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Zack Malibu

ZERO HOUR: Maddix/Malibu/PRL Ladder Match

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Llladies and gentlemen, the One And Only AngleSault Thread is proud to present, live at Zero Hour Two Thousand And Seven, your MAIN EVENT of the evening. In a first of it's kind in OAOAST history, it is a THREE-WAY LADDER MATCH, in which the only way to win is to climb the ladder and retrieve the championship belt which we be hung high above the arena... and, it is for the OAOAST HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE Wooorrrrllld! ARE YOU READY?


Memphis, Tennessee... ARE... YOU... rrrrrrrrrrRRRREADY!?


Then, for the thousands in attendance... and the millions watching around the world on pay per view, ladies and gentlemen... LLLLLLLLLLLLET’S GET RRREEAADY TO RRRUMBLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!



*DUM DUM*[/i]


Incubus' "Megalomaniac" hits first, bringing out the Champion himself! Striding through the entrance doors, Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix wipes a nervous hand across his face and jumps around on the spot, trying to fire himself up. Megan Skye follows her man out and points to the belt around his waist, applauding Landon as he sets off for the ring.

Introducing first! Hailing from Huron, South Dakota by way of Madrid, Spain. Weighing in at two hundred and eight pounds... he is led to the ring this evening by his "Perfect 10", MEGAN SKYE... the reigning and defending, One and Only AngleSault Thread HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WOOOOORRRRRLLDD... LANDON! "LA CUCARACHA"... MMMMMAAAAAAAAAADDIIIIIIIIIIXXXXXXXXX!!!


Landon leaps to the apron, looking out at the crowd as Megan climbs the steps. Megan holds open the ropes and Landon bounds into the ring, spinning himself into the centre of the ring HBK style and posing with Megan.

After winning it in controversial circumstances, June 28th of this year, Landon Maddix has held the OAOAST World Title for three months now. But he has faced no tougher challenge than the one he encounters tonight. No championship advantage what-so-ever. The odds are even, he must beat not one but two challengers in retrieving his title in order to retain it.

And I still don't agree with that.

Referee Earl Hebner stops Landon as he enters the ring, calling for the belt as the cable hangs in the middle of the ring. Landon unstraps the title from his waist, taking a deep breath as he hands it over to Hebner to loop around the metal ring of the cable.

You're saying PRL doesn't deserve his rematch?

Well... uh...

And you can't be saying Zack doesn't deserve a rematch. Not after what happened at AngleSlam.

As the belt begins to rise into the air, Landon goes through some more warm-ups, trying to work out the nerves.

Well, Landon has had no luck what-so-ever in the past few weeks building to tonight. He was pinned by Zack Malibu, thanks to PRL and some Sweet Chin Music, three weeks ago when he was supposed to be teaming with him in a Handicap Match. Then, the next week, same result but with PRL getting the pin thanks to Zack's School's Out. And then last week, Landon looked to return the favour on Zack... after he'd saved him from a Lightning Crew attack no less... but found nobody home on the Superkick and was left empty-handed. Will he leave REALLY empty-handed tonight though?

The lights go down in the arena. A Puerto Rican flag appears on the AngleTron. In big white blocky letters, the following words appear on the screen, with Tha Puerto Rican saying them:


With that, a lightning bolt hits the entrance, the PRL entrance video plays on the AngleTron, and "Know Your Role '99" begins playing, with the crowd standing up and booing. PR is heard saying, "THE CHAMP IS HERE!" throughout the song, while smoke fills the entryway and strobe lights appear on the entrance set. A few seconds elapsed, and out from the curtains and through the smoke come "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican, and his fianceé, Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez. The crowds' boos get louder. PR looks at the crowd in disgust, jawing with some fans. He looks at Lindsay, and the two of them begin their walk down the entrance ramp.

Introducing, the first challenger in this match. Accompanied to the ring by the OAOAST Women's Champion, MS. LINDSAY GONZALEZ! He comes to us from San Juan, Puerto Rico... weighing in at two hundred, twenty pounds, tonight hoping to win the coveted World Championship for the very first time, here is, "THE CORPORATE CHAMPION"... THA PUUUUUEEEEEEEERRTOOOOOOOO RRIIIIIIIIIIIICCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANN!!!


