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I'm really enjoying the show so far.


Not that I'm biased at all, but I'm also a huge Amy Adams fan. I'm sure that has nothing to do with it.


Ironically last time someone started a thread proclaiming a show to be terrible (Queen Latifah Oct 04), it ended up being one of my favourite shows of the season

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I'm liking this a lot more than last weeks. Not perfect, but still interesting.


Also, Tim Calhoun!

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I liked the twins skit with all the winking, and Amy Adams' awesomeness, but the farts were terrible- SNL should be above that.


And Tim Calhoun just owned you

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I died laughing at the barbecue/surgeon skit.


"They're performing surgery at a barbecue"

-something county police report. hahaha.

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Guest Shylock

There were only about three things I really liked on the show. The Digital Short, the Surgeon BBQ sketch with Will Forte and most of Weekend Update especially Tim Calhoun. The rest was utter and complete garbage, from what I saw.


And the non-stop Hillary love this show is putting forth is making me gag. Can they just come out already and say that SNL endorses Hillary Clinton?

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There were only about three things I really liked on the show. The Digital Short, the Surgeon BBQ sketch with Will Forte and most of Weekend Update especially Tim Calhoun. The rest was utter and complete garbage, from what I saw.


And the non-stop Hillary love this show is putting forth is making me gag. Can they just come out already and say that SNL endorses Hillary Clinton?



I know man. I've been thinking the same thing.

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There were only about three things I really liked on the show. The Digital Short, the Surgeon BBQ sketch with Will Forte and most of Weekend Update especially Tim Calhoun. The rest was utter and complete garbage, from what I saw.


And the non-stop Hillary love this show is putting forth is making me gag. Can they just come out already and say that SNL endorses Hillary Clinton?



I know man. I've been thinking the same thing.


I'll agree, it's getting old and I'm tired of seeing it.


I normally don't like the Tim Calhoun bits, but that was one of the better ones. I liked the first skit with the fat twin. But the Project Runway one they did was a complete throwaway, as well as the late Kennan skit

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SNL Review- Amy Adams/Vampire Weekend


Cold Opening

Cast- Amy Poehler, Fred Armisen

Thoughts- Poor Jim Downey. I think he rues the day John Edwards got the expensive haircut and killed any chances of him being president. This was funnier than the two debates, but it seems like they did a Obama-Clinton cold opening because they had to, not because Downey was inspired to. I liked this though, and Amy’s Hillary is enjoyable, even though Fred’s Obama continues to lag about. ***



Cast- Amy Adams, Kristen Wiig

Thoughts- I was informed that this monologue was a reference to the musical Wicked, which I have not seen nor do I know anything about. But I love Amy Adams, and I love Amy Adams even more when she sings, so I enjoyed this more than it had every right to be enjoyed. ***1/4


Mirror Image

Cast- Adams, Wiig, Bill Hader, Andy Samberg

Thoughts- I admit that when the skit began I thought: Huh, there’s no show on ABC Family called Mirror Image. Alas, there is not. Amy Adams was hilarious here, and I loved her winking, but didn’t care much for Wiig’s farting antics. I did like the line about how they change schools everyday, that made me laugh. And it was a clever way of paying of the monologue. And Amy Adams is hot. **3/4


Couples Therapy

Cast- Adams, Poehler, Forte

Thoughts- This was very well-written, and at this point, Will Forte can do these skits in this sleep. I like that his character wasn’t a dirtbag, and actually really loved Amy’s character. Fans of Amy Adams will note that she played a similar oblivious character in the Ex, which sadly, I saw. Though not because of Amy Adams. Lots of good lines here, and good performances too! ***1/2


SNL Digital Short

Cast- Adams, Sudeikis, Samberg

Thoughts- I wonder why Jorma left, I mean Hot Rod didn’t actually set the box office on fire. Even though I saw it opening night. Andy’s song went on for much too long, but the payoff of Jason beating the crap out of him while Amy Adams just watched was great. Come back Jorma! ***


