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Guest Skye Sweetnam

So, hey, cockfags.

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I told a classmate back in 99 about that. She made up this whole report that the world was going to end in 2000, and I said you can just change the date on the CPU, and even mentioning that CPU have dates that go past 00.




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Guest BenJarvis GreenEllis

They're on Facebook.


I will not post new ones here until I feel like misbehavin'.

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I'm not joining facebook. It's academic based, as far as I can tell, and I had an account there once, went out with three guys I met on it, and said fuck this. I felt gay enough having a myspace.


Although, if I joined facebook for the sole purpose of masturbating to pictures of a girl... who I know through a wrestling message board... who also sometimes likes to watch guys blow each other... that is some kind of sick mobius strip of homosexuality.


I'll consider it.

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Let's ask everyone else if they'd prefer I shut the fuck up or you shut the fuck up.


I don't care what anyone else pefers, bro.


I'm Carlito Brigante for fuck sakes!

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Guest dannymaffwasmurdered

No way, I'm looking forward to Carlito's appearance on Maury too much.


"It don't have my ears Maury! that baby ain't mine!"

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It's a shame Carlito dodged that fight. "If" Carlito did fight and "if" he did assault/kill the guy could he avoid child support by sitting in jail for 18 years?


Never dodged the fight faggot, he didn't even have his cellphone on.

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