Chants of "P.R. SUCKS!" fill the arena as PRL and Lindsay continue their walk to the ring. Tha Puerto Rican gets on the ring apron and sneers at the crowd. Lindsay holds the ropes, and Tha Puerto Rican enters the ring. He spins around; soaking in the fans boos while "Know Your Role '99" continues playing over the P.A. system. Tha Puerto Rican does the HBK muscle pose while pyro goes off behind him. The crowd is still booing loudly and chanting "P.R. SUCKS!" PRL heads to a second turnbuckle and raises his hands. He then heads to another second turnbuckle and raises his hands again.

What a huge night this could be for Tha Puerto Rican. But, how many times we've said. PRL is desperate for a victory tonight, not just to become Champion itself but also to finally lose that tag of a man who just 'doesn't win the big one'.

PR hits a third second turnbuckle, and raises his right arm in the air and "smells the electricity" a'la The Rock. PRL does the same Rock pose on the fourth second turnbuckle, recieving boos. Tha Puerto Rican gets off the ropes, removes his sunglasses and earring, and chats with Lindsay while the lights go back on in the arena. "Know Your Role '99" dies down as PRL locks eyes with the World Champion.

There's an elecricity in the air tonight. I mean, there always is when PRL's around but, something bigger.

An historic and sure to be an entertaining main-event here at Zero Hour 2007.

No, I'm talking expectancy Michael. Expectancy that finally, PRL grabs that brass ring, pulls it from the ceiling and can call himself truly the Corporate Champion, the Corporate OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion!

Or perhpas it's expectancy that the title will go to this man...

.:CUE: "Getting Away With Murder", Papa Roach:.


And, introducing the second challenger! Hailing from Providence, Rhode Island... he weighs two hundred, ten pounds... ladies and gentlemen, the true "FRANCHISE" of the OAOAST, the former three time World Heavyweight Champion... this is ZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCK... MMMMMMMAAAAAAAALLLLIIIIIIIIIIBBUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!


Walking through a shower of golden pyro, Zack marches to the ring with his head held high. A burst of white pyro shoots out from either side of the ramp behind him as he looks up at the belt hovering over the ring, that sight alone amping him up.

The cornerstone of the OAOAST, Zack Malibu! What a reaction from this crowd, no need to guess who the fans are going to be behind here tonight!

Who cares?

Into the ring slides Zack and once he's sure Landon and PRL aren't about to back-jump him, he scales the turnbuckles to raise his arms for his adoring fans. Another loud cheer goes up, earning Zack glares from both of his opponent. Zack jumps down off the ropes and removes his ring jacket, handing it to the outside as Hebner now leaves the ring. Megan and Lindsay are out two, leaving just the three arch-enemies.


Here we go then. Three-Way Ladder Match, seconds away.

Yeah, for real this time. Stick with us Meltzer, we steer you wrong!

What the hell are you talking about?


The crowd is at a fever pitch after the introductions, knowing that these three superstars could make history tonight before their very eyes. The addition of ladders (and surely, other objects and/or people) into this feud has a recipe for a classic encounter or a disaster, depending on how you look at it. The three superstars circle the ring, exchanging cold glares with each other until Maddix makes the motion that he and PRL should combine forces against Malibu! Tha Puerto Rican, uneasy about the alliance given Landon's nature, nods in agreement, and the two start slowly approaching Malibu... but Maddix gives his "friend" an encouraging nudge, right into the angry prep!

So much for being a team player!

PRL has no time to go on the defensive, as he's rocked by a series of Malibu right hands and backed up to the ropes, while Landon drops and rolls out of the ring, already in search of a ladder! Zack fires PRL to the ropes, but Tha Puerto Rican clings to the top strand, putting the brakes on before Malibu can come up with anything to take him down again. He comes towards Malibu again, but then the two men turn and see Landon pulling a ladder up from under the ring, so they burst forward and deliver baseball slide dropkicks...

...but Landon pulls the ladder up over them, avoiding what was sure to be a painful blow! Zack and PRL then turn around and grab the ladder, using it to snap Landon down onto the floor with the ladder on top of him, driving the air out of his chest!

Didn't take long for the full metal mayhem to start now did it, Mikey Cole?

Zack and Tha Puerto Rican each take an end of the ladder and lift it up, then slam it down onto Maddix, leaving the World Champion aching in pain under it. PRL and Zack then take the ladder and send it into the ring, but as Zack goes to climb back in, he's yanked off the apron by his friend turned foe! PRL rattles Zack with a series of right hands, only for Malibu to respond with blistering chops to the chest of the brash superstar! The exchange continues until Maddix pushes himself to his feet and charges...


