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Zero Punctuation Reviews

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Army of Two


I haven't played the game but I've not heard great things about it.


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Zack and Wiki


Now this is a good game. Completeing one of the puzzles reminds me of the smugness I get when I crack a case on Phoenix Wright.

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Haven't watched a full review yet (I'm at work and I have no speakers) but the clips I've seen on X-Play have me interested at least. I'll give them a shot when I get home

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I've been watching them pretty much constantly since I was linked to them. My favorites are Jericho, Guitar Hero 3, and the GDC Awards.

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No More Heroes


It took me a while to find, but here it is.


We've talked about this a bit in the Wii thread, but I'd like to say that I really like NMH. The action is fun, the controls work well and overall it's a really nice detraction from all the mundane and boring games we get elsewhere (will the 360 release anything other than a shooting game?!) and Yathzee pretty much says everything I've said about the game in the review. Which is probably why I like him so much, we agree on A LOT of things.


Speaking of his reviews, does anyone else find that because of the fast pace, you have to watch it twice just to get every point?

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Maybe only on one or two jokes, but mainly because of his accent or Brit/Aussie terms I don't understand.


I'm about to watch the No More Heroes one. Perfect candidate for one of his reviews; a game I throughly enjoyed while being perfectly conscious of its many flaws.


EDIT: so did he, apparently.

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You all are about a solid two months behind my friends and I on riding the Zero Punctuation bandwagon. I'd forgot the name of the site and was glad to see it mentioned here this morning.

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You all are about a solid two months behind my friends and I on riding the Zero Punctuation bandwagon. I'd forgot the name of the site and was glad to see it mentioned here this morning.


I actually started watching them around a month and a half ago after being refered to them when I was talking to a friend about AVGN.

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You all are about a solid two months behind my friends and I on riding the Zero Punctuation bandwagon. I'd forgot the name of the site and was glad to see it mentioned here this morning.


Knew about it since his very first video on The Escapist, actually...

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Condemened 2


I really liked the first game, it was genuinly scary and part of what made it so scary was that you rarely found guns. What annoyed me with this one was the guns seemed more frequent and you could then holster them a point later in the game.


ZP pretty much nails on the head, yet again, what I didn't like. But the point where I disliked the game was

the level where you run around with big guns being protected by an army dude with another big gun. It just made me think, "this went from being different to every FPS to being exactly like every other FPS

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Ah, "Indigo Prophecy Syndrome". A malady that many game designers should be aware of. That story just vomited all over itself after that chase scene with the cops (people who have played it should know exactly what I'm talking about).

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The worst part of Indigo Prophecy isn't when the story falls to shit. It's when you realise that after all the hype about choice and consequences, only TWO fucking decisions in the whole game end up meaning ANYTHING.

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I get his complaints for Smash Brothers. I have a friend who hates the series, so it didn't really surprise me.


He's 100% right about having to unlock Snake and Sonic though. Given how hard Nintendo's pushed them, they should have been defaults. Snake's easy to unlock but Sonic's a BITCH.

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I disagree, the hype for them has been worthwhile, but something as huge as those two charcters should warrent unlocking.

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I agree with the SSBB review 100%. I've tried a few times to play this in Gamestop only to find that the camera in some levels is pulled so far back that I can barely see anything my character is doing. Another random complaint of mine occurs during whichever of the levels has the long b ridge in it, and not a lot else. I was playing in that level and one of the characters I was fighting decided to throw a bomb or something that destroyed most of the bridge, causing me to fall through. No big deal, except for the fact that it was such a wide gap, that everytime my character respawned, I respawned directly over the gap, and fell to my death each time. Just a glitch I know, but it was still no less annoying.

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I'm very curious to see how his reviews progress into the future, now that he's a contributing editor for a major gaming magazine (PC Gamer). He's been able to proceed with scathing (and startlingly accurate) commentary in Zero Punctuation because he hasn't had to worry about maintaining any professional relationships with game studios...he hasn't had to worry about any repercussions from pissing anybody off before now.

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Hmm... all though they did remove the blurb from the video page saying that he worked for PC Gamer as well.


... or maybe I've gone completely off tit.

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Sorry it's late, I've been filming a horror film in the woods of Banbury.


God of War: Olympus Something on PSP


I'll be honest, I've never played a God of War game, but I have a big distain for 3rd person action adventure games so I'd probably hate it.

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I was just about to post this!


It's pretty good, I like it when he insults fanboys. And I knew the backlash would be pretty bad from his review on SSBB. To be honest, the complaints he got were by and large retarded.

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He hits on a lot of the issues I have with the game: the whole "relationship" system does get kind of tedious once you unlock all the islands and have to drive all the way from Alderney to the first island if, say, Brucie wants to go out. Now I either phone up Roman for the free cab or just hail one myself.

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Decent review, but I've never been a fan of the GTA series so I can't really comment on it.

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