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In Rainbows

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Dumb ranking crap.

top 5 songs on top 5 albums:


1. the bends

1a. "street spirit (fade out)"

1b. "the bends"

1c. "black star"

1d. "fake plastic trees"

1e. "bullet proof...i wish i was"


2. ok computer

2a. "let down"

2b. "karma police"

2c. "paranoid android"

2d. "no surprises"

2e. "exit music (for a film)"


3. kid a

3a. "everything in its right place"

3b. "idiotheque"

3c. "morning bell"

3d. "motion picture soundtrack"

3e. "how to disappear completely"


4. in rainbows

4a. "reckoner" (duh)

4b. "jigsaw falling into place"

4c. "nude"

4d. "15 step"

4e. "weird fishes/arpeggi"


5. amnesiac

5a. "like spinning plates"

5b. "knives out"

5c. "life in a glasshouse"

5d. "you and whose army?"

5e. "pyramid song"



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I'm absolutely doing it too.


1. OK Computer

1a. "No Surprises"

1b. "Paranoid Android"

1c. "Let Down"

1d. "Airbag"

1e. "Lucky"


2. The Bends

2a. "Planet Telex"

2b. "The Bends"

2c. "Street Spirit (Fade Out)"

2d. "Just"

2e. "Fake Plastic Trees"


3. Kid A

3a. "Everything In Its Right Place"

3b. "The National Anthem"

3c. "Idiotheque"

3d. "How to Disappear Completely"

3e. "Motion Picture Soundtrack"


4. Amnesiac

4a. "I Might Be Wrong"

4b. "Like Spinning Plates"

4c. "Life In a Glass house"

4d. "Pyramid Song"

4e. "Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box"


5. In Rainbows

5a. "Videotape"

5b. "Jigsaw Falling Into Place"

5c. "Reckoner"

5d. "Weird Fishes/Arpeggi"

5e. "Nude"


Edit: I dunno; looking at it now, I do really like all those songs. Maybe In Rainbows is #4 after all.

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Well shit I did the Blonde on Blonde thing in that other thread I might as well do this too


1. Kid A

1a. "Motion Picture Soundtrack"

1b. "How to Disappear Completely"

1c. "The National Anthem"

1d. "Idiotheque"

1e. "In Limbo"


2. Amnesiac

2a. "Life in a Glasshouse"

2b. "Morning Bell/Amnesiac"

2c. "Like Spinning Plates"

2d. "Pyramid Song"

2e. "Hunting Bears"


3. OK Computer

3a. "Exit Music (For a Film)"

3b. "Paranoid Android"

3c. "No Surprises"

3d. "The Tourist"

3e. "Karma Police"


4. Hail to the Thief

4a. "A Wolf at the Door"

4b. "I Will"

4c. 'There There"

4d. "Myxomatosis"

4e. "2 + 2 = 5"


5. The Bends

5a. "Street Spirit (Fade Out)"

5b. "Planet Telex"

5c. "The Bends"

5d. "Just"

5e. "Sulk"


Interesting Note: The HttT list is probably my favorite out of all five of these. It's just too bad that the rest of the album is so stunningly mediocre.

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Yeah, Hail to the Thief has some pretty high peaks. My list would look similar to yours, maybe swapping out "2+2=5" for "Where I End and You Begin." But there's a fat lot of "eh" throughout there.

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Guest !!!

I still think The Gloaming was a better title for the album than Hail to the Thief. Thom's obsession with not being called progressive is kind of silly, since he may engage in more pretentious ancillary nonsense--remember that Radiohead Ziggurat?--than his cape-donning concept album-making predecessors. Of course they're our generation's prog, or the next closest thing.

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radiohead's album titles in general are pretty much the drizzling shits. either they're just there and are evocative of nothing ('kid a', 'ok computer'), or they try to be evocative or clever and come off like bad poetry.


'amnesiac' = some punny thing kurt cobain would try to put in his lyrics next to "illiterature" and "incesticide." i don't know if it's a real word, and it doesn't matter, cause that's what it sounds like.


'hail to the thief' = NO. just...NO.


'in rainbows' = a new book of billy corgan's poems


'pablo honey' is fine and cryptic, 'the bends' i like a lot, but that's it.

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I lost this album when I had to reboot my hard drive. Would someone be kind enough to send it to me or link me to a download of it? It's no longer on the Radiohead site.



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