...but both Zack and PRL step back, causing Landon to run into the ring apron! Megan looks a little embarrassed looking on, as Tha Puerto Rican takes him and suplexes him on the floor, laying him out once again, while Malibu takes the opportunity to get back in the ring, where he begins to set the ladder up!

Zack Malibu wasting no time here tonight, as he looks to reclaim the World Title that he helped establish!

Malibu reaches down to pull the ladder up, but immediately finds himself blasted across the back with a forearm shot from PRL! PRL then takes Zack and lifts for a back suplex, but Malibu floats over his back! Zack quickly spins him around and then sweeps PRL's leg out from under him, drilling him with an STO onto the ladder!


Tha Puerto Rican rolls away, holding his head, leaving Zack free and clear to set the ladder up!

He's got it up, now he's just gonna have to make that climb!

Zack starts his way up the ladder, all of his fans hoping that he can put an end to this issue once and for all with a quick win over his two arch-rivals. That's not to be, however, as he's barely a few steps up when Maddix slides into the ring and pulls Zack off the ladder! Landon rakes the eyes, momentarily blinding Zack, who is then shot into the ropes. Tha Puerto Rican, pulling himself up onto the apron after having been jarred by that STO, goes flying off and down into the guardrail, as Malibu stumbles back from the collision only to be met with a running kneelift to the back that sends him out through the ropes! Zack reaches up and grasps the middle rope, not allowing himself to fall to the floor, but as he brings himself to his feet, Maddix is right there waiting for him! The World Champion delivers a hard slap across the face of Malibu, then shoots himself through the middle rope to catch Zack with a shoulderblock. But Malibu sidesteps it and then hits a soccer kick to the exposed chest of the champion!


Landon pulls himself back into the ring, holding his chest, while Zack leaps up to spring...NO! Tha Puerto Rican jumps up and grabs Zack by the ankle, yanking him down to the floor! PRL ties up with Malibu on the floor, but before anything can happen, Landon races over and propels himself through the bottom and middle ropes with the Topé Especial, diving onto both men!


The World Champion knows that he's a lone wolf here tonight. He's the one with the most to lose. No matter how much double-teaming goes on, whether it's he and Tha Puerto Rican onto Zack or he and Zack onto PRL, he has got to make sure that both of his opponents get equal treatment from him, and taking them both out with a dive like that is the way to do it!

He's got 'em both down, just roll back into the ring and get up that ladder Landon!

For once, Coach's advice doesn't fall on deaf ears, as Maddix gets up to his feet and rolls back into the ring. The World Champion makes his way right over to the ladder and starts the climb, racing up the steps as fast as he can...

...but as he makes it towards the top, Tha Puerto Rican is in the ring and races up the opposite side of the ladder! Maddix reaches up for the belt, but the reach leaves him open for a right hand to the jaw, staggering him as he tries to keep his balance. Tha Puerto Rican nails another right hand that teeters the World Champion, then reaches up for the belt himself, but Maddix leans over the top of the ladder and grabs PRL, trying to shove him off! PRL clings to Maddix, and both men wind up falling off the ladder, to their feet, almost in a lockup position. Recovering his bearings, Maddix quickly grabs a headlock and gives a "thumbs up" to gloat, but finds himself shoved to the ropes and taken over with an arm drag from PRL! Maddix gets to his feet and staggers around, turning to rush PRL, and winds up elevated with a back bodydrop before crashing down ONTO A LADDER, as Malibu slides a second one into the fray!


Nice timing there by Zack!

Not if your name's Landon Maddix!

La Cucaracha convulses and as Malibu enters the ring, PRL picks up the ladder he just slid in and uses it as a battering ram, driving it into Malibu's ribcage! PRL pulls back, then runs forward again, this time connecting with the forehead of Malibu and knocking the former World Champion off his feet with a vicious ladder shot! The determined Latino keeps the ladder up on his shoulder and now turns his attention to the reigning champion, charging him in the same way he did to Zack. Maddix rolls under the ladder though and dodges! Tha Puerto Rican crashes into the ropes, with the ladder going over the top and out to the floor! PRL turns around, only to be blasted with a series of forearms by Landon that keeps him stunned before being irish whipped across the ri... NO! Tha Puerto Rican counters, sending Maddix towards a recovering Malibu, who tucks his head low and elevates Landon over the ropes... but the champion lands on the apron! Tha Puerto Rican tries for a lariat on Malibu, but Zack throws up his arms, blocking the blow! He unloads with a series of open hand slaps, cracking the leader of the Lightning Crew across his face multiple times before throwing a discus clothesline that floors him! Zack steps back as his foe reels, but Maddix creeps back in behind him, nailing him with a low blow!

