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Big Ol' Smitty

The Most Hyperbolic Three Paragraphs Ever

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Is MikeSC writing for the Washington Times op-ed page these days?


This is on the recent Mid East Summit in Annapolis:


It is fitting Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice chose the U.S. Naval Academy for the venue of today's so-called Mideast peace conference. The reputation of that extraordinary institution in Annapolis has been sullied in recent years by a succession of rapes of young women.


Despite official efforts to low-ball its significance, Miss Rice's conclave is shaping up to be a gang-rape of a nation on a scale not seen since Munich in 1938, when the British and French allowed Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini to have their violent way with Czechoslovakia.


This time, the intended victim is Israel. As with the effort to appease the Nazis and Fascists nearly 70 years ago, however, the damage will not be confined to the rapee. The interests of the Free World in general and the United States in particular will suffer from what the Saudis and most of the other attendees have in mind for the Jewish State — namely, its dismemberment and ultimate destruction.




via Lawyers, Guns, & Money


Quote from the blogger there:


Frank Gaffney has utterly destroyed Godwin's Law. Future generations will have to use "Gaffney's Law", in which Hitler, Mussolini, the gang rape of United States Navy Academy cadets, and the destruction of Israel will all have to be mentioned in order to achieve the level of "inflammatory rhetoric".

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