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Steve J. Rogers

General attitudes of people in the business towards others, especially

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Note, this was first posted on a Johnny Cash site, hence the reference to him


I'm having an argument in another forum, and maybe those here with professional experience can enlighten me about this.


My perception of the business, granted its a complete outsider/fan culled from reading, watching and listening to interviews, bios and whatnot, is that people like Johnny Cash and June Carter were the exceptions, rather than the rule in terms of people who will give people breaks, respect those who came before (even if you didn't care for it) and acknowledge whats coming after them.


Cases I've used in that forum:


The lead guy from Oasis once was told by Bono that he (Bono) thought they (Oasis) would someday be bigger than the Beatles. The jerkwad responded that they already were bigger than the Beatles! If I was Bono at that moment, I'd would have decked him.


Johnny Cash being treated like crap early on in his Opry Days, to Charile Rich burning the CMA award thing that listed John Denver as the Entertainer of The Year to virtually all of the older generations of stars running down Garth Brooks every chance they get.


And I'm not even touching the rap genre where rival artists go beyond slamming each other in their songs, but to the point of actual violence towards each other.


Maybe its only a select few on top, I don't know, but is this actually the norm in the business? Or are the majority of artists really like a Johnny Cash in terms of helping out other artists?

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I do know that Eric Clapton did some sort of torch passing to John Mayer (of all people) and told him he was the new Eric Clapton. I know that if I were John Mayer, I would have said "Who the fuck do the think you are? I'm better than you. Keep your faggot ass torch. Your son committed suicide because you suck."


Hell, being a dick is one of the reasons you get into music. I've been in a lot of local bands, and the entire scene hates each other. That might just be a dog eat dog thing, no major labels going on.


I know old bluesmen used to take on a protege from time to time. Son House and friends basically took an attitude of "Shut up, kid." to Robert Johnson when they first met him. By all accounts he sucked at the time, though. He went away for a while and when he came back he was really good. That's where the selling his soul story came from. But really he just practiced his ass off.

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Heh, the original reason for this came from an argument I had with someone who thinks less of Billy Joel because he (Joel) ran down Grand Funk Railroad once when talking about playing a venue that The Beatles played but later on Grand Funk played, to which I replied that its the norm in the business, so even if you are a fan of Grand Funk it shouldn't be that big of a deal that you would not like that artist.


Another poster, whose girlfriend is a classic pianist, called BS on me basically a dick is a dick is a dick, that Billy Joel shouldn't be "big leaguing" anyone not matter how universally panned they (Grand Fund) might be, and that I was wrong in assuming that the entire music industry is filled with dicks. He failed to respond to the above examples I used.

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I do know that Eric Clapton did some sort of torch passing to John Mayer (of all people) and told him he was the new Eric Clapton. I know that if I were John Mayer, I would have said "Who the fuck do the think you are? I'm better than you. Keep your faggot ass torch. Your son committed suicide because you suck."

Seriously, why would he say that? Any musician worth his salt can't deny that Eric Clapton was successful at what he did.


Hell, being a dick is one of the reasons you get into music.

Wow. That has to be one of the most idiotic things I've ever heard. Please expand on this theory.


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I do know that Eric Clapton did some sort of torch passing to John Mayer (of all people) and told him he was the new Eric Clapton. I know that if I were John Mayer, I would have said "Who the fuck do the think you are? I'm better than you. Keep your faggot ass torch. Your son committed suicide because you suck."

Seriously, why would he say that? Any musician worth his salt can't deny that Eric Clapton was successful at what he did.


Not to answer for Milky, but its kind of the same reason a pro wrestler like Steve Austin and The Rock became popular. Not because they play the "I respect you" card, but because they think that they are the best and any one else is beneath them. No matter how great they really were or still are.


Since a person has that uber-self confidence they'll tear down everyone just so they look better, and probably gain fans because of their "I don't give a shit" attitude.

Hell, being a dick is one of the reasons you get into music.

Wow. That has to be one of the most idiotic things I've ever heard. Please expand on this theory.


Not so sure about that. The music industry is a dog-eat-dog world, while sure there are nice people out there, but generally its all very ego driven. I mean its a way to get attention, and music artists, or any entertainer, at their core are attention whores. So what better way to get fame, fortune and members of the opposite (or same if you are so inclined) to throw themselves at you than being a music artist.

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Guest Gym Class Fallout
I do know that Eric Clapton did some sort of torch passing to John Mayer (of all people) and told him he was the new Eric Clapton. I know that if I were John Mayer, I would have said "Who the fuck do the think you are? I'm better than you. Keep your faggot ass torch. Your son committed suicide because you suck."

John Mayer is reverse Clapton (writing horrid prom themes and evolving into white guy doing the blues) and totally apes Clapton on "Slow Dancing in a Burning Room," so I can get behind the Mayer=Clapton thing pretty easily. In fact, I predict John Mayer's new album, whenever that comes out, will be his best to date, and an album of the year contender. Considering John Mayer's already sizable ego, I wouldn't be surprised if he said that under his breath after Clapton had left the room or something.


Hell, being a dick is one of the reasons you get into music.

Wow. That has to be one of the most idiotic things I've ever heard. Please expand on this theory.

That's not idiotic at all.

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Have you ever just tried openly being an asshole? It is incredibly fun. But you can't... just do that in normal life. Being able to say "I'm in a band, bitch!" is one good reason.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

Or take requests and tell people their suggestions are horrible, then play nothing but screaming horrible grindcore until they leave.


"Godsmack? Get the fuck out of here. This song is called "Pol Pot and Mr Magoo, too."

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That reminds me of Aphex Twin gig where he just left the needle running over the empty turntable for 30 minutes and sat down, letting the PA system play out this scratching feedback of shite. People thought it was cool at first, but then got pissed and left.

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