It's perfectly legal in the confines of this match, but it's still not right!


The crowd lets Landon have it, but he pays no mind, as he's about to let Zack have it. Holding his most detested opponent by the head, he throws him into a standing headscissors and then reaches down, hoisting him up for a powerbomb... but it's countered! Zack slides out of his grasp, landing face to face with Landon, and unloads on him just as he did to PRL moments earlier, each shot getting a bigger pop than the last... until Landon breaks it up with a knee, then tries for the powerbomb again... only to have it broken up as Tha Puerto Rican pops up to his feet and hits a diving clothesline that takes him down!

Whether he meant it or not, Tha Puerto Rican just saved Zack Malibu there!

Tha Puerto Rican puts the boots to Landon Maddix, kicking him away, while Malibu gets up and takes this opportunity to start climbing the ladder! The crowd starts roaring, and that tells PRL that maybe he'd better pay attention to his other opponent, as Zack is halfway up the climb! PRL rushes over to the ladder and grabs Zack's ankle, yanking him back to the canvas! Tha Puerto Rican takes Zack by the arm and nails a short arm clothesline, then hurries up the ladder while both his foes are down, hoping that they'll be too stunned to block his run to the top!

Yes! He's going to do it, he's finally going to do it!

So now you're cheering for PRL?

Hey, if you gonna back someone, why not back a winner?

PRL gets further and further up the ladder, until he's on the next to last step...and that's when the ladder starts to teeter, as Malibu gets up and forces the ladder over, sending Tha Puerto Rican down onto the top rope, crotch first!



Sterilization, OAOAST style!

How is PRL going to consumate the marriage now!?

Malibu grabs the fallen ladder and folds it up, making it easier to pick up off the mat, while on the floor Maddix roots around under the ring for a second ladder and slides it in! Zack waits on the World Champion's entrance, and swings the ladder at him just as Landon picks up his own ladder, blocking the shot! Maddix runs at Malibu, trying to ram him with the ladder, but now Zack's ladder acts as a shield, and we have DUELING LADDERS~! in the center of the ring!


The ladders collide!


And again!


And finally, after a third attack, Landon's fingers can take no more and he drops his ladder. Zack sees his chance and charges with the ladder. But Landon sidesteps, drop toeholding Zack and causing The Franchise to fall chest first across the ladder he was carrying! Zack rolls over, but not off of the ladder itself. And Maddix capitalises, jumping onto Malibu's chest with a double stomp... then drops out with the back sention, BOTH across the ladder!!

Man alive! Maddix crushing Zack across that metal ladder, not once but twice in quick succession!

Landon holds the back of his head having rapped it off the back of the ladder, Zack writhing around on the mat holding his sternum. Climbing to his feet, Maddix retrieves the other ladder and starts to set it up in the centre of the ring.


Here we go, come on Landon!

You switch horses more than... well, uh... you know, I want to say Britney Spears just to be topical but I think the correct answer would be a jockey. Not as funny as Britney Spears though.

With the ladder set up, Landon takes a quick look around before beginning his climb. There had been no sign of PRL at the time. But that's because he was rooting under the ring, coming out with a steel chair in his hands! Tha Puerto Rican slides into the ring on Landon's blindside and as the World Champion gets to about halfway up the ladder, PRL measures him and swings the chair...



...HITTING LANDON RIGHT IN THE KIDNEYS! Landon just about keeps his grip on the rungs of the ladder, sinking down a little in pain.

As if there wasn't enough steel in the ring, that chair put to good use by PRL there.

Landon climbs down a step on the ladder obviously trying to get back to safe ground. PRL turns his back on the Champion before reaching up, hooking up Landon's arms and bringing him off of the ladder, into the Che Guevara Special! PRL tortures La Cucaracha in the rack like move for a few seconds, walking around the ringand picking his spot before throwing him up in the "Free Puerto Rico Now!" (Gory Bomb)! The World Champion's face bounces off the canvas, PRL sitting and applauding himself before untangling himself from Landon's legs.

And now, PRL heading up...

Here we go, come on PR!

Looking up at the belt, PRL takes a deep breath, realising how close he could be as he begins his climb. Tha Puerto Rican makes good time up the ladder, with Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez cheering his every step. But just as he reaches halfway, a clubbing shot from Zack stops him in his tracks. PRL holds his back. And Zack quickly reaches up from underneath, grabbing hold of PR's legs and PULLING HIM OFF THE LADDER WITH A THUNDEROUS POWERBOMB!!!


