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Cheech Tremendous

Dumbest Comment of the Day at TSM

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I used to be one of the "I'm not stupid, you're stupid" posters. Then I realised how retarded it was.


But what do I know, I'm a "moronic sheep".

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That does not shock me that she is into that, if thats true. Its by far the lamest thing I have ever seen on the net, guys dropping loads onto facial pics and either taking pics of the act or shooting vids of it..


I don't know, people cgi'ing cum onto the pictures is probably a little more pathetic.


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Situations like these are why we need a real life version of "The Punisher" so that when the law fucks up, we've got somebody to clean up the mess.


From the Natalee Holloway thread



Reminscent of when Invader3k (or whatever the hell's name is) said we should get a bunch of guns to clear out the ghettos.

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Reminscent of when Invader3k (or whatever the hell's name is) said we should get a bunch of guns to clear out the ghettos.


Kamalagonnahitemup, or whatever your name is...that was in reference to a Will Farrell skit from SNL.


I can't even remember what we were discussing at the time, though.


Edit: Actually, here it is: http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?...+farrell+ghetto

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That's technically not grammar, but sentence structuring.



The sentence was lacking a verb. I think that falls under the category of grammar.


Let's just ask Jericholic82. He's an expert on this stuff.

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Who is the greatest NFL team ever?


The answer to the to threads question is: The 2008-2009 Patriots. We'll see who gets the last laugh.


End of thread.


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That's technically not grammar, but sentence structuring.



The sentence was lacking a verb. I think that falls under the category of grammar.


Let's just ask Jericholic82. He's an expert on this stuff.



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Guest Blue Man Czech
I get the feeling that dude from Lexington is a Colts fan.

In response to an article from The Onion.

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majormayhem1 going for the hat trick today?


Nightwing, Blue Man, and Kamala = The X-Factor of TSM. Which one wants to be the X-pac of the group?


I'm glad to be paired up with Nightwing and Czech. Both are two of my favorite posters.


I think Czech is the X-Pac of the group because he's the most CONTROVERSIAL, I'm Albert cause I'm big and have a somewhat hairy stomach and Nightwing is Justin Credible solely because he's the least known of the bunch.


majormayhem1, Marvin, and EHME are The TSM's Dungeon of Doom!

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Anyone have any idea who the hell "Kawalimus Kid" is? Whoever the hell it is stole my damn name, because this is completely originally made up from me, not taken from anything.




Saw him referenced in this link.


"On October 10, 2007, Jake beat Phantom Lord and Kawalimus Kid in a three-way-dance match in Starke, Florida at the VFW Hall."


Tried looking it up on sites but there's no profile or info on this guy whatsoever. I'd like to ask him to stop using the name.



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He's still going...


I'm not really angry with the guy, I just don't like him using that without my permission. I know I don't have rights to it or anything, but it would just be polite if the guy wouldn't take what I think is a pretty damn good name and use it as his own.


I'm going to be really pissed if I see a Cheech Tremendous working the indy scene.

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Wow, man


I bet that asshole, Brent Bozell and the rest of his PTC Goon Squad are gonna be celebrating in the streets after they hear this. But, if they do take SD! to cable, it'll be interesting to see if they still think it will be a threat to American Morallity



Is the PTC still even around? Good ol' JN News is a mainstay of this thread.


And I'll be pissed if there's some dude named Kamala working the indy scene!

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Wow, man


I bet that asshole, Brent Bozell and the rest of his PTC Goon Squad are gonna be celebrating in the streets after they hear this. But, if they do take SD! to cable, it'll be interesting to see if they still think it will be a threat to American Morallity



Is the PTC still even around? Good ol' JN News is a mainstay of this thread.


And I'll be pissed if there's some dude named Kamala working the indy scene!



I laughed at that too, but I sometiems feel bad for JN News. I didn't want to drag him back into this thread.


It's funny to read the comments suggesting that now Smackdown is off UPN they can go to NBC or move to a better night. Apparently they don't realize that the only reason they are on network tv in the first place is because the 5th place network needed to fill time cheap on a death night for ratings. They aren't going to suddenly move up in the world.

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I laughed at that too, but I sometiems feel bad for JN News. I didn't want to drag him back into this thread.



I felt bad after posting this. I'm putting a moratorium on posting JN News quotes in this thread for a while. The guy's a dork but he means well and seems like a nice guy. Besides, we've got ooddles and oodles of shitty non-JN News posts around here.

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There was, but it split up when Reagan defeated communism.


"Blue Man" became Slovakia, and "Czech" became an internet celebrity.

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He's still going...


I'm not really angry with the guy, I just don't like him using that without my permission. I know I don't have rights to it or anything, but it would just be polite if the guy wouldn't take what I think is a pretty damn good name and use it as his own.


I'm going to be really pissed if I see a Cheech Tremendous working the indy scene.

From the same thread


That name has personal meaning to me, it is based on a mentally retarded garbage man I worked with before he could no longer go to work because of age/sickness.

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Does the retarded garbage man post here, too, or is it just Kawalimus?


I will say one thing, though, his offense at someone using his screen name led me to google my screen name. nl5xsk1 (the message boarder) has finally earned top priority over the pot strand. Sadly, though, I found some older divorced guy is using it on a singles dating board. Gimmick infringement!

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