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Zack Malibu

HD: Zack Malibu vs. ???

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Welcome back to HeldDOWN, fans, as we are now ready for our main event. We saw at the start of the show that Zack Malibu and Bohemoth, two men with a friendly rivalry going on, picking each others opponents for this evening. Earlier tonight Bohemoth made it past his former partner, Christian Wright, in a hard fought contest, while Malibu now has to contend with a man he once shared the World Tag Team Titles with, his good friend Leon Rodez!



If you ask me, Mikey Cole, Bo made the better choice tonight. Zack picked someone who knows Bo well, no doubt...but he picked someone that Bo now loathes, and when a man that size hates someone enough, he's going to steamroll right over them. Bo came out victorious tonight, but Malibu's back is sorta against the wall here. He has no issues with Leon Rodez, he doesn't have any hatred for Leon Rodez...Leon Rodez is his friend. It'll be a great match fo' sho', but as far as Zack's motivation to win? We saw him bust out that vicious streak when it's needed, against Bruce Blank and against He Who Shall Not Be Named...he ain't gonna do that here, and that could cost him!


Trust Company's cover of the famed rock hit "Rock The Casbah" booms over the PA, and the fans erupt, anxiously anticipating this contest. Leon Rodez comes shuffling out from behind the curtain, bopping around the aisleway with a huge smile on his face as he points out a select few of his many fans.



Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a Pick Your Poison Match, contested under standard one fall to a finish rules. Introducing first, the man selected tonight by the Metrosexual Monster, Bohemoth, to be the opponent for Zack Malibu. He weighs in tonight at two hundred and twenty pounds...hailing from Grand Rapids, Michigan...THIS...is LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEON ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODEZZZZZZZZZ!


The roar of the fans is heard loud and clear by Leon, who stands on the apron cupping his ear. Rodez slingshots himself over the ropes and runs the ropes, warming up as Malibu's music overpowers his own. Once "Getting Away With Murder" kicks into gear, Malibu steps out and starts his powerwalk to the ring, looking from side to side at the jam-packed crowd that is cheering wildly.



His opponent, weighing in tonight at two hundred, ten pounds...hailing from Providence, Rhode Island, he has come to be known as the Modern Day Warrior, but more importantly, as the Franchise of the One and Only Anglesault Thread...THIS...is...ZAAAAAAAAAAACK MAAAAAAALLLLLLLLIBUUUUUUUUU!


Zack rolls into the ring and kips up to his feet, then points at Leon and waves him on. Zack gives a quick slap of the hand to his former partner, a sign of respect before the contest kicks off. Once the music dies down and the bell rings, we're off and running, as the second part of the Pick Your Poison Challenge starts...NOW!





The two friends rush towards each other and tie up, quickly jockeying for position. As they struggle, Leon breaks free of the lockup and uses a go-behind. Malilbu realizes he's trapped in a waistlock and fires an elbow back, but Leon ducks it and breaks the hold! The momentum of firing the elbow back turns Zack towards his opponent, and Leon is quick to use an armdrag, taking his former tag team partner down to the mat! Zack gets right back up, but Leon takes him by the head and wrenches it, only to be shot towards the ropes. Malibu extends an arm and goes for a hiptoss, but Leon blocks the takeover, then tries one of his own, only to have that blocked by Zack! The former World Champion's knee meets Leon's ribs, and then Rodez finds himself taken up for a suplex...but he wriggles free and falls behind Zack, then yanks him to the canvas with a schoolboy!






Leon, who has been on top of his game thus far, rolls to his feet immediately and backs Zack to the ropes, sending him across the ring...but when he leaps up for a rana, Zack puts on the brakes, and watches as Leon crashes back to the mat! Rodez sits up, dazed from the crash landing, and he's knocked onto his back by a basement dropkick that finds its mark! Rodez knows he can't just lay on the canvas and allow Zack to take over, so he moves to a standing base, favoring his jaw, as Malibu comes at him. Leon reacts, kicking Zack in the ribs and then striking with a set of right hands and pulling Zack into another headlock...but Malibu suplexes him out of it...NO! Leon floats over, landing on his feet...but Zack fires an elbow back that connects this time around, doing no favors for Leon's already sore jaw...and then an enzugiri sends him facefirst into the canvas!