PRL lands high on his shoulders and rolls onto his front, the still winded Malibu falling to one knee. The Memphis crowd show no sympathy though. They just want Zack to climb while he has the chance!

We knew the spare man would come into play in this one and it's proving the case. Now, it's Zack, picking his spot. Is now the time!?

Pulling himself up by the ladder, Zack starts his climb, powered by the support of the fans. Zack stops periodically to glance up at the belt glinting in the lights. Which might prove his downfall, as over staggers a groggy La Cucaracha. Ducking in the middle of the ladder, Landon lines up Zack through the rungs and throws a punch that lands low. VERY low. Malibu goes rigid and finds himself stuck on the ladder as Landon comes out from the middle. Landon finds his footing and begins to climb the ladder, on Zack's side, behind The Franchise. Getting to a rung below Zack, Maddix reaches up and grabs the head. He tucks, prepares...



My God it sounded like a car crash! And it looks like the remnants of one, what a brutal landing for The Franchise!

Zack writhers around in utter agony, kicking his legs and grinding his teeth. Landon doesn't look much better off himself though and struggles to get to his feet.

These three men are pulling out all the stops to be the top of the mountain, the World Heavyweight Champion. None of these men may be the same after this night is over! Maybe for the better, maybe for the worse!

No doubt about it. These guys are only going to get all the more desperate and take all the more risks the longer the match goes too.

Up to his knees, Landon sees PRL getting to his feet and quickly pushes the ladder over. PRL doesn't see it coming until it's too late and gets felled by the falling ladder!


The Memphis crowd get on the Champion's back as he pulls the ladder off of PRL and dumps it aside. Backing into the corner, Maddix then pushes up on the middle rope and gives the signal that it's OVAH~!, time for the Crash Landon perhaps. PRL drags himself up and walks over, taking a boot to the chest before Landon reaches out for hi... NO! European uppercut by PRL, staggering Landon, almost sending him out over the top.

Landon is in no man's land now! And... what the hell is PRL doing!?

Whatever it is, it don't look good.

PRL drags the ladder from off the canvas and wedges the top rung between the top and middle turnbuckles, directly underneath Landon. Megan watches on with clear nervousness as PRL reaches up, delivering an uppercut before reaching up and grabbing Landon by the hair. It seems a simple biel might be the plan as he tries to grab the arm as well. Landon starts to fight though and fires down with a forearm! And another! And another! With PRL's grip broken, Maddix then grabs hold of PRL's head...


...and DRIVES his face down into the ladder!! PRL rebounds back up momentarily but stumbles, falling across the ladder. Realising that's a bad position he immediately tries to scramble out in front though, as Landon re-adjusts himself on the top rope. Just as Landon's feet meet the top rope and he begins to stand, PRL pulls himself off the ladder, stood at the foot of the makeshift bridge and waiting for the dive...

...Tha Puerto Rican ducks...

...but Maddix soars high, tucking his legs in and extending them on the descent...


[i]*KE - RRAAACCKK!!*[/i]



Good Lord in heaven!

PRL's body bounces violently off the ladder which provides virtually no give what-so-ever in it's position. The Corporate Champion remains laid out, facedown on the ladder, while Landon winds up on his knees in the centre of the ring, slumping back wearily. And as he goes backwards, his gaze wanders upwards, fixing on the title belt in the sky.

The World Champion is sensing victory right now.

Kicking PRL aside, Landon unwedges the ladder and begins to drag it towards the centre of the ring. Just as he begins to turn around though, he finds himself getting pulled away. Zack, still hunched over holding his back, drags Landon towards him. Maddix stubbornly holds onto the ladder. But Zack quickly wraps on a waistlock, popping the hips and taking Landon over with a German Suplex...




The hits just keep on coming in Memphis!

Man, I think BOTH men got trapped under the ladder on landing! That was an ugl... no, wait, Zack is back up! And listen to the crowd!

The fans in Memphis roar their approval as Zack gingerly stands back up. Zack takes the ladder from beside Landon, slowly opening and setting it underneath the belt high above. And after a quick positional adjustment, Zack begins to climb! Nursing his back all the way, Zack labours his way, rung by rung, the crowd all on their feet. PRL is still down, laid underneath the bottom rope. But Landon is recovering and crawls over to the ladder, reaching up for Zack's ankle in desperation. The World Champion manages to grab it just as Zack goes to reach, distracting him for a second. He manages to shrug Landon off though and reach again, BRUSHING THE BELT WITH HIS FINGERTIPS! The belt swings agonisingly away. And that gives Landon time to jump up and land with a forearm to the back!

