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Fun fact, Treble! That commercial is inaccurate. His uncle could not have been eaten by an alligator in Jamaica. Only two countries in the world have native alligators: The US and China. I learned some interesting shit researching this thread

I like those commercials way more than anyone should. They have a bunch of them on YouTube, too, that I've never seen on TV before. It's great!


I'm the same way, and so is my grandfather, as I learned during the Jays-Yankees series early this week. Let's not analyse. IT TURNS OUT, by the way, that he actually said the uncle was eaten whilst in Trindad & Tobago, not Jamaica. My native rule applies, but I impressed that upon my brother yesterday, and he didn't care, but did say he liked those commercials as well. You may, in effect, be off the hook.


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Yaknow what I was thinking? We should ban Mole.

I don't see why this idea didn't get further consideration.

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Fun fact, Treble! That commercial is inaccurate. His uncle could not have been eaten by an alligator in Jamaica. Only two countries in the world have native alligators: The US and China. I learned some interesting shit researching this thread

I like those commercials way more than anyone should. They have a bunch of them on YouTube, too, that I've never seen on TV before. It's great!


I'm the same way, and so is my grandfather, as I learned during the Jays-Yankees series early this week. Let's not analyse. IT TURNS OUT, by the way, that he actually said the uncle was eaten whilst in Trindad & Tobago, not Jamaica. My native rule applies, but I impressed that upon my brother yesterday, and he didn't care, but did say he liked those commercials as well. You may, in effect, be off the hook.

A) I can't believe I've had this sig for over 6 months now.

B) I just saw him in a La-Z-Boy commercial. I can die now.

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