You're right, though, he's the best option.

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I suppose this was a good move, but I thought the Sox had strict rules about not signing pitchers to big long-term deals and not granting no-trade clauses, which I predict were both major elements of this extension. I would surmise that since Buehrle is locked up long-term now, and the Sox are still in a distant 4th, Jose Contreras will be the pitcher that they dump at the deadline, along with Dye and Iguchi, who have been lame ducks in Sox uniforms for a few weeks now.


Well, at least Mark will be spared the burial that Frank Thomas got from Kenny Williams, huh.

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Anyone watching the Futures game?


I am. Mostly to get a look at Jay Bruce and Votto. I feel good with those pieces in the puzzle for the Reds franchise.

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Yeah, I like both prospects. I think Bruce will end up being the better of the two, but they are really good prospects. I expect Hatteberg and possibly Conine traded away before the deadline, and Votto to be called up to get some experience. He is definitely going to be on the expanded roster late in the season. Bruce needs to stay at AA for another month or two and then see what he can do at AAA. Next year, he might be called up.

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So, Joe Blanton tried to kill Ichiro? I didn't see it, but apparently there was a benchs clearning brawl, and Blanton gave up 6 earned just because he hates my fantasy team.

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I changed the channel right before it happened it sounds like as I didn't want to watch the Mariners blow the game open. From what I read there was a play at the plate, the ball hit runner and rolled into foul territory, Blanton went go after the ball and Ichiro was in his way so he pushed him over, then Jason Ellison ran over to push Blanton and then they played the feud. Doesn't sound that exciting.

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And the A's go into the break with a resounding thud. Now back at .500, losing 12 out of 17, nine out of the West, and eight out of the Wild Card. With an overbloated roster with a lot of veteran dead weight a mini-fire sale is very likely.

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Anyone watch the Phillies/Rockies game today the Philles players showed a LOT of class running out and helping the grounds crew during the rain delay I was wondering were the rockies players were since it was there stadium.

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Anyone watch the Phillies/Rockies game today the Philles players showed a LOT of class running out and helping the grounds crew during the rain delay I was wondering were the rockies players were since it was there stadium.

In their clubhouse from what I heard.

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Piazza is the most likely player to be dealt. Because of Jack Cust giving them solid production at DH they've forced Piazza into a longer rehab assignment so he'd get some time behind the plate before coming back. If they fall further out of the race in the second half they will definately want to give Kurt Suzuki some more playing time as he'll be the starting catcher next year but they don't have room to carry three catchers. No way in hell anyone would want Jason Kendall and his salary even with him coming off the books after this year. Shannon Stewart is a good bet to be dealt as once Travis Buck comes off the DL there will be roster crunch in the outfield as well or they might just DFA Bobby Kielty. Dan Johnson is another possibility to free up first base for Daric Barton. Really any non-rookie who isn't named Haren, Swisher, Blanton, or Street can probably be had, not to say though that there will be a wholesale house cleaning but they have almost no choice but to trim some of the fat.

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Guest Smues

So apparantly a group of 40 or so concession stand workers boycotted today's Padres game because 1,000 tickets were sold to a gay pride group? Some people. I will not sell popcorn to a gay man!

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Guest Smues

Wickman is collapsing before our very eyes, and as far as I know there isn't anyone in the pen. Why Soriano hasn't been warmed up and brought in yet I don't know. I understand giving your guy a chance to finish Bobby, but come on he turned a 5-1 game into a 5-4 game with 2 on. He's getting rocked.


And before I hit post he gets strike 3, that looked like ball 1 to me, but whatever we win. I still think he should have been pulled before that last single, but whatever, he can take the all-star break to rest and get his form back.

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That's how Wickman gets saves. He'll be like 19 for 20 when it comes to saves and saves opportunities and all of them will be like that.

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Guest Smues

Shows how much attention I was paying. I saw Moylan pitch the 7th, and must have zoned out the 8th. Still, I saw Hudson warming up in the 7th, he could have come in! Not that it matters since Wickman got that last out, but he's really been struggling lately. Hopefully he comes back stronger after the break.

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