Zack is SO close and yet, with Landon on his heels, so far away from another World Championship reign!

As Zack sinks down, Landon shifts to the other side of the ladder and begins to climb opposite him. Those that weren't on their feet sure are now as Landon struggles up the ladder, reaching out to punch Zack and keep him at bay while he climbs. Eventually Maddix gets to Zack's level and reaches up, trying to merely beat Malibu to the belt. But Malibu quickly punches him in the gut, causing Landon to teeter... but he manages to right himself.

This is dangerous territory. Zack and Landon, high above the ring here with nothing beneath them but gravity!

That and a hard ring canvas anyway.

Landon regains his balance but takes another right hand from Zack, over the ladder. Taking another step up, Zack then reaches over and grabs a front facelock, looking for a Superplex!!


Oh my God. Zack, don't do this!

Sharing none of Cole's sentiments, the fans will Zack to do it, perhaps not too wisely. Luckily, or unluckily depending on how you see it, Landon manages to fight his way out with some shots to the ribs. Reaching up, Landon then grabs the head, driving it into the very top of the steel ladder! Malibu now teeters, high, high above the ring. Which is when Landon reaches out and tries to put him in a fireman's carry.

GTS off the ladder!?

If he hits this, we've got a new World Champion. Nobody's going to get up from that, except PR!

Zack starts to rain down elbows to fight Landon off though, having to make sure not to fall from the ladder himself at the same time. He manages to fight the Champion off okay though and plants his hand in Landon's back, PUSHING HIM OFF THE LADDER...



...NO! The celebrations are premature, as when Landon hits the ground he falls into the ropes, getting bounced back off them and having enough where-with-all to bounce back into the ladder! Before Zack can even react the ladder is toppling from Landon's barge, sending it and The Franchise toppling...



A groan goes up through the arena as Zack falls to the canvas. Landon falls too, both men hurting, with the ladder laying propped against the ring ropes.

Man how close can you get!? I thought the coast was clear for Zack right there, we were seconds away from a new World Champion. But whether by luck of judgement, Landon Maddix managed to topple the ladder and save his title!

But now, everybody's down! This is PRL's chance!

It's also Landon's chance.

Yeah well, he had his shot. I'm backing the winner remember, come on PR, get up! Do it for your Crew, do it for your woman, do it for Puerto Rico, the motherland!

All three men are down for the moment, giving the fans a chance for a breather. Not for long though, as Landon wearily pulls himself to his feet. Staggering over to Zack, the Champion simply but very smartly log-rolls Zack out of the ring to take him out of the equation. Landon takes a moment to rest afterwards though. Which allows PRL to sneak up from behind, spinning Landon around and grabbing him for the Latin Slam! Shocked, Maddix gets set for an elbow. But he reacts too late and gets planted with the LATIN SLAM!!

Latin Slam! PRL pulls out a big move just at the right time!

With Maddix down, PRL grabs the ladder from off the ropes. Instead of setting it up though, he folds the ladder and drops it in the middle of the ring. PRL sports a busted lip now, with a lot of blood running down his cheek. Wiping the blood away, PRL pulls Landon back to his feet. Scooping him up, PRL then places Landon, slamming him right down on the ladder.

Oh yes!

Oh no.

Could it be? Could we see it Michael!?

Sure enough, PRL looks up and the fans rise to their feet. PRL removes his elbowpad, spitting on it and throwing it into the face of The Next Generation. He does some weird hand signals, and then bounces off the ropes, jumps over Maddix, and then bounces off the opposite ropes. PRL then begins to s l o w down, making a jerky belt motion around his waist... and then drops the most electrifying move in professional wrestling, the INTENSEZONE ELBOW! 


The IntenseZone Elbow! The IntenseZone Elbow, the King of Elbows in the city of Kings, the most electrifying move in sports entertainment HISTORY!

On the ladder no less!

This is going to be the night, I can feel it. Four and a half years PRL has waited for this moment. And now, he's picking his spots. He's using his smarts. This is Tha Puerto Rican's time!

After staying down to catch his breath, PRL rolls back to his feet. Maddix gets rolled off of the ladder, which PRL then begins to stand up. Still looking a little dis-orientated, PR takes his time, getting the ladder positioned where he wants it before opening it up and locking the clips in the middle. PRL then looks up and raises the Corporate Eyebrow at the belt above, before beginning his climb.