Some great counter wrestling here in the early portion, and that's to be expected when you've got former World Tag Team Champions locking up with each other!



Bo knew what he was doing when he picked The Silky Smooth One to take on Zack tonight...he knows if anyone has Zack's number, it's the one guy on the active roster who knows him inside and out!


Zack helps Leon to his feet, then goes to town on him, allowing hand to meet singlet in the form of some open hand chops. Leon reels and backs himself into the ropes, but won't allow himself to be whipped across the ring when Zack attempts it! Instead, he yanks Zack towards him and elevates him over the ropes, outside of the ring...but Zack lands on the apron! Rodez turns around and catches Zack attempting to springboard in, so he rushes the ropes and shoves Zack down to the apron! Leon then tries for a shoulderblock through the ropes, but Zack sidesteps it, and hits a hard kick to Leon's chest, leaving him dazed as he rests between the top and middle rope. Malibu slingshots over his friend and goes for a sunset flip rollup, but as Leon is about to be taken over, he grabs the top rope with both hands, frees his legs, and delivers a quick double stomp to Zack's chest! Zack grabs at his chest, only for it to be caved in for the second time in under a minute, as Leon hits a back senton, dropping his weight across Zack's upper body! Leon turns over and cradles a leg, looking rather excited as the referee hits the canvas to count.







Zack kicking out once again, but Leon is showing great determination in weakening his former partner.



Why not? A win for Leon shoots him right back up the ladder, while Malibu gets knocked down a notch, not to mention that Bo will have one up on him after winning earlier tonight.


After being brought up, Malibu gets snapmared over, and Leon connects with a hard soccer kick to the back before dropping to one knee and trapping Malibu in a rear chinlock, pressing the point of his knee between Malibu's shoulder blades. Zack squirms, feeling as uncomfortable as he looks, but manages to make it to his feet and take Leon over with a fireman's carry. Rodez hurries up, but Zack runs him chest first into the corner, then spins him around and connects with forearms across the jaw, then sends Rodez zooming across the ring against his will, towards the opposite corner! Malibu turns and follows, but before Leon hits he leaps up and lands on the second turnbuckle with cat like agility, and leaps back with a flying bodypress...but Zack ducks under it, runs up the ropes, and hits a twisting frog splash mere seconds after Leon has crash landed!









Leon Rodez proving to be just as resilient as Zack Malibu, kicking out of that high impact splash!


Malibu rolls off and goes for the legs, pulling up Leon's weaker leg and delivering a pair of kicks to the back of the knee before Leon kicks him away with his free leg. Zack comes forward, but Leon rolls onto all fours and knocks Zack's legs out from under him. Malibu rolls to his feet, as Leon comes forward with a slight limp, connecting with an overhand right! He pulls Zack in and hammers on his back with forearms, then sets him up for a suplex...but Malibu kicks his legs, shifting the weight! Zack then goes for a suplex on Leon, but Leon uses the same tactic as Zack, and it pays off, as Zack is unable to get Leon up and over! They break, and Leon pops up with a jab, and another, and another, and another! Four jabs find their mark as Malibu is dazed, and Leon goes for an enzugiri...but Malibu ducks! Leon belly flops onto the canvas, and Zack reaches down and hoists him up to his feet, then tries to lift him with a German Suplex, but Leon elbows out, reaches back, and then drops down so that Zack's jaw shatters on the crown of Leon's head! The move sends Zack spilling through the ropes, but he lands on the apron! Leon comes over and stuns Zack further, hitting a double ear clap before dropkicking Malibu's legs out from under him, causing him to drop to the floor and whack his chin on the apron! Leon then races to the ropes and connects with a baseball slide that sends Malibu staggering back into the guardrail. Leon perches himself on the apron, and as Malibu shakes off the attack, dives off with a Thesz Press that puts Zack on the floor! Leon pops up and pumps his fists, while the majority of the crowd shares his enthusiasm as he takes on the OAOAST's most beloved son.



