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Guest Super Leather
With that in mind, fuck Yokozuna. I have more of an appreciation for what he was capable of in hindsight, but at the time, I think I would have rather pulled my own teeth out with rusty pliers than sit through his matches. How long did he have the title for again? When Bret finally got the title back from Yoko, it wasn't even exhilarating...more like "oh, thank god, it's FINALLY over."


You're just mad because he killed The Undertaker and ended Tatanka's undefeated streak. It's sort of his fault that Crush turned heel too.



Actually, I was mad because I had floor seats at WM9, if nothing else. I was certainly NOT a fan of Tatanka and his undefeated streak, or Crush for that matter. Good lord no, he ruined Demolition! But I knew that The Undertaker would rise from the dead anyway. Truth is, when you compare the two monster heel champions, Vader was the one that fulfilled the aspect of my wrestling fandom that wants to see, well, violence and brutality. But you know, I could probably watch a Yokozuna match now and make it through with my teeth intact.

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With that in mind, fuck Yokozuna. I have more of an appreciation for what he was capable of in hindsight, but at the time, I think I would have rather pulled my own teeth out with rusty pliers than sit through his matches. How long did he have the title for again? When Bret finally got the title back from Yoko, it wasn't even exhilarating...more like "oh, thank god, it's FINALLY over."


You're just mad because he killed The Undertaker and ended Tatanka's undefeated streak. It's sort of his fault that Crush turned heel too.


Oh yeah, the onus is on xKamala to start this week's topic, so let's hear it.


Wasn't it Ludvig Borga who ended the streak? :huh:

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Yeah it was Borga who ended the streak, pinning Tatanka with one finger no less. That jerk!


I remember now. Yoko came out and destroyed Tatanka after the match. I miss Ludvig Borga.



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WWE was desperate for some foreign heels after the fall of the Soviet Union. Yokozuna was a Samoan that was masquerading as Japanese. The Quebecers were evil French Canadian mounties. Borga was a Finnish heel. Who the hell would hate Finland? Hell, the Finnish gave those Russian commie bastards all they wanted circa 1939.


The big problem I had with Yokozuna's run is that it lasted entirely too long. There was nothing about his act interesting enough to put the belt on him for 10 months. No mic skills at all, ultra boring fat boy matches with 10 minute long nerve holds, etc.

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WWE was desperate for some foreign heels after the fall of the Soviet Union. Yokozuna was a Samoan that was masquerading as Japanese. The Quebecers were evil French Canadian mounties. Borga was a Finnish heel. Who the hell would hate Finland? Hell, the Finnish gave those Russian commie bastards all they wanted circa 1939.


The big problem I had with Yokozuna's run is that it lasted entirely too long. There was nothing about his act interesting enough to put the belt on him for 10 months. No mic skills at all, ultra boring fat boy matches with 10 minute long nerve holds, etc.


If someone did the whole environmental slant that was part of Borga's gimmick, they'd probably get over as a heel very quickly. In fact, I'm kind of shocked it hasn't been done, although the whole "green" USA campaign might be a reason why it hasn't.


But you bring up a very good point. A staple of wrestling has always been "foreign" heels to play up to the jingonism of the crowd. The Russians of the '80's were great heels because they were supporting a country that could actually nuke us back if they wanted. Another big reason why they caught on like they did is that no Americans were getting killed fighting the Russians at the time, which is why Sgt. Slaughter as an Iraqi support and Muhammed Hassan failed.

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