Project Runway

Cast- Adams, Hader, Poehler, Wilson

Thoughts- This one went completely over my head since I do not watch Project Runway. Amy Adams as Heidi Klum made me laugh a little but everything else was lost on me. ¼*


Vampire Weekend

Thoughts- Who the hell is Vampire Weekend? It’s a pretty cool name if nothing else. I had heard some of their stuff on Alt Nation a few days before this and they’re a pretty solid band if nothing else and this was a good song. ***1/4


Weekend Update

Cast- Poehler, Seth Meyers, Thompson, Forte

Thoughts- When did Seth and Amy officially awesome? I think they’re starting to sniff Fallon Fey, and that’s without vagina jokes. It’s a good combination of a slowly improving Amy and Seth’s know-it-all demeanour that’s not as horribly smug like Jon Stewart. Lots of great jokes here, even though they fell off a bit toward the end. I loved Mike Huckabee, thought Rudy was clever, and felt Hillary was reaching. But TIM CALHOUN??? Awesome. I was waiting for Forte to bust this out, I mean his candidacy is as legitimate as Mike Gravel’s. Kenan’s European comic was so awful that I had to laugh. Great Update, and I hope we can get a run of Updates like this to finish out the season. ****



Cast- Adams, Wiig, Thompson, Hader, Wilson

Thoughts- Sadly, the movie Penelope starring Christina Ricci and Reese Witherspoon is not about a girl who embellishes her life. It’s about a girl with a pig nose. Penelope managed to rise above the usual Penelope awfulness with the bit about George Washington. That actually made me laugh a lot. *1/4


Dr. Uncle Jimmy’s

Cast- Adams, Forte, Hader, Sudeikis, Thompson, Samberg

Thoughts- Bizarre Will Forte!! A lot of things to like here, and I had to rewatch it again to really give it a proper rating. While on second viewing, it didn’t hold up quite as much as I wanted to, (it ran on a little too long), it was very funny. I think my favourite part was Jason questioning his blood bag and Andy silently switching them in the background, and the quote from the police report was hilarious. Amy’s walk-on cameo as Ellen Pompeo didn’t work for me, and it’s the one time I didn’t find her attractive. Then again, Ellen Pompeo is pretty bleh, so maybe that was the point? ***3/4


Roger Clemens

Cast- Adams, Sudeikis, Darrell Hammond, Hader, Armisen, Poehler, Samberg, Forte, Thompson

Thoughts- A swing and a miss by Seth. Apparently this didn’t play well at Ellen Page, so they brought it back here. I think they missed the boat on Clemens, since he’s disappeared off the front pages. Jason’s Clemens was funny, but none of the one-acts worked for me. *


Tookie Styles and Zookie Styles

Cast- Adams, Thompson, Armisen, Samberg, Hader, Sudeikis,

Thoughts- This was awful, but I liked it just the same. Kenan was really funny here, and I loved Bill Hader’s reaction to doing the Zookie dance before getting shot at. I loved the setup for the final bit with Amy Adams, with her on and off Irish accent and her forgetting her purse. Don’t know why I laughed so hard at it, but I really did. **1/4


Vampire Weekend

Thoughts- Another solid performance by the band. I wonder if with the writers strike curtailed the booking for a lot of musical guests since really- Vampire Weekend? Then again last year the hosts were a whose who of C-listers, so the bookers really suck. ***1/4


Dance Fever

Cast- Adams, Poehler, Hader, Wilson, Wiig, Sudeikis, Forte, Thompson

Thoughts- Damn, was Amy Adams looking hot in this skit. Of course it was terrible as most of the skits revolving all the girls are, but I was watching Amy Adams. And Enchanted rules, I don’t care what anyone says. Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day is also better than any movie called Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day should be. *


The Bottom Line- The avg. skit was **.57 making this a thumbs up show. Amy Adams was an excellent and was a highlight in many of the skits. While there were a few clunkers here and there, the show was helped out by a solid musical guest and an excellent Weekend Update. Any show that does a skit about a BBQ joint performing surgery is going to be a fun show in my books.


Thumbs Up


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