Leon just wiped Zack out, and don't it seem to you, Cole, that Zack is holding back a little bit?



That's a valid point, Coach. We've seen some great counter wrestling, but as far as the gritty determination usually shown by Malibu, it's missing tonight. Malibu knows that Leon is an obstacle, but I think he's putting friendship first, which is certainly honorable, but won't mean a thing for his win/loss record!


Leon pulls Zack up, but as he does, Zack blasts him with a knee to the ribs, then takes his head and slams it into the ring apron! With Leon stunned, Zack hops up on the apron and pulls Leon up with him, striking him with knife edge chops as they balance themselves on the apron...and Leon fights back with chops of his own! Leon leans over the top rope so that it shifts him up and over, floating back into the ring on his feet, and from there he tries a dropkick on Zack that gets swatted down! Zack then slingshots up onto the ropes and springboards in, catching Leon with a bulldog mere seconds after he got back on his feet!








Knowing enough to keep the momentum in his favor, Zack brings Leon up and pushes him into the corner, then climbs onto the middle rope and starts working him over with punches, all while the crowd enjoys their shot at interaction.
















At that point, Leon has had enough, and throws Malibu down to the canvas, but Zack quickly rolls through and gets up, charging in with a full head of steam...right into a back elbow! Leon then takes the stunned Malibu and hooks him for a tornado DDT...but in mid-rotation, Zack shoves HIM off, and when his body raises up, so does his foot, as he goes for SCHOOL'S OUT...NO! Leon catches the boot and throws it down, only for Malibu to follow up with a discus clothesline, which is ducked by Leon, who uses a quick go-behind and brings Zack crashing down on the back of his head with a German suplex!









THERE'S more of that great counter-wrestling from these two! They know each other so well, it's tough to gain an advantage here in this contest!


Leon, almost in a mimicking of his friend-slash-opponent, rolls Zack to his feet while holding onto the waistlock. Zack reaches and tries to break Leon's grip, but when he's unable to do that, he fires back a pair of elbows, then uses a go-behind of his own, but as he does Leon drops to the mat, kicks his legs up, and hooks them around Zack's arms, pulling him down into a cradle rollup!









Close call there, Mikey Cole!


As both scramble back up, Leon grabs Zack by the wrist and shoots him to the corner, then charges in and hits his own patented Superman Spear, knocking the wind out of the former World Champion! The New-Age Love Machine then leads the other half of The Usual Suspects out of the corner and shoots him into the ropes, then somersaults towards him before popping up and nailing Zack with a hard lariat that puts him down!



A Superman Spear-Shack Attack combo, and Leon Rodez is heating things up on HeldDOWN~!


Groggy, Malibu crawls towards the ropes, but Leon grabs him and hits a scoop slam, setting Zack up near one of the corners. Leon turns and starts climbing the ropes, but before he can set himself, Zack pops up and manuevers under Leon, putting the Grand Rapids Golden Child on his shoulders! Zack steps back from the corner, but before he can be dropped involuntarily, Leon spins himself into a sunset flip, bringing Zack down into a pin attempt that Leon himself breaks, as he switches gears and tries for a Liontamer!



If he turns him over, this could be it!



I don't know, Mikey...Leon didn't really target the legs much, and you know that Zacky boy has a ton of leg strength!



Coach, you're on a roll with the facts tonight...however even if it doesn't get the win, it could weaken Zack's legs enough to cut a lot of his offense out of the playbook!


Zack won't keep still, fighting from being turned over, until finally, Leon manages to roll Zack over into his trademark submission! Some fans roar, some boo, as the crowd is conflicted watching two of their most beloved go at it in the main event tonight, while Zack Malibu struggles to free himself from the hold!



