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Jericho in WCW

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I've just uploaded 1 and a half hours of Jericho in WCW from a compilation tape I bought a few years ago. Enjoy.


http://www.dailymotion.com/Ninjafish/video...cw-1-of-5_sport Part 1

http://www.dailymotion.com/ninjafish/video...cw-2-of-5_sport Part 2

http://www.dailymotion.com/ninjafish/video...-3-of-5_sport/1 Part 3

http://www.dailymotion.com/ninjafish/video...-4-of-5_sport/1 Part 4

http://www.dailymotion.com/ninjafish/video...-5-of-5_sport/1 Part 5


Has there ever been a more happier heel than Jericho when he was the Cruiserweight champ?


This is all only promos and short matches, but if you feel like seeing the long PPV matches during this time too, they're all there already on Daily Motion or Youtube.

Just search for


Jericho Mysterio Souled Out

Jericho Guerrera SuperBrawl

Jericho Malenko Unsensored

Jericho Malenko Great American Bash

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Thanks for posting this. I think I have that comp laying around somewhere but it's much more convenient watching it here. Damn, I love that letter from Ted Turner . . . You receive high praise from my lovely wife Jane who incidentally sends her regards, oh Tony, she's such a sweetheart.

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Haha yeah, Jericho was class. His fued with Prince 'Nakamaki' was pretty cool.


Thanks for posting these up, makes it alot easier to watch then rooting through my WCW tape collection. It does however, REALLY make me miss Chris Jericho.

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Out of all the wrestlers who haven't been in the ring for a while, I miss Jericho the most :(

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