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My pipe's name is Nicodemus, the master rat thing from The Secret of Nimh. The pattern on it is really nice (blue and green stitching- it looks like thin ribbons hashed between each other) but once I got my bong everything else failed in comparison. I even experienced the zenith of all weed- smoking a HUGE blunt out of the bong.

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Guest Vitamin X

I know he did mention that he pretty much did all his posting high until he declared himself sober. I did too, except I never declared myself sober, but I learned my lesson about posting while in a state of less than consciousness.

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Pot's kind of a "meh" thing nowadays.



And it really is, too. You smoke it, things are funnier for 40 minutes, and then you get hungry.

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Guest Vitamin X

Say what you will, but it's great for a. concerts, b. just before going to bed c. getting your money's worth at an all-you-can-eat thing.


I can actually make a dub last for a pretty long while nowadays because I don't like being baked all day, just towards the end.

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Say what you will, but it's great for a. concerts, b. just before going to bed c. getting your money's worth at an all-you-can-eat thing.


I can actually make a dub last for a pretty long while nowadays because I don't like being baked all day, just towards the end.

All of those things are great. I sleep like a baby, but it's kind of a waste. I usually just try to watch a little Stella beforehand. If I'm out and about, I usually stop at some place and get spaghetti just because its amazing.


What're your favorite things to listen to? I particularly like a select few songs from Lemon Jelly's lemonjelly.ky album.

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Guest Vitamin X

I'm not very particular when I'm high. When in the act of smoking though, it's definitely either prog rock or grindcore.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic
Are you absolutely clean now Agent, apart from the occasional drink? How much of a pothead were you before?


First question: No. I catch a buzz once every few weeks to a month, depending on who I'm around. I've found moderation to be a much more noble goal than abstinence. My rule is that I don't buy any. I drink only when watching sports or if I have literally nothing else worth doing the rest of the day. In all honesty, I think it takes more willpower to do things in moderation. Ask an alcoholic if they can have a drink once in a while and actually stick to it. It's much easier just to not drink.


Second question: Severe. I used pot the way most folks drink coffee, and quit cold turkey. I started when I was..14 or so, and quit, what? Last year? I can't even remember. Stoner. This was in addition to banging as many drugs as I could find into my skull for half of that timeframe. Never used a needle, but that's about it. I've always been fascinated by intoxication.


To put it in diary form, a usual day would be wake up and get high(normal), smoke a bowl on the way to work, get out, pack a bowl in the parking lot and smoke it on the way home, smoke a couple more when I got there, do whatever I had to do, then go home and smoke some more. In terms of pure volume, I smoked not quite an eighth every two days, which isn't really that much in terms of total dud burnouts, but I had a job and shit to do. I just did all that while being high.


My only real vices now are cigarettes and sex, both of which are physical needs which I will probably never overcome. The rest was always just an extremely enjoyable and frequent recreational activity. I neither regret nor miss that behavior.



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Guest Tzar Lysergic

The one wonderful thing about pot is that with certain mentalities, in can be a "chameleon" drug. To use myself for an example, I used pot both as an aid to wake up and get my head on straight, and as a sleep aid. It works as an aphrodisiac, creative gear oil, and a catalyst for focus. The same can't be said about any other drug, and I've tried just about all of them.

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Sex can arguably be construed as a vice; there's a point where getting so much tail from as many sources as possible is an addiction, "monogamy isn't natural" arguments be damned. Also, really, anything pursued for no greater purpose than personal pleasure can be considered a vice.


Also, re: Agent's pothead days, the day I met the dude, he was obv. blazed the whole time, but, when he smoked me up, he had no trouble annihilating me in under five minutes in a game of chess. Granted, I had only started playing a couple of weeks prior to our meet-up, but the way he so casually handed my ass to me while being under as much influence of controlled substances as I was was certainly impressive.

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The Losers was a great movie.

I recommend it to everyone.

Basically, a bunch of guys get on motorcycles and ATVs and just go fuck shit up in Vietnam.

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