The ropes aren't too far away, if Zack can just get to them he can get the break!



How much will it take out of him though, Cole? They've been going at it for a while now, not to mention the job of weakening Zack the Liontamer is doing right now!


Zack squirms, as Leon desperately tries to keep hold...but after a few moments of flailing, Zack is just barely able to grab onto the bottom rope. Referee Robinson immediately calls for a break, and gets it, as Leon isn't about to abuse the rulebook, and certainly not against one of his best friends. Zack uses the ropes to pull himself up to his feet, and Leon actually gives him the space to do so...but when Zack turns around, he's rocked with an inverted atomic drop! Leon puts Zack in his clutches and goes for his STO backbreaker, but Zack drives the point of his elbow into the side of Leon's head, then sends him hard into the corner, and follows up immediately with a ZACK ATTACK II, driving both of his knees into Leon's chest...and as Malibu lands back on his feet, he limps slightly, visibly worn a bit from the Liontamer mere moments ago! Malibu then blasts Leon with a European uppercut while he's slumped against the turnbuckles, then sets him up on the top rope. Malibu climbs up the ropes, but Leon still has enough strength to club Zack in the ribs and shove him off, sending Zack crashing back-first to the canvas! With the wind knocked out of him, Zack has nowhere to go, as Leon perches himself up on the top rope and leaps off, rotating his body in the air before coming down hard...ON THE MAT! ZACK MALIBU AVOIDS THE 450 SPLASH!



I give it an 8. The execution was perfect but the landing was a little rough.


Both are groggy, and get back up to their vertical base...and Malibu pulls Leon down into a small package, rolling him up for the pin while Leon is defenseless!









A missed 450 Splash certainly jarred Leon Rodez, but not enough for Zack Malibu to get the pin!


Leon kicks out, and both men are up, trading hard chops with each other, each doing their best to try and wear the other down. Leon gets the upper hand, his chops connecting faster and harder than Zack's do, finally knocking him on his back! Zack gets back up to his feet and charges, and finds himself backdropped over by Leon, leaving him looking at the lights once again! Leon goes and picks Zack up, lifting him up for a back suplex that he turns into his trademark blue thunder bomb...but at the last second, Zack counters it and takes Leon over with a rana! Leon hurries to his feet and charges blindly, going for Zack...but winds up charging into the sole of his boot, as Zack connects with a School's Out that drops Leon like a sack of bricks! Zack falls on top of Leon, and remembers to hook the leg, as Robinson darts in for the count!










"Getting Away With Murder" signals the victory, as does the raising of Zack's hand by Charles Robinson. Exhausted, Malibu salutes the crowd that is egging him on, as he paces the ring, taking a few deep breaths after having just exhausted himself against one of the OAOAST's best. As Robinson tends to Leon, helping him up, Zack comes over and gives him a hand. When the dizzy Rodez is up to his feet, Malibu gives him a handshake and an embrace, drawing another loud pop from the crowd for their show of sportsmanship.



Bohemoth knew that by putting one of Zack's friends in front of him it might be a tougher obstacle for him to overcome, and Leon certainly gave Zack the fight of his life tonight. Still, both Zack and Bo chalk up another win for each of their records, as the little competition is still neck and neck!



The path back to the World Title, or in Bo's case the path to his first World Championship is going to be a rocky road, but what an effort from both of these guys, as well as their opponents tonight.


Leon raises Zack's hand, motioning for the crowd to show respect for his friend and former tag partner. Zack thanks Leon for his courtesy, and then the two exit the ring, both heading towards the back for some rest and relaxation after an amazing contest.



The poison's were picked tonight, but victory was the andidote for both Zack Malibu and Bohemoth. What else lays in store for Zack and Bo, as well as the rest of the OAOAST as we head towards Anglepalooza and the Lethal Rumble? Tune in next week to find out. Until then, I'm Michael Cole, for the Coach, signing off!

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