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What songs should be banned?

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You see the title. You know what I speak about, those songs you hear all the time in ads, promotions, maybe on tv or the radio just playing. But what are these songs that just need to GO AWAY forever or at least not be used for years? I can think a couple off the top of my head.


1. Let the Bodies Hit the Floor--STOP!!! JUST STOP ALREADY!!! This song was kind of corny to begin with but fun for a while. But that was many years ago at this point. This song been played over and over again in movie promotions, ads of all sorts. And it's even played non-ironically at times. That's like playing a song like Kung Fu Fighting. Just FIND SOME MORE SONGS TO USE and not this one anymore.


2. Ladies and Gentlemen--You know what I'm talking about. This not been around as long as Bodies but it's been used in so many commercials including Wrestlemania. The first part the song is pretty cool, until the actual song begins and then it's just garbage. In fact how come everything from this band 'saliva' is always used? Do they have any fans? WHY CANT THESE COMPANIES FIND BETTER SONGS TO USE FOR THEIR ADS THAT ARE SHITTY IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?!


Now what other songs do you folks here everywhere that you just want to see not allowed using ever again?

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I'd make the case that We Will Rock You and We Are The Champions are really overdone. I see the 'arena anthem' theory, but it loses some mystique when it's played at every arena in North America.

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I wasn't thinking about those..but I agree, especially with the We Will Rock You part. I always thought that was overrated as an arena song anyway. It's just a cool beat, but not really a song that gets you fired up or evoke any sort of emotional response. It's sort of like THE WAVE of songs.



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I bet I'll like at least 25% of the songs in this thread. So far I like the two Queen songs and I like "Pusherman" and "Magic Carpet Ride" by Steppenwolf.



As for songs I think should be outlawed, it begins and ends with "I Just Called To Say I Love You" by Stevie Wonder

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

You should go more in-depth about your Steppenwolf hatred. That's a good band to hate.


Mine will be the Eagles, now and forever, but a lot of people can't stand them.


For something a little more personal, I'll say Queensryche.

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But you don't have to dislike a song to say that you don't wanna hear it too many times. I think lots those songs like Queen and Steppenwolf are fine too but that's the thing, it's overdone. It's lost any meaning it had cause you just hear it over and over again. And those are the good songs! The bad songs are much worse.


And here's the thing. Lots of songs nowadays are overplayed. Why is that? Because things are overexposed. In this society there is no restraint. If you can pump it out in mass amounts that's what's gonna happen. Same goes for music. A company sees a song they like, they get permission? They're gonna play it as much as they can. Like I said there's no restraint.



Another couple songs I thought of. That independent rock stuff they play on these MP3 Player commercials. We get it you think you are down with some kind of scene because these are lesser known songs. Well guess what, they aren't lesser known anymore because of you jackasses and they're just as annoying as any other song been overplayed. ANY SONG CAN BE OVERPLAYED!! It doesn't have to be well known.

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You're thinking of "The Pusher"? "Pusherman" is by Curtis Mayfield. One of my absolute favorite songs, that is.



Damn what a brainfart, I love Curtis Mayfield. "The Pusher" is what I was thinking of.

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Another couple songs I thought of. That independent rock stuff they play on these MP3 Player commercials. We get it you think you are down with some kind of scene because these are lesser known songs. Well guess what, they aren't lesser known anymore because of you jackasses and they're just as annoying as any other song been overplayed. ANY SONG CAN BE OVERPLAYED!! It doesn't have to be well known.

Who the hell is this addressed to?

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Anybody who thinks that the best way to use a song is put it an ad that's going to play it over again ad nauseum until it's as annoying as any other song been overplayed. I don't even know what some of these songs are called or who does them, that's why I can't get into specifics. But what I do know is that I hear em all the time when I watch something like ESPN. That's why I like a channel like Turner Classic Movies, they show good films and NO COMMERCIALS!! Which means no goddamn songs or jingles to listen to. And thank god I work at a place with no radio. Or else I'd have 200 more songs add to this list!!!

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Hotel California



Also, anything from James Taylor.

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Between the 3000 word dissection of Around the Horn, asking an indie wrestler to please stop using his message board name, and his outright hatred of that vile indie rock Kawalimus is turning into quite the TSM tour de force.

