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Ed Wood Caulfield

Feedback Thread For OAOAST Syndicated: Summertime Edition!

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Well, this show was certainly bigger than the last OAOAST Syndicated, so that's good. Made it feel more like a big event in a way.


I read all the matches while I was posting the show, and they were all great. The Bra And Panties Tag Team Match read like a romance novel in some parts. Patty put alot of effort into that match, I could tell.


Did I miss anything? If I did, then you guys can just edit it in, since pretty much everyone who's in the OAOAST is also a mod in the OAOAST! :D


I'd give more feedback, but I haven't slept in over 24 hours, so I'm gonna go beddy bye now. This show sure did take much longer to post than I thought it would.


Onwards and upwards to AngleSlam everybody! Good night.



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PPV caliber show. I guess it’s what HD would be like if we didn’t plan stuff for Syndicated. All the matches delivered, with the Bra & Panties tag title match having to be the best thing Patty’s ever written. As great as the visual images were, the hamster had me rolling on the floor, figuratively speaking of course. Nathaniel Black also had a pretty good night with a strong promo and then a beat down on Jamie O’Hara. The ME was damn good as well. Cortez as Zack’s partner was pretty cool.

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Word to ya'll!


some feedback time,

As usual EWC does an excellent job with the layout. And all the post-match and pre-match banter between the announcers that he wrote was dope and really added to the show, plus it was very funny and made every match feel just a little bit bigger and more important. Niiiiiice.


I've always been down with the James Riggs character, so it's good to see him getting some play. He and Heat seem to have chemistry in their feud, so I'm looking forward to the Summerslam bout. This match was a nice preview to it.


Black looked like a baaaaaad dude on the show. He should be a solid character, but hopefully his addition to the roster doesn't make KC forget about the wonderfulness that is Biff Atlas. We only got one earth, ppl. Protect it.


hey what the fuck are those thing sticking out of the arena's roof? wtf? wtf?


I think I already told KC what I thought about his six man match. Good stuff, liked Moneymaker on commentary.


Hey, I also already told Tony what I thought about the Holly promo. I get around! Holly has come a long way since whatever she was doing when I originally created her. I don't really remember what her original reason for existing was.


Alf does battle royals really well. Better then I can do that's for sure. Reject winning was a bit of surprise. Does that make it heel/heel at AS? By the way, AS is already shaping up to be some pretty hot shit and we haven't even had one HD this month.


Cortez as Zack's partner was some shocking ass shit! I thought for sure it'd be O'Hara until he got the crap stomped out of him, then I thought it would be Bo or even Black. I will never predict anything again! Nice promo before the match, and nice match during the uh...match. Yes. The O'Green is interested in seeing how Cortez proceeds from here.


Hey, good show, best Syndicated I've ever read, of course I've only read three, but who cares?!

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