PRL's biggest claim to fame, his year-long 24/7 Title reign, ended with defeat in a Ladder Match. How ironic would it be if he were to win the biggest prize of them all in the same setting here tonight?

("P - R!")

Stopping, PRL takes another look up the belt and realises he's too far away. He takes another step but still is just out of reach, cursing his natural lack of height. That's when Zack Malibu rolls into the ring and scrambles over, catching PRL's leg and stopping from making that crucial next step up!


AH! So close!

PRL tries to kick Zack away, but Zack is up on the ladder behind him, reaching up and popping him in the kidneys. And again. PRL is in trouble now as Zack lands another shot just to be sure. Zack then takes a step down the ladder and wedges his head between PRL's legs, trying to lift him into the electric chair! With a look of fear on his face, PRL hangs onto the rungs of the ladder with everything he has.

PRL's got nowhere to go but down here, unless he can fight Zack off!

Right on cue, PRL tries to do just that. Zack can't seem to pull PRL off the ladder but PRL can't seem to fight off Zack. Climbing to his feet, Landon Maddix sees all of this and frantically makes a dart for the ladder. He rushes to the opposite side and goes to climb, leaving PRL and Zack to it... but their tussle makes the ladder unsteady enough that he doesn't fancy trying to climb it. So, Landon goes around the other side and underneath his two challengers. Crouching down, Landon then stands so that Zack is on [i]his[/i] shoulders...


...and pulls him away from the ladder...


...Zack bringing PRL off two...



AND DOWN GO ALL THREE MEN!! Like a human three-car pile up, they landed so hard they may now be one person!

As hyperbole goes that ranks right up there... but still, DAMN that looked nasty!

"O - A - O - A - S - T!"
"O - A - O - A - S - T!"
"O - A - O - A - S - T!"

All three men lie motionless as the crowd applaud their efforts to destroy their bodies... and win the belt of course. Having been the orchestrator of the move, it's Landon who gets to his feet first though. The World Champion uses the ladder to pull himself to his feet and looks around, to see Zack also pulling himself slowly up.


Cursing that his challenger won't stay down, Maddix moves away from the ladder and crouches, egging Zack on. Using the ropes, Zack gets to his feet and pushes away, towards Landon. And Maddix catches him, hooking the head and hitting the CRASH LANDO... NO! Zack blocks it, wringing out the arm to escape and pulling Landon in instead for the ANGLE SLA... NO!! Jumping out of the move, Landon lands on his feet behind Zack and waits for him to turn around... elbow, DUCKED...


...NO!!! Landon BLOCKS School's Out, spinning Zack around...




He got him! After week upon week of being on the recieving end, Landon Maddix finally hits the superkick!

That's all the convincing I need Cole. Landon's luck has changed at the best possible time, he's gonna do it now! There's no stopping La Cucaracha!

Falling to all fours, Landon grins, Megan applauding her man loudly for his success. Maddix pushes off his knees and now turns back to the ladder, ready to climb and retrieve his belt. But for some reason he stops, glancing back at PRL. Landon grins again, this time a little more sinisterly, as he steps away from the ladder and motions Tha Puerto Rican back to his feet.

Uh-oh, there may be one more reciept to be paid right here.

This is a mistake. I'm telling you, that was Landon's chance.

PRL begins to stir and very gingerly starts to pull himself up. Crouching down, Landon waves PRL to his feet, virtually stalking his other challenger. PRL comes off the ropes holding his neck and stumbles, making a slow turn. And when he does get around to Landon, the World Champion comes in with another SUPERKI...

...DUCKED! Landon goes stumbling into the ropes, quickly turning around and going for PRL again. But The Corporate Champion catches him with a boot...



CORPORATE NIGHTMARE! Maddix to the well once too often, PRL caught him! And now it may be time!

As Maddix stays motionless PRL sits up, with Lindsay running over and hurriedly pointing PRL to the belt, shouting encouragement to her future husband. PRL's eyes light up as he looks at the World Title and he quickly crawls over, pulling himself up on the ladder and beginning his ascent!

PRL's going up!

Climb PR, climb! You're a few steps away!

The crowd start to get behind PRL as he reaches halfway. Or so it seems, until Zack Malibu starts to crawl over and begin inching his way up the opposite side of the ladder! The race is suddenly on and although PRL is ahead, a gritted teeth, grimacing Zack Malibu hauls himself up the ladder with every ounce of energy he has left.