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-Any and every song by Pearl Jam

-Everything White Stripes

-The entire post-'98 JAMN 94.5 playlist that isn't Kanye West. The kid I work in my warehouse with perpetually leaves that station on, and then always complains about how it sucks, and we've sat down for an hour and a half and heard the same song THREE TIMES. Listen, I know that there's more of a variety of rock to be played (it's got about 20 years rap's elder in terms of accepted start of the style), but really: ARE YOU FUCKING TELLING ME THAT THE ONLY RAP WORTH LISTENING TO IS SHIT RELEASED IN THE LAST 3 WEEKS?!

-Dragonforce, Lamb of God, and Tool. I'm sick of all of 'em, and I can't turn MusicChoice Metal, Headbanger's Ball, WAAF, or WAAF's late-night metal show Harder Faster without hearing one - sometimes all three - of them. Yes, they're popular. Insanely so, in the point of Tool and Lamb of God. But is there NOTHING else to play?

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Also, anything from James Taylor.


I disagree. James Taylor is an artist who I never liked until maybe a year or so ago, then he started to kind of grow on me.


This came, I think, at least partially from the muzak where I was working at the time. They played 8 Elton John songs, the record, but James Taylor was in second place with 6.


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Between the 3000 word dissection of Around the Horn, asking an indie wrestler to please stop using his message board name, and his outright hatred of that vile indie rock Kawalimus is turning into quite the TSM tour de force.


I think you should read all my posts. Remember I said before, this isn't a "songs you hate" thread this is songs that are constantly used in pop culture or played that you think should be put on the backburner a significant amount of time so the main market isn't saturated in them. And the first two songs I mentioned in this thread sucked.


Now I don't know what any of those independent songs even were, and possibly they are good songs. What I'm saying is they are used so much and those commercials so often seen that they might as well be Stairway to Heaven. And just like Stairway to Heaven it is overplayed and overrated. I like Led Zeppelin too.


And Queen is a good artist. But the problem is those songs are played so much at arenas they have lost all the meaning they once may have had. So you want to hear different things, you want the corporate suits to try something different and give the arena a more local and cultural flavor rather than just the same mass marketed shit everyone else has.


That's what I'm trying to get at in this thread. If not I would called this thread "Songs you Hate". But remember you can still hate these songs, they just have to fit in the other category too.

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Between the 3000 word dissection of Around the Horn, asking an indie wrestler to please stop using his message board name, and his outright hatred of that vile indie rock Kawalimus is turning into quite the TSM tour de force.


I think you should read all my posts. Remember I said before, this isn't a "songs you hate" thread this is songs that are constantly used in pop culture or played that you think should be put on the backburner a significant amount of time so the main market isn't saturated in them. And the first two songs I mentioned in this thread sucked.


Now I don't know what any of those independent songs even were, and possibly they are good songs. What I'm saying is they are used so much and those commercials so often seen that they might as well be Stairway to Heaven. And just like Stairway to Heaven it is overplayed and overrated. I like Led Zeppelin too.


And Queen is a good artist. But the problem is those songs are played so much at arenas they have lost all the meaning they once may have had. So you want to hear different things, you want the corporate suits to try something different and give the arena a more local and cultural flavor rather than just the same mass marketed shit everyone else has.


That's what I'm trying to get at in this thread. If not I would called this thread "Songs you Hate". But remember you can still hate these songs, they just have to fit in the other category too.


Imade a new sandwich, and named it "Kawalimus Cod" google that fag.

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Most of the songs mentioned do fit your criteria, though, Kawalimus.


As an interesting sidenote, nothing is more oversaturating than muzak at work. Very interesting, my reactions to that. It got me to like James Taylor.

They played Elton John more than anything else and I never got sick of it. Elton is that good.


I got really sick of the Gnarls Barkley song "Crazy", so add that to the list.


Also, "Let's Get Retarded". They didn't play that at work, but I'm sick of it too.


And "Rock and Roll Part 2".

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I wasn't talking about you, Milky. I was talking about the guy who said I hated it. Mik was his name not Milky. :)


This was what I was referring to:


That's what I'm trying to get at in this thread. If not I would called this thread "Songs you Hate". But remember you can still hate these songs, they just have to fit in the other category too.


I don't think most people are just naming songs they hate.


I mean, I said anything by Steppenwolf, but obviously I mean their hits.


To continue the thread: a lot of Christmas music, but let's say "Jingle Bell Rock".

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Maybe, but "Jingle Bell Rock" gets played a lot more than "Age of Aquarius", or at least it seems that way.


The only time "Age of Aquarius" particularly bothered me was the use of it in 40 Year Old Virgin, tainting an otherwise hilarious movie.

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