("P - R!")
("P - R!")

PRL is still closest and can almost touch the belt, needing to go up one more step before reaching out...

...and coming within MILLIMETRES, before a sudden punch jabs him in the gut from Zack!

I thought he had it right there! But Zack Malibu is still alive, he's still in the hunt. He will not. Give. Up!

Zack connects on another punch then goes up another rung himself, landing a hard right hand to the head of Tha Puerto Rican. PRL wobbles but fires right back with a right hand of his own! Zack retaliates. So does PRl. And the two challengers are suddenly duking it out at the top of the ladder! Zack. PRL. Zack! PRL! It looks for a second that Zack might fall after that last shot. But after getting his balance, Zack suddenly EXPLODES, firing off five rapid fire slaps to the face from the left and the right... then a THUNDEROUS sixth, heard all around the arena!

OH what a shot!

No PR, hang on! That's a loooong way down!

Shaken by the slap, PRL is suddenly in no position to stop Zack as he looks to the belt and reaches up...


...NO! PRL cuts him off with a headbutt to the stomach!


Zack doubles over and PRL, looking oh so relieved, shakes out the cobwebs before simply reaching out and shoving Zack...





PRL! PRL! P R ...


...NO!!! Just as the fans start to scream, either in approval or dis-approval, for the fact that PRL is just about to grab the World Title, he gets stung by a CHAIRSHOT TO THE BACK OF THE LEG from Landon Maddix!! The desperation shot catches PR right in the soft part of the knee and he howls in pain, stopping just inches from the belt to grab his leg. Maddix looks stunned, not just from the landing on his head but that PRL is still on the ladder. And in [i]utter[/i] desperation he takes the chair, throws it...






PRL just crashed. And he damn sure burned! He was right there, the belt was there for the taking... but somehow, Landon Maddix just saved his title!

And there's nobody left Michael!

Wiping the hair from his face, Landon looks around and sees PRL down, sees Zack down... and sees the belt still hanging from the ceiling. Quickly he dives to the ladder and rushes up the rungs, chewing them up on his way to the top.


Landon reaches a safe position on the top and looks up, checking where he is. He then steadies himself and begins to reach up, grabbing the belt and untying the strap...

...as below him, Zack makes a last ditch dive...

...his hand hits the ladder...





Maddix has the belt! Somehow, someway, Landon Maddix has RETAINED his title! What a match!



Stood on the second to top rung, Landon cradles the belt in his arms and lays across the top of the ladder, relief washing over him. Zack looks up from the bottom of the ladder and holds his head in his hands as in rolls Megan behind him, grabbing the bottom of the ladder and holding it steady to help her man down safely.

An incredible effort by all three of these men. But in the end, lady luck was finally on the side of Landon Maddix! We thought PRL had won it when Zack came crashing from the ladder, it looked like he was out of sight. Until, that is, he took a chair to the knee, chair to the head and a fatal blow to his latest challenge for the World Title. And Zack... well, just INCHES away from preventing Landon grabbing the belt right at the death.

Safely off of the ladder, Landon raises the belt over his head with one arm, with Megan next to him keeping him on his feet.


You can't take anything away from that man Michael. He is the World Heavyweight Champion and he showed us why tonight. I backed him all along, I knew he'd do it!

You were backing PRL most of the match...

I said I was backing the winner. And by golly if Landon wasn't the winner!

You really are unbelievable.

Megan holds the ropes open and helps Landon out of the ring, the Champion still cradling the belt in his arms and barely able to manage a celebration. Entering the ring, Lindsay Gonzalez kneels next to PRL and tries to comfort her man who is barely moving. Zack is sat in the corner meanwhile, watching down the aisle as Megan raises Landon's arm and Landon raises the belt in kind.

That is the sight that few were expecting. Zero Hour was to be the toughest test of our Champion's credentials. And with the odds stacked against him, Landon Maddix leaves Memphis, Tennessee, STILL your World Champion. From The Coach, this Michael Cole saying good night. We will see you this Thursday night in Tupelo, HeldDOWN~!, all the fallout from an incredible night of action at Zero Hour. Don't you dare miss it!



Edited by King Cucaracha

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Okay, I'm taking it from here and should have it done by Sunday night. If not, hopefully with the time difference I can get one of you (Zack, EWC) to finish off the last little bit. Fingers crossed, touch wood, that should be the least that's needed by then.

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